As soon as I wake in morning I shake, why?
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Every morning upon waking I start shaking and heart starts beating like it's going to jump out my chest. My hand is shaking ( if I hold out hand it's basically like this all day) . I visit an endocrinologist yesterday and basically was a waste of time and money. She really wasn't going to do anything until I suggested to check my thyroid. She goes "oh your skin is so soft but I dont feel any nodules." Duhh ..i assume so that my skin would be soft from all the weight loss. (Sagging skin) I asked her to do bloodwork she said that it was no need to do bloodwork on my hormones since I already know I'm going through perimenopause. So i said can you do bloodwork on my thyroid? She agreed to check thyroid. She said she thinks it's just anxiety which triggering all the problems. (Stomach issue, weigh loss, etc) then wanted to know if anyone else in my family suffer with anxiety? She basically wrote two prescriptions, one for anxiety and the other for heart palpitations. As usual I leave out with my anxiety prescription. My question is I thought something usually brings on the anxiety? In my case just sitting still brings it or any type of movement. I wake up this way and usually last all day. Is this really anxiety? Though i have periods of really heavy anxiety, it usually come around the same time daily. Mornings, between 12 noon - 3pm. and I get a free hour of lightness, and again between 5pm - 7pm. Afterward, it lightens up. All symptons usually disappear until I go to bed. When they come on
really bad during these time..i get so weak, shaky, and such an awful feeling like I just can't go on.
This is a constant feeling all day long.
One day I was driving by ER and the feeling came on and I drove right to ER. They did bloodwork, ekg, CT scan on pelvis and abdomen, x ray, and pretty much told me that's it's anxiety. Like yesterday, again I walked out with another anxiety prescription.
Sorry to rant on, but my question is if it's anxiety, why is it constant and not brought on by something? I think my body is so sensitive to these hormonal changes whereas it's bringing stress to the body??
What's your view or comment? I'm tired of going in circles and wasting my money.
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littleme1969 mary27278
I started with it about a year ago, as soon as i start to come round my body would start to tremble then my heart would start racing then i would need to run to the loo
ever morning .. plus the constant trembling and anxiety through the day which changes with menstrual cycle. A year on it has calmed down somewhat , no longer wake to the shaking etc every day just get it with hormone splurges. Still get the anxiety etc though but again its not as bad. I take ametriptyline and that does help with the shaking, and propranolol which helps with anxiety and palps etc. but other than going on HRT of some kind there arent many choices to treat it sadly.
mary27278 littleme1969
Thank you Littleme! Im wondering God what is wrong with me, is this really anxiety? Yes yes yes, I've been running to the loo too, when it comes on in the morning or any other time. It was horrible yesterday! The endocrinologist gave me lexapro for anxiety and something for the palpitations. I need to pick it up from pharmacy today. At this point, I'm willing to try anything now.
littleme1969 mary27278
mary27278 littleme1969
This hasn't just started it's been going on since June, it has gotten worse. It started off being light and periodically but now it's constant. It is very difficult to function throughout the day. Of course its worsen around ovulating time and leading up to period time. I did read somewhere that it could be trapped emotions that causes it too??
