Are gallstones or hiatus hernia causing most problems?

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Been diagnosed with both gallstones and small hiatus hernia plus small periampullary diverticulum, possibly acid reflux and H Pylori (treated and now testing neg) after many tests - it has taken auite a long time to get to this point. Now on waiting list for gb removal and taking PPI med. But symptoms are worsening, cannot digest solid food, even liquidised (low fat) things are causing pain, horrendous gas, bloating, nausea, dizziness, heart palps, shaking and headaches, migraines, total exhaustion and cannot sleep due to all this kicking in several times through the night. Cannot work, or do anything much, except use computer for short time and watch a bit of TV.

The surgeon is convinced gb is culprit, not the small h hernia (other than causing reflux) and the gastro consultant has discharged me until April follow up. GP has nothing else to offer and tests /scans are clear other than the above conditions. So I am stuck with worsening symptoms (been A & E a couple of times when things were really bad) for the interim and looking at stories on these forums and other research, am worried that something unknown is amiss ( despite all the neg tests) or that I will get gb out only to find that it was the hernia or something else all along as my pain is more left sided and aches all the time with some central and right pain at its worst. I can't see that it can be OK to have these symptoms 24/7 and not eat properly for weeks and longer without some harm coming to the body and mind eventually. Strangely, the weight loss has tapered off now, despite only having thin soup/ complan etc and no fat - again this makes Dr think I must be OK. Also have a bloated huge tummy. As above, NHS tests and scans look OK it is only how I feel and anxiety has been suggested, but everyone who knows me thinks I am very laid back, although I admit have had some stressful events last year. A private blood screen flagged up very slight low Vit D, v slight raised Gamma GT and cholesterol, still awaiting rest of results from them. Just feeling unsure and needed to offload this, sorry it is long, as feeling  poorly and fed up!

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14 Replies

  • Posted

    Sorry you feel so poorly Cynthia and hope that the doctors sort you out soon. Sounds like gall stones to me but then I'm not a doctor. Take care God bless xx
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      Hi Maxdex, thanks for your reply. Good to have yr support and I'm sure it will work out, just a bit of a rough ride and I know I'm not alone in this, Cx
  • Posted

    I was diagnosed with gallstones Christmas 2014 and had my gallbladder removed end of April 2015.

    I am better than I was but now have been diagnosed with a hiatus hernia.

    Not sure which I had first (gallstones or hernia).

    My advice would be to have your gallbladder removed. If you have gallstones it is not going to help the situation.

    Take care and keep in touch

    Sarah xxx

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      Hi Sarah, Thanks, I will take this advice on board as I trust those who are going/ been through this, no-one knows better than the patient! Cx
  • Posted

    My sister had lots of your symptoms last year.  Had gallbladder removed...feels wonderful pain anymore no bloating, can eat anything now.....good luck....
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      Cheers Linda, it helps to know this as sometimes it all seems hopeless while sitting at home poorly x
  • Posted

