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These three weeks have been pure hell for me. I woke up this morning and while i was laying in bed i prayed to God to give me a better day than yesterday. I slowly made my way out of bed hoping not to feel a racing heart which i didn't. As i was making my way to the bathroom i felt disoriented , like something wrong with me. My legs felt funny, somewhat unable to walk, my back stiff, rib pain, breathing off. I slowly got in the shower and as the water hit me i started to cry. I am 44 why has my life turned to the worst i thought to myself. After getting ready i made myself a smoothy and took my vitamins and made my way to the coach. I turned on the tv and watched a interview with Celine Dion. She was talking on her show coming to an end in Vegas in June. She was happy, smiling. As i sat there watching this interview i asked myself how do these celebs do it. They get up early to do rehearsal then make it on stage every night. Dance and sing for 2 hrs. Then there are the actresses who are on set daily. What in earth are they doing that we are not. I feel like there is no life in me. Its such a beautiful day outside after a long winter and i wish for my old self that would be out there enjoying it. I will have to resort to sitting in the back, hoping that these symptoms ease up so i can take a walk around the block. i am crying writing this. this forum is all i have and my son. I feel that everyone is tired of me complaining and not feeling well. i pretend to be ok when people call.Have you ladies ever wondered about these celebs, or is just me. Hugs to all struggling today. God bless

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21 Replies

  • Posted

    prozac and xanax. I'm in a fog today too. and on top of everything else my allergies are really bad so I took allegra last night and I'm about to pass out so I'm with you...

  • Posted

    Hello and you are not alone.

    I feel your pain as I am writing this.

    I am 56, still perimenopause. Have been on this forum many times.

    I spotted a few months back so my GYN told me to start counting again.

    I have had all sorts of symptoms, but the emotional and anxiety are hands down the worst.

    I also wake up and just want to cry. I, right now I have it, constant underlying anxiety.

    I feel the same way that I do not even want to go outside.

    I have two dogs that force me to, which I guess is a good thing.

    I was prescribed an antidepressant, which after taking for two days, I said to myself

    "the last thing I need is putting this chemical in my body, because of the initial side effects, I now dont know what is from medication and how I am actually feeling. " So I decided against taking it.

    I do go to a psychologist. She is somewhat helpful but only when I am there. I feel like I need her to live with me.

    I am sorry what you are going through. If someone could tell me that it does end, I think I could cope better.

  • Posted

    I really do know and am sorry for how you feel and also know what you mean... however did you read the Daily Mail interview with Carol Vorderman, regarding her menopause struggle, obviously shes mot a huge A list star but an smazingly busy woman nevertheless... she claims she was suicidal until she went to see professor studd and he tailor made a hrt regime for her. Now shes a new woman... i guess this won't work for everyone but good for her at least...

    It does make you wonder how many of these 'depressed' tv stars are actually menopausal?

    I feel exactly the same, I'm a totally different person to who i was - almost like an alien in my own body!!

    I've started taking various vitamins/minerals plus a new hrt regime so will see how i go, gotta' keep trying!!

    Hang in there darling, better days will come for us. Try and stay strong and be kind to yourself. Rest when you need to, try to exercise a little if and when you can, try and get good sleep, stay hydrated...

    Sending lots of love your way. xxx

  • Posted


    I am in the bath crying as i read your post

    I had a ten year peri hell and now two years post

    Things have nit improved

    The anxiety is unbearable

    I have the added stress of my daughter and three year old grandaughter back home with me

    I am falling out with ny husband constantly

    They are all sick of hearing me mosn as they call it

    I feel like i am slowly dying

    I know im not but i have too many symptoms to list

    This week has been paticularly bad

    I still work but felt like running out on Thursday i was so agitated and anxious

    I would say just take one day at a time

    Because one day can be bad and then a semi good day

    It is so overwhelming when you just get one symptom after another

    I say to myself is this really just menopause?

    I have had blood tests last year to confirm my ovaries have shut down

    No period for almost two years

    I am yet to see an improvement

    God help us all x

    • Posted

      i thought i had replied to u but cant see it x I am nearly 60 and 3 years post meno and its a living hell.I have health anxiety and worry sick about everything .I work part time and help look after my 15 month grandson.Some days i want to curl in a ball and hope this mental torture goes awsy xThe dr doing blood test monday and i am sick with worry something is wrong .Its a lonely place ti be trapped in your own head .Pray to god for us all .