Don't know how true that is..🙄
littleme1969 mary27278
Gypsy014 littleme1969
Littleme Well said!!! Very good info... I feel often the neurological part of this today I'm having tingling pins and needles in my hand and my big toes and hands just aren't feeling right sort of stiff (weird)and I haven't had this symptom before makes me feel like I have MS symptoms, so it's making me a bit nervous and making my anxiety very bad today! But I do understand that when our hormones leave our bodies nothing is quite right anymore as these hormones control everything from thyroid to blood sugar to the way we think, so yes my brain is definitely feeling the lack of hormones. Just wanted to chime in and say great info you shared😄😄😄
sue16169 Gypsy014
This is me exactly sometimes the only thing that can make me feel any better is the bath or shower or even swimming in a pool, for some reason I don’t have any symptoms in the water. Used to put the stuff sore hands down to too much phone use or computer work but having stopped that I still get them. And the sore feet and Joints. Just over it all and want to feel normal again 😩
pplmarcia mary27278
Nope, it's anxiety from peri menopause; it's coming from the hormones imbalance that your body is experiencing. You can be watching television or just sitting there and it happens. My heart rate is always elevated at times it's a mess. I did the same thing ran to the doctors and ER thinking I'm about to have a heart attack and die same thing nothing but more scripts,
Stay well
kris813 mary27278
I'm 48 wonder all your ages . I have the same exact problem. Sometimes I even feel like my insides are actually vibrating. It's absolutely horrible. Haven't had a period this month. Got one last month but not the month before . The shakiness and trembling is horrible . Then came the skipped beats , the racing heart . Had monitors how do you Ekg all show yes skips and fast but passed my stress test my heart is structurally fine. I too on lexapro for years and now a beta blocker atenenol . Oh and oh my life my blood pressure was perfect sometimes even a little low now since this all started my blood pressure was going out of whack until the beta blocker. I am going back to the gynecologist and insisting on hormonal testing cortisol testing and adrenal testing. These dr think we are crazy -
(( and last night I thought I was going crazy it was so horrible.
Gypsy014 mary27278
Definitely is anxiety Mary!! I have the anxiety really bad too. In fact I see my therapist for the first time Mon to start CBT therapy because I just can't take much more of it so hopefully it works I've heard good things about it. And also the anxiety just comes out of nowhere and yes it stays with you all day long, just awful you sit there nervous scared shaky trembling and it's just horrible. Mine has been with me for 1 1/2 years now and this time last summer when I didn't understand what was happening to myself either it was very bad! But once you know what's going on you just learn to ride the anxiety like a wave just kind of go with it, make yourself busy doing whatever until that hour in the day that it normally calms down for you!I did read somewhere that when this transition is over we are never like we use to be we are different because we've crossed over into our maturity years we are calmer and take life very easy and it's suppose to be great! Kind of like when we first get our first period we are crossing over from young girls into woman we don't go back to being young girls after the change we become young woman better than before! So stay strong and nurture yourself and just go with the change and eventually hormones will settle and you'll be that new woman butterfly emerged from her cacoon😁?
mary27278 Gypsy014
Thank you Gypsy. This really touched me it made me cry. I have already begun to see things so differently. #1 I have learn to value myself and to know that I matter too not just those around me. Sometimes I feel this is how I got to this place , not enough pampering given to self.
What kind of therapist should i seek for CBT? At this point, I'm willing to try anything because this is effecting me too much especially my weight loss. I can't go a whole year like this! Wow! I salute you and I'm complaining about some months.
Did you get the heart palpitations with the shakiness, etc.?
Gypsy014 mary27278
Your welcome Mary anytime! No I never get the palpitations I'm very thankful to say, I'm just the opposite my heart beats very slow and my blood pressure is always low, in fact I try and walk around and try and get my pulse beating faster and then catch myself taking my heart rate counting the beats making sure I'm still ticking ha ha... With the CBT I looked on the internet and found a community place that offers it to all my local counties as I m glad because I have the worst medical insurance ever and could not find a therapist that takes my ins.. So looking forward to this place, anything is better than nothing. I also looked up some great information on Google all about CBT and anxiety and all the different types of anxiety, I downloaded some CBT apps as well, and I have taken notes on how to start all of this and well for instance I can't really drive outside my comforfort zone and they teach you how to handle your anxiety attack when it's happening and then just kind of go beyond your comfort zone and push through it, different things like that you have to retrain your brain so to speak, but I will learn more as I go along. Also Google magnolia menopause blogs, she's FANTASTIC!!! You'll love her great information..
Cocoon..... 😀😀😀
Lol I don't know why this keeps repeating so many times..