Are hormone creams better than the patches
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My eyes are filling up whilst writing this .... can’t take anymore so fed up .
Tried the creams to begin with but I guess it was a low dose so didn’t work then the combo patch then estrogen only patch ... the patches helped with some of the fatigue but I didn’t feel like myself ... at all! They helped just get me through the day though.but Major depression . now going to go back to the creams but will do 2 clicks instead of one . Has anybody else tried both ?
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sherrie_bgood lori93950
Finny2018 sherrie_bgood
lori93950 sherrie_bgood
daisylady sherrie_bgood
I am wondering if you are in US as I am not aware we can have Progesterone cream here in UK?
I am on combi patches but still really depressed etc. I wanted Oestrogen patches but the progesterone comes in a tablet which causes dizziness so I refused to take it. I had read that Cyclogest Pessaries or Crinone Gel were an option but they are not allowed to prescribe it here for menopause.
Hope you are doing well
lori93950 sherrie_bgood
My stomach got bloated looked pregnant and I broke out on my face with the patch hopefully the creams are better .
Finny2018 lori93950
Lori - I am so sorry you are feeling fed up. As I mentioned before I was hit with this - like you - out of nowhere in June. First time at the age of 49 after a few years of gradual Peri stuff. It was awful - FATIGUE, aches, adrenaline rushes (which I am realizing now are hot flashes now that I am getting used to it??), just awful stuff. On top of that everything was under a cloud of gray for weeks on end. I was so fragile. Anxiety feelings would come just before each hot flash - this went on for weeks and weeks.
I have NOT tried the patches but I've not ruled them out. I sent in on my own for my saliva results and it showed I was extremely low on Progesterone.
I purchased a very highly rated natural progesterone cream on Amazon. I started with 10 mg in the morning and 10 mg in the evening for the first week. Took a break as they suggested for 5 - 7 days. I've now moved my amount to 20 mg in the morning and 20 mg at night.
I would have started this cream SO much sooner but I didn't feel confident without knowing what my levels were. I am feeling better as each day passes. Although I don't want to underestimate the possibility that these feeling and experiences can come in waves. But for now I am so grateful for each day that I feel almost myself. I am also planning to start the natural Estriol cream that I bought at the health food store.
I realize you asked about people using both the creams and patches - but I wanted to share that I am noticing improvements with the OTC cream alone. I've been private messaging quite a few people here who have also had marked improvements with the OTC natural creams.
Take care and I am hoping better and better days ahead for you!
mauiblue Finny2018
- e I'm glad that these things are working for you I'm not sure if estriol by itself works because it's such a week estrogen and it said 10 to 1 ratio with estradiol but whatever works for each of us is best.
It's absolutely the most challenging thing we've ever done I think and if I were to get better just using progesterone it would be a miracle glad that you are getting relief super good
Finny2018 mauiblue
Maui - nice to hear from you.
I had a lot of hope (confidence) in trying the progesterone cream as I had ready so many books on it, hung out on a very popular progesterone cream website/company out of Australia, visited my local organic grocer that carried this brand, and finally had read hundreds and hundred of reviews online about this natural cream. Of course my personality would not allow me to try anything until I had my saliva results AND had tracked my symptoms for 8 weeks! I will continue this for 3 months and then send in my saliva on my own again from home to see if my levels have gotten better.
As with any natural supplement - a B vitamin, magnesium, cohosh etc -there are most likely going to be a lot of side effects as you put something new into your body. I did have side effects from the cream - no different than I've had a lot of side effects from new vitamins etc. when I first start. I am grateful for better days but realize that this can come in waves. I am journaling symptoms each day so that I remember these better days. June, July and beginning of August were so unpredictable with symptoms.
Thanks for the info on the Estriol. I've read a lot of reviews on this as well as the many books I've read on the different estrogens. I like to read all of the bad reviews first so that I know the worst case scenario of side effects etc. ! I'm noticing my REALLY hard days are Week 1 and into Week 2 of my cycle (if I have one) when Estrogen should be on the rise - so clearly mine is not rising, LOL!
This forum, as well as the encouragement I get from dear women like you, has been such an incredible blessing to me during the hardest time in my life. Have I suffered many different hardships/experiences in life? Yes. Anything like this and to this degree personally? No. I had no idea Peri/Menopause could cause so many physical and emotional experiences that would leave me so fragile. Maybe if I wasn't a mom to 2 children who depended on me - who look to me for that strength and support as the mom they've always known...maybe it would make it easier? There are so many facets to it. I am thankful for a wonderful and supportive husband who has picked up so many of the pieces while I walk through this season. And I'm thankful for dear people like you.