Archive for Experience of Pityriasis Rosea from 2005
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A year ago I started noticing ringworm looking sites on my body, and they did NOT itch. I went to the Doc and he told me immediately that it was pityriasis rosea and gave me some Topicort, which worked. I was so embarrassed, since they looked like ringworms. I'm a very clean person and consider myself high class and not promiscuous. I could NOT figure out how and why I got this. I think I got them from the tanning bed. Anyhow, I recently started itching under my chin and thought they were mosquito bites until I noticed one on my arm and recognized it and realized that it was the same thing under my chin. This time, they DID itch. I still have some of the Topicort left and have started using it, and it's working well. I have done tons of research on this virus on the 'net and it did state that it shouldn't reoccur, but mine did.
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It was a releif to read other similar situations to mine. About 10 days ago I noticed a large red raised bump on my left breast and thought it was from my clothes rubbing and just kept an eye on it. Two days later I had about half a dozen or so on my belly and my initial thought was shingles which I had about 10 years ago. I am also 6 months pregnant so was very about what this was and how it would affect the pregnancy. I went to the doctors that morning who thought it was ringworm and gave me some cream to use for 10 days. I felt yuk, not really knowing too much about ringworm but it didnt sound very nice. About 5 days later, the red marks spread but have stayed around the belly, breast areas. Even more concerned I went to see my GP who said it was PR and didnt seem too concerned at all. It wont affect the pregnancy, there is nothing to take that will speed up the recovery and to let nature take its course for about 8 weeks (I am currently at week 2 when I hope they have stopped developing now). I asked what had caused it and he couldnt really confirm. Having done some research on the web it doesnt actually say. I am guessing stress as I am a very stressful person and worrying about a million things with the pregnancy and have been constantly ill throughout with that. Anyway it itches slightly mainly when I am dressed for work rather than slobbing around at home so I am going to get some camomile lotion. I was relieved to see its not serious just bad luck and a nuisance, although I am surprised to see so many comments have had a reoccurance which is not good news. Anyway, my husband keeps teasing me I have the lergy but has been really sweet as although nobody else can see it as it bothers me knowing its there and I just feel a bit yuk, a little tired but that is probably the pregnancy anyway. It could be a lot worse but I do sympathise with those who have had a bad case of it all over. Keep smiling.
NC age 24.
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I first noticed my herald spot on my left breast (of all places...!) on the 31st of March. It started as a smallish red blotch, like I had been bitten by a bug or pinched. It didn't go away and instead seemed to change by getting bigger, and more oval shaped, very pink/red and the surface became wrinkley and then kind of flaked off leaving the edges raised slightly. When it was the size of a large thumb print with a distinct red edge (which was probably a week after it first appeared) I decided I couldn't ignore it and got on the internet to do some research.
I was pretty sure straight away that I had Pityriasis Rosea, the pictures of the "mother spot" (god, that sounds scary!) seemed the same and I realised that that meant I had more to look forward to...
The next day (11th April) I seemed to have small raised itchy bumps around my collar line (this was 11 days after the herald spot first showed up). I booked a Doctors appointment for the next day.
By the next day I had similar spots on my belly and chest and along the bottom of my hair line. Even though I was pretty sure I knew what was wrong from all the websites I had seen describing the subject and showing pictures, I wanted it confirmed. The Doctor (supposed professional...???!!!) said the herald spot was ringworm and the small bumps were insect bites.... I told him what I thought it was and he said "oh no no no, Pityriasis Rosea is different" but he did take a skin scrapping to get tested (to "prove me wrong!)I bought the two prescriptions (13.00 wasted pounds) for my "ringworm" and "insect bites" and hoped the doctor was right because I had seen pictures of how this condition can progress and I did not want to have to wait 3 months for it to go.
Anyway the cream and tablets did nothing and within a couple of days the small red bumps had got larger (fingerprint size and shape) and had now spread. I had about 100 at one point, covering my neck, chest, inside arms, breasts, ribcage, belly (even in my belly button!) and my shoulders and back. Although it sounds really bad, (and believe me, I wasn't thrilled about them!) they weren't generally itchy- except when I was hot or at night, so I kept taking the antihistamines to calm this. My only hope was to just covered up and ignore them really! I tried to moisture lots and I also used Bach Flower remedy rescue cream on the Herald spot and the other big ones because they just looked so sore. Don't know if this helped directly but I think they peaked around the 29th of April and after this no more showed up. Also had the results of my skin scrapping and guess what no fungus- so no ringworm then! and the nurse said "I thought it was Pityriasis Rosea when I first saw you" and I was like"...well yeah DUH!!!"
