Are there any success stories of Intended weight loss during Peri/Meno that can be shared?

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Help! I know there are some of you that have lost weight unintentionally during this time, please take no offense to this question. On the other hand, I have the opposite issue. I have gained over 25+lbs (I'm short so that doesn't help matters) this past year and feel swollen and awful. It seems to have settled in the mid section and thighs and butt as well. I suspect it may even contribute to some of the new aches and pains.

My clothes no longer fit, so I have gone to thrift shops for the time being to get a few items, with the hopes that this is temporary and will lose this unsightly mess soon and get back into my old clothes. Deep down, I believe I should probably let go them and accept this "new me".  

I wish I could say that my appetite has increased, it hasn't. If anything, I eat less now. I've become very selfconscious, passing on invites as I'm simply not comfortable in my skin anymore.

I have had my thyroid checked 3 times this past year, thinking that was it. My blood work is fine. The doctor says it's too soon to consider sending me to a weight specialist???

Which really scares me. I do exercise(brisk walking-yoga) and I am on my feet moving around all day when I work. I don't get this at all.

I have googled this issue and have seen a lot of different diets but I want to hear from anyone on here, who has been through similar and knows what exactly I need to do to lose at least 10-15 pounds, safely. I do take supplements Complex Bs, magnesium, Fish Oil, Vit D, Multi Vit and recently added Maca. Have been considering adding Kelp for thinning hair, but for now holding off.

I appreciate any ideas you may have as I am fearful I won't be stopping at +25lbs.

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56 Replies

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    I was thinking about this problem a few days ago.  I have gained some pounds.  I eat less because I am in so much pain I will not get in the kitchen to cook.  I think my weight is coming from lack of exersize.  No, keep the clothes.  I think I have 2 different sizes in my closet.  Every time I think "I will never have to wear that size again" I gain, and when I am in a larger size I figure I will throw out the smaller ones, but then I lose weight.  I will Not go buy any other sizes, so sometimes I really am stuck on what to put on to go nice places.

    Hope you can get the problem put to rights.


    • Posted

      Hello Kathy,

      I did see a Naturopathic doctor the other day. She correctly noted that my thyroid is hypo and is checking my Free T3(something I know nothing about-there was one other T3 test, but not right one, ran) to determine best way to resolve that issue. 

      She believes the weight gain and many of my other issues is directly tied to Peri and the adrenal glands being over taxed. The thyroid is just one little piece of the puzzle according to her. She mentioned something about inflammation and I will be starting a diet to minimize some of the (oh hopefully) more problematic things (I feel like I'm 100 right now!) along with dropping some weight. 

      We shall see. She is of the mind that we don't need to suffer so during this time and we'll see just what it is that can be adjusted that I might see some improvement here in the hopefully near future. Fingers crossed.

      Thank you for the advice of hanging on to my various sized clothes (I've gone from size 6 to 12 in 6 months time........and I was and probably am a bit fearful it may not stop there. Not to mention due to the chronic bilateral plantars faciitis, I have a closet full of shoes (lovely flats and heels) that I can no longer wear either.

      So, for now, the closet can look like a mini women's department store! PJs are my go to clothes once I get home from work and settle in. It's all about comfort, now! haha!

      Thank you again,

      Annie xx

    • Posted

      The heck with the clothes while at home.  No matter what day or time of day I put on something comfortable, like my night gown, which I call "my eating clothes".  But than I live alone and can get by doing as I plese.

      Thanks for the return note.


    • Posted

      Annie, TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone)... if it's a high number, it indicates your thyroid gland is working too hard.  Mine was the same.  And I got on thyroid medicines and felt REBORN!  For about 4-5 months.  Now I feel 100 again... achy and miserable... but I just got new labs and my thyroid numbers are HIGH again!  So I probably need more medication.  Also, Vit D deficiency can cause everything you are describing so have that checked as well.  I see a naturopath and an MD.  And try to take the best from both.  It's a balancing act.  Best of luck!!
    • Posted

      Hi Kim!

