at my wits end with GP not listening or helping

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my health is going down ill fast and i cant get any help. My GP has told me they have ruled out lymes and thats the end of me having anymore antibiotics as they have had test results back-negative, not true as lymes action have told me extended lymes panel is still being tested at porton down. they have no idea why im so ill as other test and specialist reports have shown no obvious causes. Im at a loss to what i should do and am concerned im not going to get any hel or treatment. my doctors have watched my health decline and theres no urgency to do anything. ive asked to be refered to infectious diseases and they actualy said why! ive been so ill ive been unable to go to hospital apts and when i did attend the eye clinic was so bad the doctor sent me to A&E were they found my blood sugars were 12 then dropped to 2.4 ive never had this before and im not sure its anything to do with lymes but it was scarey i was shaking from head to foot,nearly passed out and my heart rate was fast a sweat drink stablized it. ive also had a headach for 5 weeks thats affecting my vision. ive also got what seems like vertigo (not spinning but dizzy head moving feeling when sat still) worsening of nerve pain and weakness in both arms and painfull,neck pain and cracking can hardly move it also weight still dropping(under weight and malnurished) jaw and facial pain unbearable. the doctors have done nothing but give me endless pills that havnt helped(gabapentin x3 daily,diazipan x3 daily co cordamol 500mg x6 daily) can anyone suggest what i should do to get help to stop my health decline further im housebound and suffering-vicky

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14 Replies

  • Posted

    Oh Vicky this is not on , they can't rule out Lyme disease , there is a Doctor in Winchester a Dr Matthew Drysden I saw him under nhs , I'm not sure if you can still get to see him as his clinic I believe was shut down but it's worth a try ! I'm so sorry you are having an awful time I know this oh so well myself , change GP surgeries they are ignorant to Lyme disease and this is widely becoming an epidemic ! if they have ruled everything else out , Lyme seems the only cause to me it is tricky to treat and 2 weeks or 4 weeks isn't going to work especially if it's advanced ive been on antibiotics for 2 and half years and still not completely well it takes time, you need support not and compassion from a GP that will be understanding , you are not alone !!!! ️️xxxx Kelly
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      thanks for your reply and ongoing support. im waiting for a call back from my GP at the moment im going to ask what they plan on doing about my declining health and if they continue to dismiss everything i say i will have to leave the surgery and go elsewere. I really dont want to do this as i cant be sure they will be any better at a different surgery. No one i know can believe the state im in and getting no help from doctors duty of care doesnt seem to exist at my surgery. Even if it isnt lymes they havnt suggested looking into anything else even with my blood sugars all over the place they havnt done a simple blood glucose test. there reply "eat chocolate biscuits"
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      another good quote from my GP theres more chance of me being abducted by alliens than having lymes!!!
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      hi ive finaly got my results back from porton down havnt heard from doctor but lymes action have emailed me co infection anaplasma is positive! they are going to write to my GP an want me to see infectious dieases.
  • Posted

    Sorry to hear you're going through this. Changing GPs is probably the last thing you feel like doing but it sounds like you should try. If you can have an informal chat with a different GP about your situation and whether they would be sympathetic re. Lyme tests etc, that will give you a good marker on whether to change GPs. Unfortunately the NHS are pretty clueless on this. I would love to recommend Dr Matthew Dryden in Winchester but I'm afraid I don't have much faith in him either, having seen him three times and not got any real advice, despite having proven Lyme serology.

    Am sure you've been told this already, but a detox diet might help with how you're feeling - no sugar, no dairy, no (or very limited) booze, Epsom salt baths in the evening. Good luck, you're not alone.

    • Posted

      Awww matt that's some great advice there ! You saw Dr Matthew Dryden also ? I saw him twice I felt same as you though ,did you see him private or nhs ? I feel there advice is completely different if you go private they talk about intravenous antibiotics etc it's such a shame that they can't be as forth coming on the nhs ! he told me I would be cured in 5 years lol however I have great GPs and am on combination of antibiotics I feel im making real progress now , what about you ? I agree about the detox diet it helps so so much !