It has been 3 weeks now since I first noticed the rest of the spots and today I finally feel they are going away. I went for a sun bed on the 23rd, 25th and 30th April for 3 minutes a time and I think this has really helped. Today they are really pale and seem to be flaking just like lots of dry areas of skin. The herald patch has reduced in size and colour with the distinct edge on one side almost gone completely. I certainly feel confident to wear tops that expose my neck etc now, which is good because it's going to be summer soon and the scarfs are looking a little obvious already!! All of them are certainly still there though, especially around my belly, in fact I think they are fading in the reverse order that they arrived. They look more like scars now in some places, like shiny bits of skin that I reckon will fade over time.
Basically my advice from
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I first went to see a doctor who thought I had scabies and tried to treat it with some tonic and made me throw out my matress.
The skin tonic did not work so I went back and was lucky enough to see a tropical doctor who looked at my back and the pattern and diagnosed me with pityriasis Rosea. I was given some mild cream to put on my skin and it healed witin a few weeks.
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they are all over my stomach back and neck, as a16 yr old girl, it is quite frustrating!
they itch like mad, i have been takin antihistamines for the past 2 days n they seem to help the itching.
the doctor knew what it was straight away.
i have also been tired:?
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My daughter was sent home today from school she is only 5 years old.Abby has a spot on her neck that they thought was a ring worm so I took her to a Dr as you do, and Dr said its not a ringworm its PR. I just wanted to say that reading this information has helped me alot Thanks to all of you. My nerves have settled down
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Initially, I thought I had had an allergic reaction to something and tried all the usual remedies to no avail. I then went to the doctor and was treated for an allergy, nothing touched it.
It was only when I visited the hospital with my husband in accident & emergency that I took drastic action and whilst he was being seen, got myself seen to at the same time. The A&E Consultant could not believe that I'd had this rash for so long with no respite. He gave me an adrenalin shot which caused the itch to subside for a short while. He gave me some Eumovate. I returned in a couple of days as he requested, it hadn't work, he gave me Betnovate. I went back in a few days, it hadn't worked so he sent me to see the skin specialist.
I hadn't even sat in the chair and he said that it was PR and as fast as it had come, there was no cure for it and it would never occur again. He was right, it disappeared after about 8-10 weeks.
I found that nothing at all helped with the itching other than constant cold showers (of which I had several a day as it was in the height of summer), however, this caused my skin to dry and crack so had to smother myself with moisturiser.
I've not had a re-occurence although I did get an itchy patch on the inside of my arm, which when from a small red patch to a big one - it was the only spot to come up. I was treated for a fungal infection, nothing worked, it went within about 8 weeks - who knows what it was.
A spooky thing then occurred. My daughter (age 14) said she had been bitten on the thigh and the spot was itching like made, went through the usual anti-histimine treatments - nothing. After about a week and a half, she had more red spots appearing on her legs, I took her to the doctors who said it was eczema, prescribed Eumovate - pah!! The rash continued and literally covered her legs and behind. Took her back to the doctor, still eczema - Betnovate - zippo. I mentioned to the GP that I had had PR and this looked similar - he said it definitely wasn't PR because the spots were not oval and it only affected the trunk and arms.
She went away for a week to her grandmothers and the rash did not settle, so she was taken to a local GP who immediately ordered blood tests - testing for infectious vasculitis, something which needs to be treated quickly, although she did not have all the symptoms. The tests came back negative. On her return, I took her back to our GP saw another doctor who said it was fungal - tablets and cream - another blank. At the same time he said he would send her to see a specialist - at this stage, the rash was spreading slightly up her abdomen and arms. I jumped the queue and broke my cardinal rule and went private as she was going back to school and wanted it cleared as quickly as possible. All the time I was looking at this rash I thought - "I've seen that before, I bet it is PR" but it was not "text book" but hey, neither was my episode. During the week before she was due to see the specialist, the rash wasn't as angry looking and stopped itching. I was still convinced it was PR. Saw the specialist today and he was not absolutely sure what it was, he was the same consultant I saw and when I said about PR, he said "well that is what I'm thinking but it usually affects the trunk and arms, the distribution of the spots does not fit but the length of time she has had it (7 weeks) and its subsidence does". So I paid £100 to be told what I had already diagnosed myself.
It is obviou
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It began as what I thought were insect bites; and then I thought an allergy. Finally, after having this mildly itchy rash for two weeks I booked to see my G.P. The first available appointment was 8 days from when I booked it. Two and a half weeks after the rash began, I was very ill in bed for 3 days with sharp, stabbing stomach pain, splitting headache, nausea, shivering and sweating alternately, and aching all over. I found it impossible to even sit down - I just had to be flat in bed. And I slept a great deal over the three days. After this, the rash spread and increased in size from what looked like finger marks to large, red, itchy areas.
Today, the doctor says PR.
Incidentally, the rash appears, and, after a day or so, fades. The following day it reappears elsewhere on my body. The only places it hasn't appeared yet are my neck, face, feet and hands.
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