Asking on behalf of husband
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My husband has been newly diagnosed and I feel very anxious about what we may face. I would appreciate any feedback on my questions below. I do my best to remain supportive, calm, and positive with him. But I need support from people in the know.
I purchased 3 books focused on Polymyalgia Rheumatica, 2 of
which focus on diet.. They were helpful but the info about the risk of GCA and diabetes alarmed me.
This is is his brief story : after diagnosis he was put on prednisone and experienced some intense side effects so he is now on a different steroid, the steroids brought immediate relief but also some depression and sleeplessness.
So now he has a sleeping med, a beta blocker ( for heart related side effects, pounding heart, etc) and the new steroid. No anti-depressant yet.
Jere are my questions as we would,greatly appreciate any input and personal experiences:
1. Has anyone here avoided weight gain? We have been told that moon face is inevitable. We were also,told that weight gain is not inevitable if a strict diet is followed. So far, no weight gain, Adoet is being followed-low,carbohydrate, added calcium, etc
2. I am wondering how to help support him?. I confess the almost constant negativity and depression has made me feel gloomier too and I feel,guilty about thst because he is going through much worse. I would not cope nearly as well as he has. He is not self pitying, I believe the depression is steroid related.
3. Is 2-3 years typical for steroid use?
4. Have most here experienced GCA or diabetes - or both
5. What has your spouse some thst has been mosf helpful and supportive? spouse
5. Which specific diet and food restrictions are best?
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FlipDover_Aust jae61606
My responses to your questions - remembering that we are all different!
1/ I've put on a huge amount of weight - but a LOT of it was comfort eating because I was so depressed and also because I was too fatigued to plan and get to the shop and then cook. Mr Flip is NOT a cook, so it was easy food or starve! I have the moon face (although it's manifested more in my neck than cheeks), the 'buffalo hump' and a (very much!) expanded waistline. I followed a strict 'paleo' diet for two months and lost 6kg without portion control and felt much better. Don't ask why I can't stick to it because I don't know! lol
2/ What ever you do, don't do what Mr Flip was, which was take the 'push through it" stance. It was really unhelpful. I needed to be encouraged that resting was fine, not to push myself and learn to keep myself busy so I didn't get angry and depressed. Encourage acceptance. It won't last forever. I was very, very depressed for about a year. I don't think it was pred induced as much as learning to accept the new normal. THAT was hard.
3/ Everyone is different. He could need it for 6 months, or six years. There's no way to tell.
4/ Nope. Not yet, although I have insulin resistance and a fatty liver..... obesity/pred/who knows?
5/ I WISH he'd quietly done the things that I wanted to do, but couldn't. Without me doing things, he just stopped. For example, when I stopped being able to renovate the house, so did he. I got very angry about that. I'm not talking about basic stuff like housework, that doesn't matter - but the 'extras' that *I* wanted done. Not what *HE* wanted done. Ask him how you can help him do things to keep himself busy - buy whatever gadget or tool he needs - might be time to take up model trains or woodwork - whatever he ever wanted to do, but hasn't. A new hobby that is fun. Keep him excited about life. Life as he knew it has just changed but it doesn't have to be all bad.
5/ As I mentioned above - when on the 'paleo diet' I did very well, felt well and lost weight.
Good luck - I wish you were MY wife!!!
Anhaga FlipDover_Aust
FlipDover_Aust Anhaga
I feel like the past two years everything I wanted to achieve has just been put on hold. We had three rooms left to renovate - I pushed myself earlier this year to do two - plastering and painting etc - he did 'help' but complained bitterly - no thought to how much *I* wanted/needed them done (one is a spare room which now has a returned adult child living in it and the other was my 'craft' (escape) room!!! And he still hasn't put up the curtain rods - even though I made the curtains 6 months ago! AARGGGG
And let's not go into discussing the yard. It's a pit. "I don't garden" he says.... yes, well maybe not, but that doesn't mean you can leave it to look like hoarders and hobos live there either!