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      Yep I was referred to him by my GP a few years ago.

      I'm glad you mentioned antibx and that you're making some progress, may I ask what combo you're on at the moment? I started taking fluconazole about five weeks ago and it's literally the ONLY treatment I have found that had any effect on my health - I was feeling pretty good for about two weeks, though have now slipped back again. As a result of this, I am thinking that I probably would benefit from intravenous antibx, but as you say that is an absolute no-no on the NHS... 

  • Posted

    That's crazy Vicky y do gp's talk to us like we r thick they are the thick ones where Lyme is concerned there are many cases of Lymes in this country every year and it's on the rise on top of that if your sugar was 2.4 u was having a hypo it ok to eat sugar to get them back up but the first thing they should have done is check u for diabetes 
    • Posted

      thanks for your reply, the whole situation is crazy my doctor hasnt offered a diabetes blood test thankfully because it happenened at the hospital they have refered me to endocrine for blood sugar problem. im sure if i went saying my leg had fallen off they would tell me to hop!
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    walk into an infectious  disease  DR. office.    let them bill you .... dont worry about the referal.. deal with  insurance  company later.....also  get online and  order some GOOD PROBIOTICS and  attack this thing with diet...stop eating  aspartame..any  artificial DYES or COLORS..  get a GOOD tourmaline water filter  on your drinking  water  source..  better yet     use DISTILLED  water can buy a   GOOD  induatral grade  distiller for  100  bucks on ebay...stop drinking  cows MILK  shows  positive  for  radiation...  START  eating  vitamins  LOTS  of  vitamins.... DETOX  for heavy metals  mercury and lead...  lots of  raw  green foods... consider   chelation therapy..... this is what ypu CAN do.. today
    • Posted

      thank you for your reply and advice. I wish i could walk into a infectious disease Dr and get a bill later but am in uk and have to rely on NHS or go private very expensive and we dont have insurance here. you have given alot of good advice and i will take notice and try to impliment it
  • Posted

    hello  this is Arwhen..I am not a doctor but  a  VET TECH  5 years of ANIMAL 3 year old son had I have been through pharmacology background helped  save his 10 page science paper  was  on LYMES.. here are the  facts. manmade penicillin doe NOT cross the spinal  column  .  in other words    the spirochetes  that  HARBOR    (hide)  in the  spinal  fluid and in the brain..are not killed..... so when you take  amox   for  example  you do feel good for  about  2  weeks  then you RELAPSE because now   they are all through your body AGAIN... PENICILLIN V.. the purple what kills   lymes...3  weeks  500 mg  4   times  a  day... bam  GONE   .  the problem is  at this point  the DAMAGE  the lymes has done.    that can not be repaiered  by antibiotics..   PROBIOTICS and diet are the tools now ..  vitamins.  no artificial  dyes  or  colors   no aspartame  NO CHEMICALS  .. NO TUNA  .. NEVER   sooo    filled with mercury.     drink distilled  water  ( is best)   at least  filter your  drinking water  TOURMALINE is   what I use  we dont have flouride in our  water....   charchoal does NOT take out  flouride  by the  way 3 year old  I had to take in a LIBRARY BOOK  with pictures to get this  kid   diagnosed.. it was a nightmare  2 months  before i found a LYMES SPECIALIST at Hershey Medical Center  in pennsylvania..  she said on e the phone  hmm. this is a  suspicious case  .. ill call you in a perscription for   Penicillin VK (Penicillin V Potassium) I was ready to break into the   pharmacy to steal  this  drug for my son.  I'm not kidding.   google a LYMES  specialist in you area  and  call please  call.  God bless and good luck  you can beat this       ticks are just litle  bugs ..    if you live in the  country  get a  little flock of guinea hens  they eat ticks  like crazy!

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