    • Posted

      amen to this!!! i cried last night (again) and told my husband (and my mom who is 80 and I cant keep up with her) that i want to feel good FOR JUST ONE DAY!!!! is that too much to ask!?!)❤❤❤

  • Posted

    I think most celebs go from bcp's right to hormones. And taking all sorts of other things. Lisa Rina carries around a big baggie full of pills and hormomes and xanax are in there with a slew of vitamins and supplements and who knows what else? And they are actors so they know how to fake it.

    Celebs are just people like us so I'm sure a few are having a bad time. Cher got hit bad with EBV in her 40s, was out for three years. Yolanda Hadid has lots of issues, stemming from Lyme, but could be hormonal too. I think celebs are careful about what they reveal because it could cost them jobs.

    • Posted

      I agree with everything you've said, especially that celebs are careful so as not to lose their earning potential.

      What is EBV??

    • Posted

      epsteon barr virus ... i have it now 1 year its horrendous with not much help from the medic al field. didnt know she had it but 3 years sounds about right .

    • Posted

      Oh ok...yes i have a friend who had this. She is fine now but it took awhile for her to get through it. prayers for strength to cover you...

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      thank you going through both mono and meno has been a nightmare

  • Posted

    I have wondered that myself. how celebs do it..Especially the ones who perform all the time but the other ones, maybe they take lots of naps in the days leading up to an event and then after crash. You know I just went away for about 4 days and I felt a bit better (energy). We stayed in a hotel so I didn't have to cook or anything.. That could help too. These celebs have ppl working for them to make sure EVERYTHING is taken care of even the most nutritionist meals and yes plenty of vitimins too-- I would love to have my own personal person scheduled a couple times a week for yoga, meditation or even a walk. I think that makes a HUGE difference too. But yes I am now back to feeling 'low' with no energy, cooking and doing the things that need to get done. I have that foggy feeling too. My period is due next week and certainly not looking forward to it-- those headaches are terrible.

  • Posted

    yes I agree with everyone else celebs are very careful what they reveal and how they really feel..I watch them all close on tv too and wonder WTH... and in my opinion the ones who aren't good at faking it at all or perhaps not on anything you can clearly spot.. Heather locklear, Wendy Williams, and d8d you see celine Dion last night on jimmy kimmel she looks to be a bit loopy in my opinion., and the Kardashians sisters were on jimmy kimmel a few nights ago and I think that oldest sister kourtney starting always crying shes about to turn 40 so they'll going thru too..

  • Posted

    Yes! I agree with what some of the other ladies said. Celebs have tons of money and therefore support, the best doctors, dermatologists to make them look good, someone to cook for them, and of course the lack of financial stress most of us have. BUT there is one celeb who is talking about it. Google Viola Davis on the kimmel show and see what she tells him when he stupidly asks her what menopause is. So some celebs are honest and are also dealing with this nightmare. What we need, is more of them to speak out so the medical community wakes the eff up and sees how debilitating this is and helps and values women as much as men!!!!

  • Posted

    Hi Hope, is your name hope? well im going to call you hope haha. Dont ever apologize for complaining because when you do complain of your symptoms that someone else also has it lets that other person know theyre not alone. I feel the same as you and i have my family and friends looking at me like i have 3 heads because drs are telling me im fine even tho i feel like im dying. Im a believer in gut health being a big part of the puzzle. My gut is the worst its ever been and all of my other issues are as well, plus a billion more other symptoms. Do not lose hope- if its a beautiful day- force yourself to go outside even if you sit on your porch for 10 min and let the sun shine on your face. I woke up this morning immediately with that panic fight or flight feeling in my stomach, weak shaky legs, my digestive system feels like it has completely stopped and everything is just stuck in place, im exhausted just trying to have a bowel movement. If u can even call it waking up because i have such vivid weird dreams every night i dont feel like i sleep. Im on instagram all the time and i watch reality tv, yes im guilty of watching the housewives, I see all these women living just LiViNG (granted your average person isnt living that lifestyle) and it makes me want to pull my hair out because like you I wonder whats different in these women. I dont get it , sorry if i offend anyone with my language but theyve figured out how to clone a fking sheep, they can do an entire face transplant from one human to another but nobody can figure this s**t out, I dont understand. Ok im done ranting i aplologize. Dont give up, try and go outside for a few minutes and breath in some fresh air, do something that will make you laugh even once- look up comedian sebastian maniscalco he is really funny. I have to believe better days are coming for all of us. Hugs to all:)

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