Are there any gastritis success stories at all?
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Hello all,
I've had stomach pains mainly under right rib and lower right side for 5 months now. Blood test, ultrasound all came back fine.
I'm a beer alcoholic/ binge drinker. Went on a bender when gf broke up with me.. Woke up short of breath and a feeling under my right rib that feels like someone is poking me.
That pain s stuck around, and the pain moved around the the belly a bit but always returned back to its right rib locating. Then the right kidney area feels like its burning.. off and on.
Pain is not horrible. Only once did it scare me and I thought I was having a heart attack (im 36 yrs old)
I immediatly went on a clean diet and cut out everything I thought was bad including booze.
GI specialist wants me to go get and endoscopy, which I'm saving up for. GI doc. won't talk to me directly but got her assistant to tell me in broken english to get the endoscopy. I asked if I have cirrosis, pancreitis or gall stones.. she said no. Just mild fatty liver.
For now though i'm just on the net researching. Any of you guys felt that kind of pain?
I'm positive its gastritis, so i'm on a boring diet in the meantime.. Not doing a whole lot.
Started cabbage juice inconsistantly. (3 times a day).
The pains chilled out for a day but came back quite rapidly. ( It might be from a new protien powder I tried that had a ALOT of sodium in it...
Thanks for reading. I will be sure to update from time to time and hopefully close out this thread one day with success to help future lurkers and members.
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jeff4242 pete46368
Hello there Pete, what makes your Dr's assistant say you have a mild fatty liver? from what test she came up with that diagnosis?
pete46368 jeff4242
Hey Jeff,
The only tests they gave me was an ultra sound. I walked in with my own blood test results to save time.
ALT -16IU/L range 5-60
AST - 16IU/L 10 - 50
jeff4242 pete46368
hello again, so they diagnosed fatty liver based on your ultrasound results correct? your ALT and AST both 161?
pete46368 jeff4242
Hey Jeff.
I actually don't know what test they used to come up with that diagnoses. But ALT/ AST are both at 16. Well within the 5-60 range.
farah41194 pete46368
Alcohol can definitely damage your stomach lining and is a major cause of gastritis and ulcers. Get the endoscopy done to be sure of your diagnosis. You will have to give up alcohol completely for a while, eat clean and probably take meds to help repair your stomach lining. Also reduce stress as that can make your symptoms worse. I have gastritis for a year now and I'm not fully cured yet but I feel like I'm making strides in the right direction. Sorry to hear about the break up. I wish you peace and rapid healing in mind, body and spirit.
pete46368 farah41194
Hi Farah.
Yes My diet and abstinence are on point and will be till I beat this.
I messed up today and didn't prepare a bland meal to take to work so I had to eat a small hot pocket thing so I could get through the day.
I'm loading up on herbs at the moment.
Thank you for kind wishes 😃
farah41194 pete46368
And yes there are success stories. Look them up on YouTube
ChrisA15 pete46368
Like Jeff, I too would like to know how your doctor came to conclusion of "mild fatty liver". A doctor couldn't possibly know that without a blood test to check ALT and AST levels which suggests Liver inflammation, which can be high due to a number of reasons, then a scan (perhaps even a biopsy) to confirm.
Gastritis can be chronic, which means long-lasting, some people get severe symptoms, for others they can be just a minor annoyance. As with most problems affecting the Stomach and other problems that affect the digestive system, changing your diet can help, so try to avoid the typical foods and drinks that can upset your stomach: Milk, Coffee, Fatty foods, Spicy foods, Fruit juice and acidic fruits (like oranges), carbonated drinks, etc).
pippa58442 ChrisA15
To settle your stomach, milk can be very useful. You don't have to avoid it unless you are allergic or intolerant to it. Only avoid certain foods if they irritate your stomach. I find milk very soothing for my acid reflux.
ChrisA15 pippa58442
Sorry but I have to disagree with you there. Milk may give temporary relief from Acid reflux, but it stimulates the stomach to create more stomach acid.
pippa58442 ChrisA15
Milk does not stimulate acid reflux for me; it gets rid of it because milk is alkaline. My reflux gets enormously better with milk and my grandad actually healed his stomach ulcer by drinking milk. He was a GP. I find it an excellent alternative to PPIs which can cause long term side effects.
However, it is possible that some people will only get temporary relief and will find that milk stimulates their reflux. Some will get long term relief whereas others will not. There is no one size fits all. We all have different reactions.The only way of finding out what is best, is to try a variety of things out first.This is the best research you can do; online research only gives general advice which does not always suit the individual.
pete46368 ChrisA15
Hi Chris.
Yep, got my diet sorted out. Posted my Bloodtest results above. Thanks for the post.
dr_uday_na88041 pete46368
Thanks for your query
"As" per your clinical history is concerned please do an endoscopy to know your GI status and if confirmed then take medication [clarithromycin-500mg twice a day],Metronidazole-400mg twice a day ,Pantoprazole-40mg once a day ] for 14 days and add vitamin b complex caps regularly and follow lifestyle modifications like -
1)Try to avoid painkillers
2)Do wash your hand in instant hand wash before eating and eating foods that have been cooked completely.
3)Try to avoid alcohol ,smoking,spicy foods and fast foods.
4)Do check your stool every month to rule out any parasitic infection.
To confirm fatty liver do Liver biopsy and send report
Hope that helps
pete46368 dr_uday_na88041
Thanks Dr. Uday.
No pain killers for me.
I will definitely look into checking for parasitic infection.
As it stands, I should be able to schedule a endoscopy in a 6-8 weeks. I'm actually looking forward to it.
It's a challenge of mine to beat whatever this may be.
dakhoapasteur pete46368
Thank for share!