Are there any other stay at home work from home moms that feel crazy!!!!
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i feel fustrated on edge doing same thing everyday im 50 have a 1st grader and 9th grader and work from home and feel crazy like my thoughts ate all over the place and think im crazy for having them like im worried about getting older and family dying and not being able ro handle it and stuff like that im not usually like this but i am lately my ears ringing my vision is wierd like i feel spacey i feel annoyed cause when husband comes home we r never together cause of kids and he comes home at 8 everyday! i think i shouldnt complain but it feels like it will always be like this and i will be old and alone lol!!!
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Lkl2019 christina81747
I work from home and I totally get it. always had some anxiety but this is completely diff. racing thoughts constantly, worst fears got all these physical changes and mysteries happening. Dont know myself anymore at all. I hate this. Only 41. Cant imagine this being the rest of my life!
staci88515 christina81747
Try feeling like that all day and being trapped at work. It's torture. There's no where to run and no where to hide. I literally spend every minute of every day worried about my vision and migraine aura. It is exhausting. I know it doesn't feel like it, but it is a luxury to stay home. I feel like my health physically and mentally would be way better if I could work from home. Plus, I am single with no kids. So, old and alone is a reality for me one day. So, take a minute to rant because we all deserve it no matter the circumstance and then take a look around and realize it could be worse. Tomorrow, wake up and think to yourself how lucky you are to be home when feeling so bad. Think how lucky you are to have little ones who love and adore you. Think how lucky you are to have someone who comes home to you every night who you can hug and feel safe around. Life is hard, focus on the good. xo
Sassyr12a christina81747
Hi Christina
I work from home too and like Staci said, most of the time I'm grateful that I can stay in my PJs as, not wash, and get into whatever emotional state I like. When I do go into work, it's really overwhelming, people, noise, traffic etc and I'm glad to get home. BUT it can be really isolating, and actually then just going shopping feels me with dread because I'm not used to being out in the world. Somewhere in between is probably best, few days home and then work outside of the house, or even just getting fresh air helps. I understand what you're saying though, it almost makes symptoms worse because I dont have anything to get myself together for. I still wouldn't swap my working from home, but have to get a better balance xx
trabbs29 christina81747
I can totally relate on all fronts. I am 49 , I work from home, have 2 younger kids 2nd & 7th grades), and my husband works 1.5 drive away from the house so usually does not get home until 6:30-7pm during the week. Although I am thankful that I can work from home (for reasons all the ladies above pointed out) it is isolating and also does give you all the time in the world to WORRY about how you feel, symptoms, ect. with very little outside distraction. It gets lonely. plus, all the kid stuff falls on us. 3 jobs all wrapped in 1. I find myself scared sometimes on days I don't feel good because I know I am alone and expected to handle it all. So I get it.
Thankful for what I can do...but at the same time their are downsides. I try to schedule in errands or lunches just to get out once in a while and break the negative talk tracks that go through my heads when its only me and my thoughts.
Hang in there. You are not alone.
christina81747 trabbs29
your like my replica lol! i get it fir me its the constant same thing day in and out and not socializing with adults but o do go out every chance i get no matter how i feel anxious or not yes being by yourself all the time even with kids can make you feel crazy lol! i am very grateful for what i have but it is isolating!!! i definitely dont stay in my pajamas ever i always get dressed and stuff too lol where do u live? im in ny upstate!!!
Takingtime christina81747
Hi there,I have been a stay at home mom for about 15 years, I started my own home business after completing a course last year.I totally get what you are saying, we are alone with our thoughts a lot, and I think we are feeling everything that is new whether it be nothing or something in our bodies. I have clients come to my home and though this has helped distract me from my thoughts, when I am not working my anxiety goes into overdrive.I even get anxiety before my clients come.I always feel on edge and I cant pin point exactly why except for the fact that I have been isolated from people for so many years.I enjoy talking to people, but I gt anxiety if I have to go to an appt.Its awful, even to get my hair done at the hairdresser takes courage.I too feel like I am going crazy at times and miss feeling care free. I am hoping with my business and starting to be talking to people more this will help.
christina81747 Takingtime
yes i totally understand how u feel it sucks and last two days mine has kicked in my period is due soon and i am on edge but my anxiety is more the thoughts which are negative self talk and thinking im losing my mind and of course it makes it worst i guess cause u think ur the only one when you know uour mot lol ! i hot a really bad headache rhe other night and couldnt sleep it was horrible and last two days been feeling overly emotiknal and criticizing how i look and stuff my stomach has been bad too ughh and tired is an understatement ye stired but wired and think if i relax i will be crazy fun right trapped is the word right now its like i feel like inwill ezplode u know!!'
Takingtime christina81747
Hi there,I have been a stay at home mom for about 15 years, I started my own home business after completing a course last year.I totally get what you are saying, we are alone with our thoughts a lot, and I think we are feeling everything that is new whether it be nothing or something in our bodies. I have clients come to my home and though this has helped distract me from my thoughts, when I am not working my anxiety goes into overdrive.I even get anxiety before my clients come.I always feel on edge and I cant pin point exactly why except for the fact that I have been isolated from people for so many years.I enjoy talking to people, but I gt anxiety if I have to go to an appt.Its awful, even to get my hair done at the hairdresser takes courage.I too feel like I am going crazy at times and miss feeling care free. I am hoping with my business and starting to be talking to people more this will help.