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When I was 18 years old I had a bee sting in which I was highly allergic to and had to have EPI it caused by heart to go into an arrhythmia in which lasted for about a year. It almost ruined my life. 1 month ago I started having this arrhythmia again and I had a nuclear stress test and an echocardiogram and they found nothing. When I was 18 they diagnosed me with Mitral Valve but this time when they done the testing they didn't see it. I have what feels like skipped beats that make my heartbeat drop into my stomach when I listen to it through a stethoscope it sounds like its beating multiple times. It drives me crazy sometimes its like I can't breathe good when it happens. When I get paniced it sets off other symptoms as well. I am trying to ignore it but I have fear like crazy. I have been wearing a heart monitor for 14 days and today I send it back and be read. I am so scared. I have two teenage kids and I run a big farm I have a fear of just collapsing one day and leaving my kids. Thier dad works away a lot and we have no other family and I have such a fear of leaving them alone. I take care of my parents in which are helpless, I am finishing a college degree, and I run a farm and mom to two teenagers. The Dr. has told me I have a lot of stress and thats obvious but this is not normal.

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    Sounds the same as mine they called mine etopics and say it's nothing to worry about but that's easy to say lol I get it a lot right now and it's driving me crazy

    • Posted

      Yeah its really working on my nerves here lately I feel like any minute its going to happen so it sets me on edge. 
    • Posted

      Think it happens more when you feel like that change your diet and that seemed to help me abit
    • Posted

      I ate a lot of takeaway and drank Diet Coke a lot so just cut it all out feel better but still get them most days what gets me mad is the hospital don't care about them told me just to deal with it 😞

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