      Yes, mine was high, but she wanted to check this Free T3 as well to give her a better idea of which med I will get. She was real nice and took the time to even draw pics to show how the thyroid function can go haywire and what does what. Much better than my regular doc who even with a Nuclear Medicine scan missed this one.

      I am already on Vit D-have been since a GI doc recommended 4 yrs ago. Those levels are good, but thanks for adding that, a lot of people don't know about that one yet.


      Kim, your medicine only worked for 4-5 months then the numbers went up again? Yikes!  I remember my mom having trouble with the meds keeping her regulated. She had a thyroid ablation after being hyper for some time. It seemed she had issues with the levels going up and down on the meds. I'm glad this doc is being very thorough before we start the meds. I had the TSH, T4 and T3 done prior to seeing her, had no idea about the other test. Actually there are more they can check, but she said this will give her a better picture. Looking forward to feeling better as I feel so blah! Glad she's also looking at everything including the other systems along with correcting my not so good eating habits (at this point I don't eat much, but looks like the excessive coffee I have daily will be going bye-bye!) and gave me a new diet to follow. I'm getting used to what to eat and when, should be interesting. Not really interested in food-guess it's psychological-but I'm terrified of gaining anymore and right now, I eat so little and retain it. Hope this reverses things!

      Do you remember how long it was before you started to feel good again?

      Off to work, will catch up with you later!  Hope you feel better soon as well.

      Annie xx

    • Posted

      Hi Annie! Yes, weird about the thyroid numbers going up again! I'm a little nervous but hearing your mom went thru it makes me feel better. Yes, they did that T test too. I forgot what that showed - I'm sure one of my doc (MD or ND) will figure out the thyroid thing (?)!

      It took 7 days to feel like a new woman! And it lasted until about Christmas time. That was six months nearly exactly. I didn't imagine that my thyroid could be off again (i thought once treated, you're done - ha! It's a constant balancing act) and I didn't know my "female" hormones might change that drastically either so I didn't get checked until this month and everything is out of whack again.

      Here's hoping for a better tomorrow for us all!

      Btw, are you in the us? Just curious. I found the women on this site much more supportive and responsive than some of the US forums.



  • Posted

    Hi Annie

    I am 44 and in throes of perimenopause and having hormone blood testing in about 2 weeks to check levels. I had gradually put on 8 kg over last 2 years without changing my diet. I got really unhappy about the weight gain (being only 5f1inches) as weight settled on stomach, butt and thighs.

    I have lost 8 kg in 4 months and am 2 kg shy of my weight when I got married 19 years ago.

    My secret? Easy? Yes and yes! I joined Weight watchers and think the "policeman' of having to weigh in every week provided the motivation and persistence I needed as food has always being a comfort for me and I don't have much will power as I love to cook and bake desserts. Weight watchers is famtastic, for me personally as first it provides flexible diet option (such as being able to have that treat or glass of wine daily) and provides weekly accountability and incentive. I also enjoy the tips I have got at the weekly meetings where the leader offers practical talks and advice to help.

    I highly recommend weight watchers as the best diet programme (I have tried many). I am not affiliated in any way with WW, and recommend they only on my personal experience of what suits my lifestyle (where I enjoy a glass of wine and a treat).

    Best of luck and let me know how you travel...With your weight loss. Happy to offer other advice of what works for me.


    • Posted

      Thank you Sydneymum,

      That is an option as well. Glad it's working wonders for you. I know my eating habits are not the best currently. Well, do not think they ever were but now the body has changed so I must as well. My doc did give me a plan to follow for now and it is somewhat limited to try and make sure I don't have issues with certain foods as well. The big one for me is lowering the amount of coffee I drink. I usually drink coffee until at least noon, light lunch and then dinner. The worst? I sit like blob in chair afterwards from being exhausted......that diffently will have to change. 

      Ahhhh..used to have high longer. Never thought I would see this, but in the big scheme of things, I know  there are much worse issues so I'm grateful it appears if I follow the recommended plan and take the meds this will be a thing of the past soon! 

      Thank you for your encouraging words!


