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Hi all. Has anyone here used ashwagandha for your perimenopause / menopause symptoms? If so, how'd it work for you? My main issue is really, really bad PMS with anxiety and mood swings. I do believe I have entered perimenopause. Talking to my doctor at the end of the month, but figured I'd go ahead and try this stuff. Thanks.

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10 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Laura, yes I’m also searching for something to help with this, I’m 41 and believe I’m suffering with peri menopause with anxiety and nausea being my worst symptoms... I’ve not tried ashwagandha, but I’ve heard it works for some people, I’ve just picked up some rhodiola so I’m going to give that a go x
  • Posted

    I started taking a daily priobiotic that had ashwaganda in it.  It labeled itself a priobiotic mood+.  Honestly I felt no improvement with it and I took it for 3 months.  However, the amount of ashwaganda in it would be significantly lower than taking a full supplement of it so I am sure that would come into play.  I have toyed with the idea of ashwaganda as well as 5HTP but haven't experimented with either yet.

  • Posted

    5HTP has helped me IMMENSELY with moods and sleep. I will take it for 3 weeks, then stop for 2. It doesn't make anything perfect, but it sure helps.

    • Posted

      Hi Jennifer, is there a scientific reason why you do the 3 on and 2 off with the 5Htp? Just curious. I have begun reading more and more about it and all of it very positive.
    • Posted

      You're supposed to take a break from it, so whatever works for you. After a few weeks it starts to affect my stomach so I think that is a sign I have reached my tolerance, so I just take a break. But it works for me, for sure. I like the capsule best, not tablet. I find the tablets hard on my stomach and it's having a hard enough time these days! Lol.

  • Posted

    Thanks Laura! I have a lot of sensitive stomach issues so I have to careful of aggravating that. Does it come in different dosages? I typically start new 'meds' at the lowest dose to ease into them. What dose works well for you?

    • Posted

      Sorry! Meant to type Jennifer. smile.
    • Posted

      Lol so many of us on here, it's confusing! 50mg is lowest. I take 100 once a day and that works for me. Maybe do 50 with breakfast for 1-2 weeks and then take again with lunch after that timeframe. FYI it isn't instantaneous. You wouldn't notice a difference straight away. First time for me took 3 weeks and then I thought, wow I actually slept half decent last night... and then hmmmmm... linked it with the 5HTP. And my mood gets smoother. Also good for teens if you have any 😜

    • Posted

      Thank you! I saw some today at CVS but it was combined with other "beneficial" ingredients and I prefer to start with one that just has that ingredient in case there are side effects, etc.

  • Posted

    Hi all. I was also wondering if ashwagandha can give you diarrhea. Thanks

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