Apendixs and infection afterwords

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I had my apendix removed 4 days ago and am experiencing what I think is a infection in and around the belly of the incition ive been to a&e and they sent me home with antibiotics witch dont seem to be working I'm in awful lot of pain as anybody ever experienced this after this procedure? If so what did you do to help it

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    I am not sure what A & E is but I hope you went to see another doctor about this. Don't ignore.

  • Posted

    Hi Lisa, can you please advise outcome from infection round the belly , I had my appendix removed 5 days ago, and seemed to have same thing round patch around


    • Posted

      Hi 1 James. After I had wrote this comment I went to doctors and we're prescribed stronger antibiotics than amoxacilin were told to to take the both together it took about 3 weeks to clear up and was extremely painful through out 2 weeks of the time. So I'd go to your doctors and ask for pain relief and antibiotics it will soon start clearing up. I'm still not in the clear tho as I have a stich now hanging out of my belly button were the scar is and we're told these would disolve I would keep your eye on this also

    • Posted

      Thanks for that been to the gp,who sent be back straight to a & e after 4 hours of waiting , surgeon saw me , and advised I have serious infection around the belly which needed open up, under general anaesthetic, drain and close , and more antibiotics, so I have to go tomorrow morning, and do it , all that, just main lesson don't ignore any pains , signs of redness after surgery as it's signs of complications after surgery

    • Posted

      Good I'm glad to ear your are getting sorted just try to take things steady because it's so painful

    • Posted

      I can't undrstand why they don't keep u in no more than a day after surgery I think they should just for precaution really

    • Posted

      No time need to go abroad on holiday with family in 2 weeks so , I better recover quickly smile

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