Apple cider vinegar and acid reflux

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Has anybody tried apple cider vinegar for acid reflux? If so, can you share your experience? (I've really got to the last point)

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  • Edited

    Hi Donna,

    I have tried this a little but not properly. I watched a video on YouTube where this guy swore by it and took it every day. Anyway, I have tried having a glass of water with a teaspoon of apple cider in it, first thing for about a week and then give up! I have bad acid reflux, can't eat anything without internal hiccups pretty soon after eating. Been to the Doctors and they prescribed Omerprazole for a month. Took then and didn't see any improvement. Busy life just gets in the way, should go back but I'm scared as will refer me for a camera thingy and put me back on pills. Hate taking pills due to a bad reaction to some a couple of years ago (now that's a different story). I take it you have bad reflux? I'm trying to eat healthily, have cut out the big causes but still get it. Fed up of it.

    • Posted

      I think we watched the same guy 😁. If it's the same guy, first he's a man and second he used to have a super unhealthy lifestyle. I tried apple cider vinegar for a month. Sometimes helped sometimes didn’t. On the morning with empty stomach, made me sicker. I should have something in my stomach. If I use more than a tablespoon, I`ll get bad feelings. I feel more comfortable with fresh lemon juice. There are a few problems here : these are food and leave stomach in 30 min, so back to the first point. HCL is supposed to stay in stomach. Then if you have inflammation along Esophagus, it hurts although I drink water after. Two days ago, I had my endoscopy, everything was normal. I expected they some sore or inflammation. Nothing! I think I've got crazy. I'm Omeprazol- free for 40 days and I think I will eventually give up. Maybe the medicine you can take after your meals are better. You can decide to take them when you need them. My life has been hell and guess what, I'm going to celebrate the beginning of 14 months of acid reflux!

    • Posted

      That's great news about your endoscopy, I fear i will be referred for one if I go back to the doctors. I will do but want to anything natural first. I've had omerprazole twice and didn't think it helped at all. If anything, it increased my anxiety although the nurse practitioner said that it wasn't possible. So how long were you taking omerprazole? Not that it was too bad anyway, I've really cleaned up my diet, trying to reduce wheat intake, don't smoke and don't drink much at all yet still suffering big style.

    • Posted

      I have a new test: esophageal manometry, a tube through nose 😐. My reflux started 13 months ago. I thought it was a pms reflux. I took O maybe 18 times in a month (doctor told me when I needed). First two months, everything was under control. Then, useless. In December, I chocked on food. I can't tell you the feeling, I couldn't breathe and talk. My mouth was so dry, I felt my tongue was going backwards. I myself stopped O (let nature heal me, kind of faith). Saliva came back to my mouth and I felt better. But now, I have small coughs (bad symptom) and pain in chest keep me awake at night. I'm really tired. I know endoscopy is scary but please don't make it big for yourself. Do it! You'll be sure nothing is wrong there. I don't eat grains too but I really don't feel any change. I have acid reflux after everything. We also don't use canned food, tomato paste and MINCED meat or chicken, frying oil and sugar. Try raisin (without additive). Yogurt and cheese are the only comfort food (some doctors say they are bad). If you can, try FRESH aloe vera (The bottled gel didn't help me).

    • Posted

      Hi Donna,

      any updates? I finally went back to the doctors this week and have been put back on omerprazole for 8 weeks! Arghhhh! Only a few days in so too early to see if its making a difference. Also been referred for an endoscope which was I expecting. Just hope its not as bad as I think it will be and finally provide some answers. I bought some aloe vera juice and that hasnt made any difference. Still suffering day after day with internal burping after eating and drinking anything and even at random times in between.

    • Edited

      Sorry, I lost this website on my new phone. I hope you feel better. I do. My stomach feels better. I can sleep almost lying down. Now, I eat only one meal per day and not later than 5 p.m. So at night, I feel really better. Aloe vera didn’t help, because of its additives. But somehow menopause has found another way to ruin my life. I really wish you feel better now.

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