Are there any success stories of Intended weight loss during Peri/Meno that can be shared?

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Help! I know there are some of you that have lost weight unintentionally during this time, please take no offense to this question. On the other hand, I have the opposite issue. I have gained over 25+lbs (I'm short so that doesn't help matters) this past year and feel swollen and awful. It seems to have settled in the mid section and thighs and butt as well. I suspect it may even contribute to some of the new aches and pains.

My clothes no longer fit, so I have gone to thrift shops for the time being to get a few items, with the hopes that this is temporary and will lose this unsightly mess soon and get back into my old clothes. Deep down, I believe I should probably let go them and accept this "new me".  

I wish I could say that my appetite has increased, it hasn't. If anything, I eat less now. I've become very selfconscious, passing on invites as I'm simply not comfortable in my skin anymore.

I have had my thyroid checked 3 times this past year, thinking that was it. My blood work is fine. The doctor says it's too soon to consider sending me to a weight specialist???

Which really scares me. I do exercise(brisk walking-yoga) and I am on my feet moving around all day when I work. I don't get this at all.

I have googled this issue and have seen a lot of different diets but I want to hear from anyone on here, who has been through similar and knows what exactly I need to do to lose at least 10-15 pounds, safely. I do take supplements Complex Bs, magnesium, Fish Oil, Vit D, Multi Vit and recently added Maca. Have been considering adding Kelp for thinning hair, but for now holding off.

I appreciate any ideas you may have as I am fearful I won't be stopping at +25lbs.

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56 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Annie.   I totally sympathise, unfortunately I have heard that fish oils make some people put on weight.
    • Posted

      Gosh, I hope that's not so with me. I stopped taking it for a bit, then the dry eye came back full force. It also seems to help with my moods as well. Felt much better when I went back on them.

       Eek! I'll look on the bottle to see what it says for calories. 

      Thank you NessiVega, will look into it.wink

  • Posted

    Hi Annie,

                   it's just awful isn't it hun, I used to go out hiking (hill walking) three hours three times a week. I was never really thin but toned and managed to look OK in a size 16. However, now I find it difficult to keep to 3 times a week at one hour up a nearby local walk. I just can't shift the pounds and I feel hungry too. Damn menopause!!! my hair is thinning too, luckily I've got alot at the bottom to balance it out but I feel depressed. Sorry I can't be more positive but I feel at my wits end with these hormones...............................................

    • Posted

      It's really is awful, MrsMerm. Usually I don't let this upset me but I was trying to get ready to do some shopping for the house today. Could not find anything that felt comfortable to leave the house. I'm thankful it's winter and the coats hide a lot but soon it will be Spring.....I dread it at this point!

      I used to be able to eat whatever and stayed on the thin side. This change is one that really has crept up fast. The initial weight gain was a few pounds. Noticed things getting tighter so I stepped up the exercise and found I was actually eating less. These past few weeks is where the real weight has been added. sad Makes no sense.

      I wear uniforms to work and I fear I am going to have to order the next size up again (did it once  last fall) and that makes me crazy. 

      I've looked around at a few diets, one even suggested adding butter made from grass-fed cows to your coffee to help with weight loss??? 

      It's my hope someone on here has viable ideas that will help. It's gotten to the point I really hate to grocery shop as I'm not sure what will really help. 

      Thank you MrsMerm!

    • Posted

      You know when I get on here it's the only place I find people who feel just like I do, it's Pooh

      this might make you laugh though, do cats go through meno, mine is female and seems to be going as bonkers as me, she's recently took to sitting on the toilet? and goes in the sink drinking from the taps.

      maybe the toilet thing is because she see's me on there so often, I never stop peeing, itching, and generally feeling Blahhh

      Cheer up me heartys atleast we're not alone in this thing 

            Mrs M signing off to chase that cat again XXX

  • Posted

    Oh I forgot to mention I'm now size 20 to 22 and favour a beached whale LOL

                                                   Mrs M x

  • Posted

    I know exactly how you feel.i have been peri for about 6 years but about a year ago the muscles in my stomach and thighs seemed to vanish weight went up and I also hadn't changed my diet at all. I am on my feet all day every day for my job and I haven't so clue.i can only assume hormonal reasons and hopefully when they settle it will get back to normal.i did lose a bit of the extra weight by taking v6 apparently settles hormones.hope you feel better with yourself soon x
    • Posted

      will try Vitamin 6 Linda thanks

                                                      Mrs M x

    • Posted

      Yes Linda-it is like the muscles are gone and replaced by flab overnight-exactly. I take a real strong Vit B complex with B6  in it, maybe should take extra B6 on the side and see what happens. Thank you so much!


