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Hi,anyone ever going through the Menopause get this symptom..just staring at the Telly could come on sudden or out shopping and see a accident or someone fighting brings it on.

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11 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Maria, yes I have this happen too. I used to love to see an exciting movie or read a thriller novel. I have to be very careful with that right now though, otherwise I get the 'doomies'.

    I had a really good summer symptom-wise, and thought I was finally winding down the perimenopause, and the change of seasons seems to have brought some of my symptoms back. Not as bad as my worst times though, for which I am grateful.

    Be kind to yourself, honey. Praying this will pass quickly for you.

    • Posted

      Ah, yes, you be right, juanita. Hugs to you!! We'll make it through!

    • Posted

      I've taken to watching fluffy Hallmark Christmas movies, happy endings and no horrible scenes that make your mind go to dark places. ((((Hugs)))) to you!

  • Posted

    Thank you Sara  yes hoping to go back watching what I use to watch with out fear wishing you the best.
    • Posted

      And all the best to you too. Thank you for opening this topic. I see some good ideas in the replies 🌞

  • Posted

    Hi Maria yes I have this don’t like anything to do with violence accidents illness hospitals it sets me off feeling apprehensive also this perimenopause ride is truly horrible sending hugs to you lovely ladies 🤗🤗🤗xxx

  • Posted

    Hi Maria , yes I nee to be very careful of what I read or watch as my mind works overtime ! Some days better than others but anything light hearted is the best solution . Anything that may put a smile on your face is the best advice I can share with you ! Hugs Elaine xxx
  • Posted

    Hi Maria

    Yes I get it randomly. I avoid the news and only watch positive programmes. Im 51 and am having some very random symptoms. I can be ok for a couple of months then get bad months. No tolerance to stress. I think sugar aggravates it. Hope you feel better. 

  • Posted

    You ladies are a gift from God. Yes maria76995, I have to be careful what I watch and read or I get gloomy. But I have to just push through sometimes because I work as a Victim Advocate at the local Police Dept. and I have to be there for the victims . Robberies, domestic violence, homicides, etc. I deal with this on a daily basis. This time of year is so hard on me, I'm also starting to get burned out.

    Lately, I've been watching fluffy Hallmark Christmas movies. Happy endings, no blood and guys. I cannot believe I'm not alone with this symptom.

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