Arm and shoulder pain
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Do any of you get shoulder and arm pain on the left side. I think it's gas related. Went to ER once for it and had heart checked and all clear. Had an appointment yesterday with GI because of reflux and they are going to do a scope. Dr. is checking for H pylori and or celiac disease. They say that could be causing my reflux and weight loss.
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lenie95046 sharcerv52408
philippa61759 sharcerv52408
This can last for days. I initially blamed this pain and fatigue on the chiropractor and masseuse because my bad back got more constant at the same time.
I had 3 months of costochondritis (ribcage pain) last year which was very painful and I have had lesser bouts of it recently.
This March I began getting constant lower stomach pain before my period. The stomach discomfort has remained even when my period has finished and five doctors have not diagnosed it. I am seeing a sixth doctor on Sunday and I will be asking for a hormone level test among other things to see if I might be in peri menopause.
Last year I had a number of hot flushes that lasted a few minutes and then disappeared. I was feeling perfectly normal beforehand. I also have had a meltdown in public and been very forgetful much more so than normal.
I am 42 which seems early for the peri menopause but these symptoms to me seem very like it especially from other comments I have been reading here.
sharcerv52408 philippa61759
lenie95046 sharcerv52408
lisa215 sharcerv52408
I too get pain in my left arm which my Dr has said could be down to my digestive issues.
I've had IBS for years but its got worse lately along with son acid problems. I've been give rabeprazole to try to settle things down.
Its awful!
Shelly0069 sharcerv52408
lisa215 Shelly0069
Im staggered at the amount of women on this forum who have acid reflux type symptoms. Mine only started this year, never suffered with acid before. Do you mind me asking how long you've been on the lansoprazole and how effective you've found this type of medication?
Shelly0069 lisa215
sharcerv52408 Shelly0069
shaznay96184 sharcerv52408
Yep. I've had this pain for.....God knows how long! Probably much to my own cost I'm very much a 'grin and bear it'-type so just get on with it. Should mention I'm 54, been Peri for yonks and still bleeding as regular as clockwork.
Found it was more of a problem in the months leading up to Xmas, so decided my NY Resolution was to try to sort myself out. The pain that had been solely in my shoulder had also crept down to my L elbow, and sometimes upwards into my neck/ between shoulder blades.
Well 5mths later......My pain is 1m times better. Why? I truly believe my saviour has been my taking Menopace Original. A one-a-day min/vit supplement. I haven't taken any meds for years (only ever took Transexamic Acid for heavy bleeding 5yrs ago for a couple of yrs), not even vitamins. I can only assume that I was completely depleted in all major gifts/mins to get this amount of benefit.
Although not (yet) taking traditional HRT, I have also been trialling some Bioidentical Progesterone Cream. Might actually be this combination that's working well for me. Who knows, but I feel fine mentally (I have my moments but have always been a hothead :-) ).
Read here about hormonal benefits of the mirena. Given you're probably younger, maybe go have a chat/have you bloods checked with your GP. Worth a trip in case its completely unrelated.
But I totally disagree with the GP who told one of our 'sistas' she was 'too young' at 44 to be Peri. Try telling that to all those OTHER 44yrs olds who ARE Peri!!
Chin up Kiddo. At the very least maybe a Vit D/Calcium/Magnesium supplement may help you - just check your doses are not exceeded as 'innocent' mins/vits can be be bad for us too!!
sharcerv52408 shaznay96184
linda37283 sharcerv52408
susan21149 sharcerv52408
Has anybody had their bottom feet hurt please let me know thank you
00Spitfire sharcerv52408
Propranolol (Inderal) and sent me to physical therapy. Joy! Hip pain gone! Btw I am 48 with erratic menstrual cycles. For about 2 years now. I don't take hormones. I take Vitamin D and Fish oil. However now I have severe left arm and shoulder pain, as well as failing eyelashes. I have had great eyelashes up until taking this medication. Well I'm less concerned about the eyelashes but thought I'd mention it in case someone else noticed this, what I would call a side effect of the Propranolol. What is driving me crazy is the arm and shoulder pain. I'm still in physical therapy and we are working on the arm but to no avail. I'm wondering if this pain is also a side effect of Propranolol. Anybody else had any of these problems?
lola26177 00Spitfire