Are there signs/symptoms when actual menopause is about to begin?
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Hi everyone,
I am so glad I found this board! Since this is my first post, let me introduce myself by saying I am 45 years old and have been experiencing perimenopause for a good three years or so; the last two being very intense with various symptoms. I know that obviously, you'll know you're going through (gone through?) menopause when you don't have a period for a full 12 months. But, do you have any symptoms when menopause is actually about to start? Do periods just abruptly stop or is there more to it? I've been feeling more "off" the past couple weeks. Like I can "sense" something "different" is happening to my body; I don't know how else to word it. I'm late to having my period, even though I have all the usual PMS symptoms. (No, I am not pregnant) The past couple weeks I've been dealing with terrible headaches and occasional dizziness. My pap smears have always been normal, so I am not concerned about that. I am just wondering, could this be it? Could menopause be starting? I know my mother started perimenopause around the same time I did and went through menopause before she turned 50. By the time she was 50, it was five years since she had a period (she's 59 now). I sure hope all of this made sense lol.
Can anyone shed light on when you know menopause is about to begin? (If there is any way to know.)
Thank you!!
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Jen2541 Tamara1005
In my own case, before I entered true menopause, I had a couple of years where I would skip periods, going 2-4 months without one. Prior to that, perimenopause for me had been mostly about very short cycles, sometimes as short as 18 days, but more often 23-24, and very heavy bleeding. I started having hot flashes during the final year I was having periods. My last period was a year ago, and I will be 53 in January.
Jen2541 Tamara1005
P.S. Lots of things about menopause suck, but having no periods is awesome. No more menstrual migraines either!
staci88515 Jen2541
Oh, Jen. You have no idea how happy I am to read this, I have had horrible menstrual migraines for 8 years. Now, that my periods are every 21 days, it really effects my life. I so hope mine disappear as well. xo
sakura26 Tamara1005
I don't have the answer but have the same question! Like you I've been going through peri for a few years but lately having dizzy spells and excessive hair shedding and a large fibroid I have may have shrunk a cm and a half. My mother didn't go through menopause until 60 but apparently I must have been adopted or have my dad's garbage genes. I hope other ladies can give us some clues!
kelly55079 Tamara1005
Not sure but I would think if your mom went thru about the same time then yes, it could be your time. My Dr said anything goes-- your last period could be really heavy or extremely light. This last visit thou she asked if I was skipping periods yet being 50. Nope they are extremely heavy every month and just scheduled a D&C to help with the heavy bleeding. I'm hoping this is it and will go into menopause. Good luck!
sharcerv52408 Tamara1005
Hello Tamara,
Welcome! Let me just say that for each woman the onset to perimenopause and menopause is different from person to person. Some women get no symptoms and just abruptly stop seeing their periods (lucky rascals), some have mild to moderate symptoms. The rest of us however are ridden with horrible symptoms that minimize our quality of life. If you look up on this forum a discussion feed called the 66 menopause symptoms it will show you a lot of the symptoms and that list doesn't include them all because believe me there is more than 66 of them. Doctors will try and tell you that because you are still seeing your periods that you are not going through peri but that is a lie. The symptoms start before you actually stop seeing periods. It takes the body a long time to come off of these hormones. I have been going through this since I was 26 after I had a partial hysterectomy. I am now 45 and just began skipping periods ladt year. I had been telling doctors for years that this is what I'm going through and it wasn't until my periods started missing that they finally took notice. So hang in there sister. We're in this together and we are here for you.
Thank you ladies for your responses. I know everyone is different and there really isn't one real "true" way to know for sure. But reading your answers helps a lot anyway, to know we're not alone. I have to say though, I am hoping this is it. I started my cycle at a very young age (10) and given everything I've been going through these past few years preparing my body, I am DONE! 😃
staci88515 Tamara1005
I was 9! That is 35 years straight of periods....35 times 12 equals 420. And, for the past few years I have had a period every 21 days, so that's more than 12 a year. I estimate that I have had roughly 440 periods. Ugh!! The literature says women have 350-500 periods in their lifetime. I have more than 4+ years to get to 500. Que the tears!
sharcerv52408 staci88515
I've been seeing mine since I was 12. I'm going to do the math on mine and see where I am.
sunaina1983 Tamara1005