    hi cynthia. so sorry to hear of the misery and pain that your in. have you got pain killers? i would go on what your sugeon says as they know more than us.i know what you mean about saying it cant be okay to have those symptoms and be left for months on end waiting to get the operation. its absolutely disgusting. as long as our vital signs are okay and we are not about to die they just send us home. and i even got paracetamol for the pain at first. but they did nothing for me and i went to the hospital a few times and they gave me pain relief and i didnt like the one they gave me so went to doctor and got a better pain relief.i was so worried with all the pain and different symptoms that i thought it must be something seriously wrong and not just gall bladder pain. i never knew just how many different symptoms and pains there were/are.iv read of a few people having pain on their left side. mine is on my right side mostly and under my right shoulder and round my back and the whole area of my stomach and very very tender to the touch. i also have a small hernia now as well. which i'v noticed most people have or get when they have gall stone not in pain at the moment i was just letting you know which parts get affected. the thing is i never know when im going to get an attack and the pain can be so very bad. as you say your just watching a bit of telly and the computer. well try and enjoy the telly and let it take your mind of everything. thats what im doing. we are always here for each other.i wish you all the very best dear. i do hope you get some relief.i do think you yourself would know if you suffered from anxiety as its horrible as well. and when you have it you know it. so take care. 🙏💐
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      Thanks for your kind reply Cheeky. Good points. I never imagined people would be left enduring such symptoms nowadays, as so many have been on here, waiting for ops to happen - how fit for surgery are folk after such a long time struggling you wonder. I used to work in medical research in the past, so cannot help delving to find out more and it all makes me feel concerned for others as well as myself. There are all these campaigns purporting to get people to take better care of themselves - I always tried to have a healthy lifestyle, as I'm sure most on here have as they are all so aware and knowledgeable, then if things go wrong, you seem to be on your own. It must cost the system more money in the end as a percentage of ppl will go on to have complications by the delay and ending up in A & E or always at the GP. There is a study on this very subject in fact related to Gb surgery. You are right though, gallstones and hiatal hernia seem to have a realtionship - there is a medical term Saints Triad where these and IBS/ diverticular occur together. Are you on waiting lists too? I hope you also get the right help for your symptoms soon. Take care for now, C x
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      Hi Cynthia I just wanted to give you some support. I know this is different for everyone, but the longevity of all is something we all have in common. I have a hernia as well and when I had my big attack, the acid really compounded the symptoms. I felt as though i was completely backed up with everything stuck higher up in my tum. Couldn't pee or 2, and I just felt so full to bursting. The nausea was burning. On day 3 of my stay in hospital, I woke up and felt like I was spinning, really dizzy and I couldn't stop being sick. It was sludge, tons and tons of it. I asked for gaviscon and I could feel the burning and nausea lifting slowly. Later next day I was given lanszopizol to take every day, and then everything started working again. My digestive system seemed to kick in again. I have not had that sickening burning nausea and sludge ever since. So yes, I believe very strongly that hernia and gallstones compound each other and if you can easily treat one, the whole thing improves. Are you prescribed a good anti acid? If not I would start there
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      Thanks. Yes, got Omeprozale - it helps reduce acid though not sure if overall it makes things better or worse as they do have side effects that are not nice. Have a theory that having H Pylori infection treated with strong triple therapy last year might have somehow contributed to all the current symptoms, before that I only had the heartburn and occasional indigestion afer fatty foods. Fortunately, the triple therapy got rid of the H Pylori and according to the gastroscopy, left no ulcers or ersoion in the stomach. Its all a bit of a guessing game and drs seem disinterested other than giving ppi meds and placing us on surgery lists. I just feel like I am slipping away from the person I was last year, working full time and had a relatively average life, to this invalid feeling old and tired, getting worse each fews days, I'm sure others are similar or worse than me.

      Hopefully something will improve soon for us, trying to be positive, Cx

  • Posted

    You do need an ultrasound scan to prove you have gall stones.that will be why they want to take your go out.. I was taking omeprazole for years for gerd but there was no gerd evident from an endoscopy I had in November but a scan later showed multiple gall stones. The thing is that I believe the years of taking omeprazole may have aggravated the gall stones as they are caused by lack of stomach acid while gerd has too much. Very difficult to know what to do if you have both. I am having my gb out in February so hope this is the right thing to do. Meantime I'm trying to avoid fried stuff and just about everything I like except white wine which seems to help. I take codeine when the pain is unbearable but feel groggy with it. Give me the wine any day...just 2 glasses max mind. I hope you find some help and decent advice soon.
    • Posted

      Hi Christine, Yes ultrasound confirmed gallstones but I had them 10 years ago found on a different scan but they did that watch and wait back then. You have a point I also have read somewhere that PPI meds can cause stones. We are between a rock and hard place with 2 conditions. The wine may be good bcs of the grape juice which can be goos for some, I found it too acid but you have to experiment and at least you have something that you can enjoy as this ailment takes a lot of fun out of life for sure. I have my pre op assessment next week (though the list is 2-3 months). Good luck with yours in Feb.
  • Posted

    Ah Cynthia I feel your pain I really do.

    I don't believe that anxiety would cause those issues to that extent.  Yes with anxiety you will get some issues with your stomach, but I would doubt if it would be the sole cause.  Also, having these issues does cause a certain amount of anxiety and stress and currently going through the procedures and therefore adds to things.

    I had a really bad gallbladder before it was removed.  I didn't realise how bad until after my removal surgery.  But I had all those symptoms you had.  In some ways the stomach problems were often secondary to the exhaustion that I can only describe as being like proper flu blown flu.  Sometimes I could literally sleep all the time, others couldn't sleep at all.  Horrendous as you say.  When I'm really bad all I can do is lie on my left hand side, but propped up and either watch tv or play candy crush.  Sitting up is a real luxury!  The left hand pain maybe your stomach?  That's what I found.  The pains can move all around too. 

    I'm not surprised you are fed up.  Please try and stay as positive as you can.  And keep pursuing things until you get proper answers.  Good luck to you.


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