Arrggg.... Burning...
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Jeez.... This is now beyond uncomfortable.
Started with a real strong smell to my urine a few weeks ago, this has now stopped.
I went to see my Dr as I was peeing so much and incredibly sore down there...
Nothing showed up in urine sample.
Week later was just as bad so did another
urine sample, this time dipped and told i've a UTI so 3 days antibiotics given. In the mean time results of sample came back from the lab as inconclusive for UTI.... but as the burning/peeing was still as bad Dr has given me another 7 days of antibiotics.... which normally sort it out quickly...but i'm still buring/peeing all the time, including 3/4 times during the night and quite frankly it's driving me insane... at one point it felt like an air bubble was tapped in there..🤔
I've also had and still do discomfort in the lower tummy....
I've suffered with vaginal dryness for years, have been on Vagifem for 2 years. Stopped this week as Dr said to try estirol cream instead , which is another story of how you get it to stay up there....
Use multi-gyn Actigel on the vaginal lips, also YES water based gel... No sex for years...
Has the menopause suddenly hit me hard at 57?
Anyone else suffer?
Any help as to how to ease it would be appreciated...
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Foxy62 misskh
Hello , this is awful for you and ive had a similar problem . Burning, low down tummy pain, up and down all night etc etc ..... im the same age as you aswell ! Do you drink enough ? The hospital told me the best thing to keep things flushed through and minimise issues with bladder is brand name lemon barley water , begins with R !! Try to drink at least 1 and a half litres a day if you possibly can , it really helps. I know its hard to drink so much but it flushes things through and keeps the bladder flushed through .
chris620531 Foxy62
i agree with that all that. I drank and drank and went to toilet constantly until it flushed out , it was gone in 2 days. Only filtered or still mineral water though and as soon as you want to go you must go and never hold it. good luck
Foxy62 chris620531
Agree, nothing fizzy or sparkly in any way as that agrivates things . No wine or alcohol - how boring ! but true , natural as possibe . Ive been there sitting on the loo for hours with the burning and pain needing to go but nothing happening , its distressing and upsetting . Its so hard coming to terms with all these changes in our bodies . So many of us in the same situation lets hope we feel better soon .
susan39015 misskh
Hi wonder if you could be passing a kidney stone?
Escarole misskh
Hi, I've been going through something similar. I started having a really bad itching around vagina/urethra and couldn't hold my urine. I got a urine and vaginal culture and they both came back positive (candida and uti). I took an antibiotic and the next culture was negative, but after a while I started having symptoms again. I don't know if you've had a vaginal sample tested. Sometimes they have common symptoms. I've had 4 urine samples, some of them positive, some of them negative, it's crazy! I also have vaginal dryness and the urologist and gyne said it's because of that, because the vaginal ph changes and we lose our natural flora and protecttion. Like you, I've also had and have lower tummy discomfort and have lost my apetite. Quite worried, now waiting for 2 new cultures (urine and vaginal). The urologist said the most important thing is having that hydrated, she told me to use different internal and external products: olive oil, hyaluronic acid, vit E, etc., besides the anti fungus treatment. Today I bought ozone oil, which is supposed to be really good. Also taking D manose daily to help prevent utis and a probiotic . I hope we can get better soon..
Gigi368 misskh
You totally described my decent into vaginal atrophy.. if you're using the cream use it at bedtime and slather it around your vulva and urethra. What most docs omit to tell you is your bladder is estrogen dependent. I started estrace cream about 2 yrs ago now, after fighting one yeast infection, bv and uti after another the vaginal estrogen finally kicked in and up until 2 weeks ago, when I had to be on antibiotics, I've been completely free of infections. As of right now I'm battling a yeast infection and bladder issues bc I havent been able to use the estrace. Tonight is my last night of yeast treatment and I can't wait to use it! The dryness is most likely causing your problems, drink lots of sugar free fluids and use the cream at bedtime and use about a pea size amount on your vulva and urethra (on your outer bits you can use it anytime). Its not a quick fix but it should work if you stay on a regimen.
Good Luck!
Gigi368 misskh
Forgot to ask, did they test for yeast infection? Yeast symptoms also mirror everything you listed..
Might be worth looking into..
Rainbow976 misskh
I didn't have the vaginal symptoms you describe except a time where I always felt like there was more urine in my bladder I couldn't get out.I had digestive and stomach troubles as well but didn't link the 2 issues at that time.
You might want to look into a probiotic and digestive enzymes. Maybe it's candida, I am not sure if yeast overgrowth in stomach is related to vaginal but it wouldn't surprise me. Seems like it is all connected during this awful time.