  • Posted

    Hello. When perimenopause hit me 2 years ago I have gained about 20-25 pounds.  My hunger pains went away but the fat is still there.  As my mom always has said it's harder to lose when you get older.   Damn hormones were great! My relative said that once Perimenopause hits mostly All women do get thicker around the middle.  We can't really help it.  I walk on treadmill and do hand weights.  I do lady sit-ups too and that helps the middle.  Weights help to firm cause I was starting to sag.  We just have to accept it sadly and keep on 'ole excercising.  Good Luck!  xxoo
    • Posted

      Thank you. I so hope there is a way that if the weight won't go, I can at the very least, firm up and maybe even redistribute some of this univited mess.

      I see that some of younger crowd in the entertainment world likes big behinds and all, and they can "break the internet" all they want, but I refuse to continue to feel like I'm being followed and here it is my own big behind. redface Hate that swollen feeling!

      Have a lovely evening!

    • Posted

      Hi dear haha you're funny. Better to laugh than cry I say.  A good attitude gets you through perimenopause faster.  That just means there is more of you to love and the weights will do good.  Firm it up baby!  hehe xxoo
  • Posted

    Annie, my regular doctor said my thyroid was "fine" too and wanted me to get gastric bypass.  I am 5'2" and I now weigh 219 (down from 225).  I gained the last 30 pounds in the last 3 years.  I lost the 7 pounds in the last six months without trying too much due to getting on thyroid medication.  The thing about thyroid is a sensitive, female-centric doc will tell you (or at least mine told me) that the "range" most docs use is too broad.  What is normal for some might not be normal for everyone.  My TSH test showed me at 2.18 ("normal" is .5 - 4).  But my naturopath treated my symptoms (crushing exhaustion, weight gain without changing eating habits, aches pains, etc) with a low dose of Armour Thyroid in June and it helped immensley!  My TSH level is now .91  -- she doesn't want it to go lower but the difference between 2.18 and .91 made a HUGE difference in my energy level and the scale is moving in the right direction.  I also recently cut out wheat products which seems to help me not retain so much water.  Best of luck!!!!
    • Posted

      Thank you Kim,

      Seriously crying right now as I feel so frustrated. It's time for dinner and I really don't want to eat.  All I ate today was 2 scrambled eggs, 1/2 piece of toast and a cup of coffee for breakfast. I made the mistake of weighing myself this am and seeing the recently added pounds. Don't want to add anymore!

      I am scheduled to see a Naturopath in a few weeks. Thank you for sharing your experience -as my TSH 3.5 (high normal) and the T3 is on the low end of normal (I have copies of every test done)- You are so describing me, with the other symptoms as well.  I gave up wheat products 4 yrs ago due to issues with IBS and that helped tremendously. I basically follow the gluten free diet-to be on the safe side.

      You have given me a bit of hope that possibly my Naturopath might be the one to actually move me in the right direction. When I was younger, I was always very close to hyperthyroidism, but not enough to not ablate the gland, like my mom had. 

      I thought it was odd that the numbers seemed to be moving towards hypo, but mainstream docs view it differently I guess. 

      Here's to hope! 

      Thank you again, Kim!cheesygrin


    • Posted

      Oh, Annie!  Sweetie, don't cry (easier said than done) -- at least not about your weight!  I am no expert but I am a bit of a medical informatoin junkie.  I like to study things that are happening to me and my loved ones.  So while I am not a medical professional, seriously, those numbers are high in my book!  Thyroid Meds really really helped!!!  I am sooooo glad you are going to a naturopath.  I hate to sound anti-traditional-medical-establishment but pressures from drug companies and insurance companies force doctors to be in too big of a hurry and to band-aid problems with drugs.  I know many, many wonderful MD's but after this 2-3 year saga of trying to find out what was "wrong" with me and going to MD's only to be (a) given more or different anti-depressants or (b) be told I need gastric bypass surgery (not that there is anything wrong with that.  I just don't think I'm there yet), has made me truly believe that a combination approach is best!  I am going to my first accupuncture treatment next week too to try to alieviate some of this pain.  