  • Posted

    Hi Annie

    I understand your love of coffee. Me too! Provided you have skim milk and no sugar, there is not much calorie significance. For example, I start my day with 2 black coffee's (instant and no my younger years it had 2 sugars) and then one take away skim cappucino. In weight watchers terminalology the black coffee has zero points, but 1 cup of skim cappucino (without sugar)has 2 points. Conceivably if you have 3 or 4 of those that equates to 6 or 8 points which doesn't sound bad until you realise that your daily food allowance is 26 points and you have spent 6-8 points on drinks and no food.... Sometimes it is the unassuming calories that we consume (like coffee) that can hamper weight loss efforts.

    So perhaps consider your coffee intake in terms of whether you have sugar and milk as that might be impeding weight loss.

    Other thing to consider is that the coffee/caffeine is causing the energy slump. Often although caffeine in the short time gives you an energy boost and sense of positive acute brain sharpness, it comes with a downside which is an major crash in energy after a period of time and then you need more caffeine to start the cycle.

    On top of it, my dr told me on Tues that I must limit myself to 2 coffee's daily and no other caffeine as it is not helping my mood and anxiety caused by hormonal shifts in perimenopause.

    As regards your Dr's diet, obviously he would have provided you with a nutritionally sound diet plan. My problem with most of the diets out there (nutritionist based or celebrity based)is that they are not conducive to normal living and the limitation of or exclusion (other than for medical reasons) of certain foods (like chocolate, alcohol etc) leads to one feeling deprived and once you get to that point you are bound to fail as when we are low emotionally or just having followed a restrictive plan religiously for a period of time, you give up and have binge eating of the foods you were deprived of as you crave them. Also, restrictive plans which deprive you of treats are not sustainable in the long term as it is like a prison sentence and as human beings the feeling of captivity makes us want to break out or break the rules.

    This is why I found ww to be so beneficial as it caters for real life living, there are no restrictions on food types, just allowances made and flexibility offered so that you can work out a weekly plan when you treat yourself and this prevents the deprivation mentality and is also very motivating.

    So for example in my case, Monday night is my "treat night" where I eat whatever dinner I desire, followed by dessert of choice (I love to cook and bake desserts) and sometimes even 3/4 slab of chocolate. The rest of the week I stick religiously to my 26 daily points (within those I allow myself 4 points daily as glass of wine 3 times a week).

    Anyways, best of luck and think about your coffee preference and whether that is affecting your weight, perimenopause mood symptoms and daily energy levels.


    • Posted

      Hi sorry to butt in.  I also love my coffee and cant do without it.  I am stubborn!  hehe. You can buy organic sugar and tastes like the regular sugar.  It's really good, no aftertaste.  I had to change because I was getting cavities so now the dentist loves me! I think.  xxoo
    • Posted

      Hi HotDot!

      Oh the addiction! Great thing is, I don't use sweetner but simple milk. It's the amount I use, which Naturopath says must come down-pot of coffee a day (when I am working) is waaaaay tooo much! haha! Not like I didn't know's just putting it in place and finding better alternative. I try to use Green and now White tea instead........just not as satisfying! boohiss! Got to learn to like it!

      Annie xoxo

    • Posted

      Hi Sydneymum,

      Did you get my other message on your post? 

      Thanks for the advice. She has put together a very detailed diet to start with. Somewhat of an elimination diet as well to see about getting the inflammation under control. That's been playing into things as well. Just saw a commercial for a well known doctor and his elimination diet on the tv, hope this isn't some sort fad nonsense. Sounded reasonable. We'll see how this goes.

      Coffee for me is with cream, usually whole milk, just way too much as I explained to HotDot.........Never touched the stuff until age 47 and I am going on 57 this year!

      Got my blood drawn this am and will start the diet tonight. Already went grocery shopping this am to get things I'll need. Poor husband is on his own. He has no issues and big appetite for all the things off limits for me at the present time. How they luck out is amazing!