EileenH FlipDover_Aust
Yes - I have an "I don't garden" person! That didn't help the PMR in its unrecognised early days!
But then, he "doesn't know how to" cook, clean, do laundry, iron, camp (we have a camper van, he drives it) and I'm sure there are other things...
Anhaga FlipDover_Aust
I have a procrastinator. We live in a climate which can get a lot of rain and snow. We have a basement which means windows mere inches above ground level. One of them has a frame which started to rot a few years ago. I've talked to a tradesman who said he would come after the summer high work season was over. I asked my procrastinator to phone this man about six weeks ago. Now he says he's going to fix it himself. Oh, I remark, if you were going to fix it yourself why didn't you do it two years ago? Well, he says, it wasn't so bad then.
And of course he has no idea how to repair this frame so I fear by next spring we'll have a leak. Must try to find phone number for my professional guy who does know how to repair houses and call him myself.
I don't know which is worse, having someone who doesn't do things because it's not his thing, or someone who says he'll do things but a) doesn't and/or b) can't do the job properly anyway but won't admit it.
Anhaga EileenH
When we were first married my hubby was very proud of the fact that he could sew on buttons. (I think it was the only thing his mother taught him.) So I left him to it. Recently he appeared with a shirt which has multiple loose buttons and a couple off altogether but there are replacements available. Oh, I said, I know how you like to sew on buttons so I won't interfere. Made sure he had enough thread and needles and even little scissors. I think I'm waiting for him to ask me to do this for him. I will, when he asks. Do we have a dysfunctional relationship? Maybe.
EileenH Anhaga
David upset me badly once - he won't buy new socks etc (meaness I suspect) and his ones from uni, nylon and bought by mummy, were wearing through. He asked me to darn them (I mean, REALLY?????). I refused and told him to get new ones. HE ASKED HIS MOTHER!!!!
Nefret EileenH
I have had a'can't cook, can't clean, can't do anything which hints of 'housework'. I have to say 'had' as due to my incapacities over the last couple of years he can (proudly) fry eggs, mash potatoes, make toast, not to mention opening a can of soup and heating it. Who knows what could be next?
Still, he's all I've got and I am rather fond of him even if we have to have shouted conversations now that he's deaf.
EileenH Nefret
You know my theory - it's all in the name!!!!!
jae61606 FlipDover_Aust
Thank you. We are on a relatively tight budget but I've cut everything as much as possible to just hired a housekeeper twice a month. We used to do it all but we have a special needs son so I can't do it myself. The bathrooms are especially important to me.
He is still teaching and loves it. His schedule is not too intense but we take it day by day.
I have been a bit of a scold about diet and even though he has not complained I am backing off. It was really just fear. Instead, I have focused on having healthy food in the house and he probably sneaks some treats. But.I don't want to be overly controling.
I eill investigate the Paleo diet. I appreciate all the tips from everyone.
Also, while it is terribly self- centered and I would never admit it to him, this has made me face- more acutely than ever-that we are growing older.
The years from 50 to 60 somehow slipped by without noticing.. Now I am 63 and he is 64 and the fact that this condition often strikes those over 60 drives home the whole aging process.
Of course it is silly to think much about this, especially since my mother never felt older till she was 80. And it is mostly fear of anything happening to him since we are so compatible and I love him deeply.
I don't say a thing to friends for fear it will get back to him.
Hedoes not need to worry about me on top of everything else. When he is here, my fears recede because I can focus on listening to him, prepare meals, relax together, etc.
ptolemy jae61606
My sister's godmother got PMR when she was 69. She reckons she had it for around eight years. She is now in her nineties and still looks like she could model for Vogue.
Anhaga EileenH
I laughed out loud.
I told my husband when we got married that I "didn't do" darning. I suppose in a way that's akin to "not doing" gardening. But he knew that from the get go. Mind you, we just had our 49th wedding anniversary and I'm the one who throws out the holey socks and buys him new ones.
Btw I was far too young to get married....
