Apple cider vinegar

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Someone was talking to me today about Apple cider vinegar, has anyone taken it and seen any improvements re perimenopause symptoms? Would be interested to hear any thing.


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4 Replies

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    Hi Ruth I have started taking this for about a week for all the benefits it offers including the help of weight loss which I'm struggling with. Not really feel much different yet but it does suggest 12 weeks.

    Anything's worth a try.

  • Posted

    I was for awhile as a woman in my water class takes it.  Her neuropath Dr gave her this concoction to drink.  She says that she feels 'wonderful'.  I did it for awhile and then it just dwindled.  But I should start back up because it's helps our joints in the winter.

    Right now I'm having my teenage son take it for his acne---  we'll see if it helps..  

  • Posted

    Hi Ruth, I took it when my hot flashes were over the top and yes, it did help a great deal. But I don't like taking vinegar without food, so I only took it when I couldn't sleep due to my hot flashes. I never heard of vinegar helping with any other symptoms yet, I can say with certainty that the effects of taking vinegar was immediate such that if I had to wait days or weeks for it to take affect I wouldn't have continued. I've taken chia seeds, Don Quai, Borage oil with Primrose oil, Flax seed oil, Flax seed drink, Red Clover tea, St.John Wort (I don't recommend it) and Sage to name a few. I also took stuff that didn't work like, Estroven, and Black Cohosh.  I took them for 2-3 months each and both were a  total waste of money and time.  I'm going to suggest you try Gaba-P, otc. I took the prescribed one, which worked great for reducing symptoms, but I only took it for a year.  I've heard Gaba-P otc is even better because it's natural.  

  • Posted

    yes and also try collodial gold some may call it ionic gold you can get silver two but gold is good for hot flushes and foggy brain. i have apple cider vinigar with the mother for alsorts ran out a few months back but il be getting more.

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