      Thank you for your well wishes and hope every thing is ok with you. biggrin

      Annie xxxx

    • Posted

      Hi there it's hard to not drink coffee after drinking it all your life.  😢  I tried Green Tea as my husband loves it but I can't enjoy it, it tastes like hot water with catnip in it haha  so I drink regular tea sometimes now and it's good for a change.  Thank you. xxoo
    • Posted

      Greetings Hotdot from rainy Down under!

      Enjoy your coffee!!! Benefits of coffee proven to aid us as we age. Medical evidence suggests mental decline is prevented and coffee (not just the caffeine, but the other components) aids brain health and also has positive effects on blood health, cholesterol etc.

      So enjoy guilt-free coffee drinking. There are only two reasons why y o u hold moderate or change your coffee habits.

      If you suffer any anxiety, hormonal or otherwise, caffeine can trigger or exacerbate anxiety from a physical point of view (by raising heart rate triggering emotional anxiety response). Any doctor will advise cutting down on caffeine (whether in coffee, black tea or soda drinks) if you have this issue.

      Secondly, if you are struggling with weight issues and rethinking your diet and what you are drinking, coffee is not the culprit. It is only the additions to your coffee that can be your hidden enemy from a calorie standpoint. So for example, full cream milk, or pure cream, or sugar or both may be your coffee companions. They are too blame, not the coffee.

      For weight issues, most diet guides recommend swapping full cram milk or cream with light or skim milk. If sugar is your friend, banish it and replace with healthier options (like the nutrient or whatever it's called) or eliminate completely (which is what I did gradually over a 6 month period). What I did was to gradually reduce my two heaped teaspoons of sugar in coffee by granules till I didn't have any anymore. I have been enjoying coffee without sugar for 4 years now.

      So enjoy the pleasure of your coffee and merely moderate it depending on the reason for it or have a think or look at the additions you plop in your coffee.

      Coffee is a friend in need and indeed!

      Logs of hugs,


    • Posted

      Hello from cold as heck Canada!   hehe. Thank you for your lovely response.    

      I have fatigue issues.  Brain Fog creeps up but I seem to never forget when it's coffee time! haha. I don't even drink alcohol or pop as it gives me indigestion issues.  Soooo coffee it is for me til the day I die.  I am 48 so hopefully will be here for a while to enjoy my caffeine.  xxoo

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      I'm just hoping since I switched during what must have been the start of Peri for me, that once this is all done, my love for tea will come back and in limited amounts! I am really started to like the white tea, it is rather smooth.

      One good sign I noticed after getting my blood work done, despite all the snow still on the ground, the tuliips are starting to push through the ground! Funny how something simple like the sun being out and seeing that today lifted my somewhat low mood! biggrin All in all it was a good day! Hope yours was too.

      Annie xoxo

    • Posted

      It's Spring here but snow on the ground still and slowly melting.  The days are longer now so more light.  Yah finally! Everyone is in a good mood cause this long winter is coming to an end.  We can come out of our hibernation now! hehe   You can try decaf...I did...but it's not the same so I pitched it. hehe. I can drink tea in the afternoon if I run out of cream but I need my coffee for that boost in the mornings and keeps me regular on the loo.  hehe. xxoo
    • Posted

      Hi greetings from afar. Ahhhhhh I immensely enjoyed my coffee this morning...thinking of your comments!  xo hehe
    • Posted

      Hi Hotdot in cold cold Canada far across the big pond!

      It is 9 am on a crisp Autumn Sydney day and I am having my usual brew....Black coffee! Then a 2nd cup at a trot just because I can! Enjoying very sip (okay my cup is a small dinky size one some fancy brand or other my mother gave me).

      So chin chin to you! Later on I shall enjoy a cappucino from coffee shop when we are out and about this afternoon!

      I too have a wafting brain fog that breezes in and out like an annoying fly. I can be happily talking and wham bam but I completely forget what I was about to say...gone annoying. The other irritating thING is I may be chatting and I cannot for the life of me remember a word or name of's like it's there, but not....of course I will remember later....but drives me mad.