FlipDover_Aust jae61606
This condition has also made me actutely aware that I'm getting older - and I was 51 when diagnosed!! I fear that my 50s will be lost to PMR.....
I still work full time myself, and it's a hard slog when you have PMR, and even though I'm 'just' a public servant it's still hard to drag yourself in every morning, and some days just sitting at my desk was more than I was capable of.
jae61606 ptolemy
That's encouraging!
EileenH jae61606
Jae - you can scold all you like about diet - it really won't make much difference at all to the PMR and all it will do if my husband is anything to go by is make him resentful. PMR is a pain - it takes a lot away and to lose even your comforts in the kitchen hurts more. The paleo diet per se, or any other fad, won't cure - but paleo is low carbs. Low carbs - but not NO carbs, will help. Make the carbs count - good quality and as a treat. But there is no need to make life any more miserable than he probably already feels. He will come round eventually - when he realises some things aren't as good for him as others. I know - I have one like that1
While people in their 60s are more likely to develop PMR - there is a large community on the forums who were in their early 50s when it appeared. Two of us have had it for 12 and 16 years respectively. I was still 51 when mine first surfaced and I had 5 years without even pred. I lost a lot of my 50s to it because I couldn't do many things because of the pain and stiffness. But with pred, once other medical problems were sorted out, I have my life back. Not entirely the life I had envisaged when we moved here to a ski resort but it is still pretty good!
Be patient Jae, the first few months are the worst and as his body gets used to the pred, the pain and stiffness improves and he is able to reduce the dose a bit it will all feel different. PMR does NOT kill - it's a pain in the anatomy but it will get better long before it goes away. And I've said before - men have a very different experience - there are several on the forum who, once the initial adjustment period was over, are back to their usual exercise habits. One gentleman is well over 80 and still playing pickleball - though he is a bit upset that his physcial performance has slowed down a bit!
Take one day at a time - and so what if the house is a bit dusty? Dust is very patient, it will always wait!
jae61606 EileenH
Thanks Eileen - this group has been wonderful. Now if I could just get my husband to participate. Maybe someday he will. In the meantime, I'm grateful for the support and he is benefiting as well, although he may not realize just how much.
Anhaga jae61606
jae61606 Anhaga
He uses social media sometimes but he doesn't share many personal details online. Perhaps the younger generation is different but he grew up with a " men don't share feelings" sort of attitude. He is very open with me, however.
i think he is also in a bit of denial. I bought the books on PMR and left them on a coffee table but he has never read a single page even though he is an avid reader.
Of course I can only try to imagine the way he is feeling. I might react the same way as him..or worse..if I had PMR. All in all, he has been strong. .
ptolemy jae61606
Anhaga jae61606
Interesting. I wanted to find out everything I could. It was even suggested to me early on - on this forum no less - that I should be more accepting! But it has always been in my nature to be inquisitive. Over the past year and more I've had to accept that there are no answers for many of my questions, and that's actually been hard. Think that is one of the lessons this disease has taught me. No doubt there will be more. Perhaps your husband feels he knows all he wants/needs to know right now; it's all he can deal with at the moment. When his new reality has finally sunk in, then he may become more interested in learning how to live his new life. My spouse is a fairly kind person, although he has a lot of trouble expressing emotions. He's been so oblivious to my condition, a few weeks ago I had to straighten him out when he indicated that all this time he thought I had fibromyalgia. As Flipdover said - I wish you were my wife!
EileenH jae61606
Jae - men and health (or sickness) is an Egyptian river cruise! I've got one of those at home too!
Women DO look at it all very very differently - especially when we are intelligent and naturally inquisitive types. I don't want to have an illness about which I don't know everything I possibly can. Men just don't want to know! And, naturally enough since the ratio is 2.5 women to every 1 man, he would feel overwhelmed, We do have men on the forums, but not many.
Anhaga mentions the acceptance - being accepting does not mean you don't find out about the illness. What it means is you don't stress as much and fight - and that leaves energy for more important things, like living.