arthymia problems

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my doctor told me i had this artrial fibrillation three weeks ago ive had an ultrasound and its normal but im still getting this problem every day i am on medication but it does not seem to help much at the moment so if the ultrasound was normal why have i still got this

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17 Replies

  • Posted

    When I was first diagnosed with atrial fibrilation it was trial and error with the medication until the right one was found that kept my Af under control.  So maybe there is need for a change of medication.

    Best wishes.

  • Posted

    Hi frances its a bloody awful thing to have mines come back big time after a gap of 4 months and i hate it with a passion just trying to get my meds right and medical lot to get it sorted chin up and battle on
  • Posted

    Hi Frances - go back to your gp and let them know my ultrasound was also normal the consultant said they sometimes just dont know why - you might just need your medication increased or changed.  hope you feel better soon
  • Posted

    it is a worry but i had the ultrasound which was ok then angiogram which showed up parixysmal atrial fibrillation i also had the 24 hour monitor really it was the monitor that showed up im on medication which has helped    the consultant is talking about  having a ablation but im a bit scared of that  mine all started just a year ago  thought things were much better but this last week im now getting a little pain about 3 x day the right side at the front of my chest   each time i have ecg its  mostly in sinus  i have a good gp but this all takes its time and  i dont know about you but many times i feel real ill  also before i go  remember  to get refered to a consultant wish you al the best
    • Posted

      You to pauline its a right royal pain trying to capture this bloody af i had my last dose in early october last year .then nearly three weeks ago it just started again but its been every single day at least it showed up on my ecg on monday so waiting again for my doctor and cardiologists to sort me out my biggest problem is work, im a self employed deccy and i carnt do a quater of the work i did before last year the firm im contracted to have been very good but its comeing up to our busy time and i know they can not carry dead weight i will be talking to the md next wednesday over the heart issue besides i carnt put in a full days decent work went home on thursday at one and slept for two hours on sofa whats all that about like i have said befire wish i could wave a magic wand and make everybody on here better its awfull this af
    • Posted

      do you get any pain only  this pain i get is horrid drs seem to take no notice of it  you really cant explain how you feel just that you know something is not right also im so cold i take warfrain wonder is that anything to do with being cold   i see you are tired same here    i think it helps when you can see others have the same symptom  wish you well when you   know anything let us know 
    • Posted

      Warfarin causes a lot of people to feel cold. I know someone who wears an overcoat in summer. It can also commonly cause joint pain and hair loss.


    • Posted

      My pain is in my chest i said to doctor it feels like stitch he hust blanked me i was on warfarin last year doing the blood count thing did my bead in boring hospital 3 times aweek
    • Posted

      For goodness sake get a pacemaker fitted , then it's no meds 
    • Posted

      Tried to get me on the waferin merrygoround, I refused point blank,

      they put me on anticoagulant tablets straight away,seen to many on warfarin 

      having to have checks every week, not of that for me

    • Posted

      I asked my doctor if a pacemaker would help and he said not in my case. So a pacemaker is not always the answer I wish it was that simple.
    • Posted

      What was the tablets called Charles the Antocoagulant ones please 

      thank you 

  • Posted

    Hi all my name is pat 

    from North west UK 

    i have A F just out the blue 10 years ago 

    I hate being on Warfrin but if it helps then what can you do I love my Veg but it plays Havoc with warfrin 

    i Am 62 

    • Posted

      `hi Pat   like you i find it very hard to keep my I N R leval i really enjoy my veg  there is no way i want to eat it 7 days though   i have  my blood taken and its either up or down to much so i have to take more warfrain or less or leave it off for a few days  it is a bit of a pain  i started on warfrain in june last year. 
    • Posted

      Coumadin is a tablet been about 2 years 

      no blood test readings sounds great but more money than warfrin 

      I cannot get it off my. GP because of cost it is crazy 

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