      For fun....not, I started doing easy suduku puzzles which is almost funny considering I hated maths at school and made sure I chose a career requiring zero number/maths requirements and still to this day am awful at simple addition. You do not want me adding up your groceries or clothes or makeup shopping! Slyly it is always less In my head than it actually is on credit card! Playing dumb has its advantages when my darling hubbie queries my shopping especially my weakness of makeup and clothes....I confess proudly I am a makeup addict (totally justified as a naturally aging gal I reckon what I forgo in botox and other plumping pumping additives I can spend on lipsticks and foundation to make my aging face and slight melasma/age spots look the best they can ha ha ha).

      Anywhoooo, I digress....I forced myself and now ironically enjoy doing a suduku puzzle a day (I bought one of those little books) and I think it may be my guru to keep my brain ticking over....well I am punishing my brain really for all those years of not co-operating with me in my quest to understand the fog that is maths for me!

      As for coffee and sugar....I am suffering after effects of drinking for years and years since I was about 12, old school black instamt coffee with two heaped teaspoons of sugar (like 3-4 cups a day). Any surprise that I had by 20, 6 cavities in molars! I think not! That has been a horrible legacy, but frankly worth every darn filling! For me, good black coffee with sugar was the bomb! Except poor lille ol me (literally not poor, 5 ft 1 inches and 44 and well me) had one of those coffee-fillings plop out of a molar on Thursday and have to wait till next Thursday to get it filled again. OUCHY! And you know how sore those back of the mouth fillings are! Yes we do!

      Anyway, enjoy your coffee pleasure! No guilt, no sin! Also let me know how you are travelling on the perimenopause wagon as you are only a hop and a skip on the biological time line from me at 48 and Im catching up fast with 45 around the stop street in 4 months!

      In other discussion, I mentioned my symptoms and having blood test in 2 weeks for hormones....If you missed that post let me know and I can bore you with my thankfully short list of symptoms.

      lots of love from the other side of the great pond.


    • Posted

      Greetings from across the shark tank!  I forget what I was saying while on the subject.  Can't multi task anymore as it would be a disaster. Math was my worst subject in school and now running a wee business.  That's the brain fog...this will go well eh? haha 

      this perimenopause started a few years back I recall the heart palpitations and the light periods.  Two years back I had bad vertigo for 6 months with vomitting even.  Good way to lose weight tho!  hehe.  Right now it's fatigue and that's where coffee comes in.  It's a lifesaver!  I take B75 Complex vitamin and Caltrate for bone health in afternoon so I won't fall apart completely, so I feel ok right now.  Humor gets us through easier I think.  So keep smiling and laughing dear! Talk soon! xxoo

    • Posted

      Ha Ha HotDot,  was having a similar conversation only this morning about the forgetting what we are talking about mid-sentence. 

      Person I was talking to is a mere kid of 50, has same Peri symptoms as me, not taking HRT (yet) or any supplements.  I couldn't resist writing down 'Menopace Original. 3for2 in Superdrug' for her!! 

      She actually said she's coming on every 2wks. Yesterday, she was talking to her husband, who 'woke her up' saying 'WTF?!! Am I that boring?!' - she'd closed her eyes and nodded off while he was talking!  We all had a good laugh about that one!!

      Oh, and Maths got a mention too:  our mutual hatred.  (So glad I no longer run a small Business: my ol' man did the finances/tax etc:  thankfully.)

      Her husband made me a really lovely cappachino (usually hate milky/frothy coffee in a posh machine:  me likeylol!  Still love strong ground coffee with a hint of milk, but too much makes me go into verbal overdrive.  I used to love it in the mornings when I worked:  I used to start work at 7.30am and talk non-stop until about 9.30am.  Half the fun was just knowing how much I was irritating my young employees who'd obviously been out on the razz the night before:  it's an old-person thing: strong coffee for me, Red Bull for the kids!!


    • Posted

      You're soo funny and that's a plus getting through this damn perimenopause.  

      A positive attitude is the key to success.  I told my sister about Menopace cause most haven't heard about it but it sounds sooo great.  She has terrible night sweats.  I just tell her not to sweat it! hehe. So she is going to try Menopace.  We are in Canada. xxoo

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