      There is hope!  Take comfort in that, Annie and stay active on this site.  These women are amazing!  Send me a message if you have questions or want any other information about my personal experience.

      xoxoxoxooxoxxoxo  Kim

    • Posted

      Thank you so much Kim.

      I had my meltdown, thankfully my husband knows how to make light of my craziness! And all of you ladies are wonderful. Sometimes this can make you feel like you are on a deserted island, as many don't understand this at all. Heck, I didn't understand the hub-bub until it slap me in the face first of last year!

      Funny you mentioned the AD. I was prescribed those and then when I went back to the doc in the fall and told him about the weight gain (I had already stopped taking them) he told me AD's cause the weight gain so stop! Oh my!

      There are great MD's but this is not an area heavily studied I guess. I wouldn't doubt our insurance company has rubber stamped me as a hypochondriac for as many visits to the various doctors I have seen the past year or so. 

      I have worked in healthcare for thirty years and have watched things change quite a bit. You must be in the US as well, so you understand why I'm finally off to a Naturopath. 

      I did go for accupuncture for lower back pain as well, still going.... the results are not as quick but a friend swears by it and I'm hoping it works for you as well!

      You are so right about this site! A lot of amazing women here!

      Thank you again Kim for your words of hope, so much appreciated! And I'll take you up on messaging you soon!

      Annie xxxxbiggrin

    • Posted

      Annie, you're in the US?!  Oh cool!  Yes, the healthcare system!  Don't get me started smile  Yes, there are amazing women here!  I belong to another forum "Red Hot Mamas" and there is not nearly the activity as there is here.  I am so grateful for this site!  Yeah, US MDs prescribe ADs for everything.  Oh the stories I could tell.  

      I went for a walk today.  I stretched like mad (per the advice of someone on here) and walked slowly (a stroll by most people's standars - not a "power walk" like I used to do) and for a shorter time (25 minutes).  I don't feel like I pulled any muscles this time, but - as usual - instead of feeling exhilerated (the way exercise used to make me feel), I am EXHAUSTED... my head hurts... my ankles and feet are killing me... my back is aching.  I'm laid up on the couch now.  This is ridiculous.

      Good luck with your week coming up!  Look forward to hearing how you're doing and letting you know if Acupunture helps.  I'll try anything at this point.  

      xoxoxo  Kim

    • Posted

      I was just shutting off computer and saw you posts! LOL! The most recent one about Hating most people -haha! There are days I need to stay home because something simple as shopping and having someone dive their cart into my ankles is enough (I generally stay silent but....frown) to send me through the roof. It's comes down to whether I really need an item or not. Or simply send my husband and let him deal with the general public. On my good days, I can look past bad behavior, but holy cow, if I'm feeling shaky the moment my feet hit the ground, it's a good bet I'm staying in. 

      Where were you 6 months ago in regards to your comments about exercise?  I understand! All last year I would come home from even Gentle yoga, a brisk walk, the gym (since have dropped membership) and feel lousy. Aches, pains and exhaustion-not the good, old exhilaration I used to feel. I was so convinced I had a terminal illness. sad

      The tests that have been run on me for this. I suppose if the doc had suggested it was Peri related on the wrong day, it would not have been good for HIM.

      How I wish I knew about this site then. Sorry you feel the same way, but good to know that I'm not nuts and can't wait for this to pass. Now I push myself to exercise and hopefully this week I'll return to Gentle yoga (been incredibly snowy and is a bit of a ride to get to in good weather) and carry on. I'm looking into magnesium oil to put on afterwards, it's supposed to help.

      And having a drink these days? haha! My own personal summer jumps into overdrive......I'll have a hot flash so quick it's embarrasing-not worth it, nor the exhaustion that follows. 

      Good luck with the accupuncture, some people notice an improvement immediately, others like me, takes a bit of time. Keep me informed!

      Thanks for brightening my day! biggrin

      Good night,

      Annie xx

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