Posted , 6 users are following.
My mood swings are getting worse my house is like a war zone...I cry all the time..I dnt know what to do...Advice please.xx
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Posted , 6 users are following.
My mood swings are getting worse my house is like a war zone...I cry all the time..I dnt know what to do...Advice please.xx
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trinity03 viv74067
So sorry! They can be really overwhelming, I know.
A couple of things. Make sure your family knows what's going on with you. Just be upfront and explain that your hormones are fluctuating and let them know how out of control they make you feel emotionally.
Also, make sure you're getting enough "me time." I know that being a woman/mom/wife,etc can make it challenging, especially when other people rely on you. BUT, you still need time to just BE.
Ask your family to work with you and help you through this transition period so it's a bit easier on EVERYONE in the house.
Again, so sorry. Many of us feel your pain
mauiblue viv74067
How old are you?
I just wanted to know if its been going on a while, or just started recently?
Often times i notice with me, my moods kind of dictate the household dynamic to a degree, becaue
im the mom, and the the only parent, and am closest to my boys.
I dont know for your situation how it is, but is there room for talking and maybe communicating whats going on with you?
I tell me boys, and they kind of get it. I am not angry though, for me its depression and instability that way. Its awful.
i feel for you,
viv74067 mauiblue
Hi I'm coming up 52 my husband just sees me being a birch don't know how much longer he will put up with me like this..xx
mauiblue viv74067
Does he know or kind of know what you are going through? This is a very tying time in marriages so ive seen and read and heard and also experienced in my late 40's.
I hope that you guys can try and figure it out, and maybe if he understand how life changing this time can be for you, i mean come on..our brains are basically entering into another phase of our lives and thats is no light matter but one to be tended to carefully and with compassion.
samantha42264 viv74067
Hi Viv,
I wish I had a specific answer to help you. This whole stage is awlful and being concious of our mood swings just adds to how awlful we feel. I feel like a mean b**chy old bag half of the time and have come to the point I avoid people as much as possible when I can tell Im in a negative cranky mood but the cranky thoughts in my head makes me feel guilty even though I do my best not to say any of the out loud.
As funny as it sounds I feel very blessed that I am single right now as Im sure holding my toung to a husband would be very difficult. I have 2 sons, young adults, and I've done my best to explain to their male brains why either Im cranky or sad, although they have no problem pointing out that Im being kind of b**thy when I am.....I've kind of learned that if I feel that way to avoid talking as much as possible and when possible I hide in my room. I've had to learn stop getting upset over stupid things like dirty dishes....just let it go, it doesn't really matter.
Sorry I can't give the answer....just letting you know you aren't the only one struggling with this awlful mood swings....all I can suggest is trying to explain it to your husband as much as possible and if you feel the negative moods coming on give him full warning
sarah86682 viv74067
This discussion really hit home with me!!! The last few weeks I have been in a horrible zone. Everything annoys me, the weather, the internet dropping out, any mess indoors etc. People just get on my nerves. I'm irritable with the kids, strangers, drivers on the roads. And as for him indoors.....most days I just want to tell him to F*** off and get out of my life. I know that I am really hard work for everyone at the moment, but I feel helpless to do anything about it. I used to hate being alone, would always want to be around people, but now I just want to be on my own the whole time. I bite my tongue all day long so I dont blurt out to people what Im thinking and cause a row, but then I get accused of being quiet and moody!!
I feel like I want to go and live in a cave all on my own until this phase of my life is over. Right now the moods are the hardest thing to deal with......
samantha42264 sarah86682
I know you aren't trying to be funny but when I read your comment it made me laugh. I love the honesty, I feel lately like the fakest woman on earth, at least half of the time lately other people annoy the crap out of me...people at the grocery stores, CO workers and so on...I'd love to scream F**K but of course I know better and dont.
Good luck girl