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Ladies i am at the movies in the bathroom typing this. I was just eating popcorn and suddenly a piece of my second tooth to the back broke off. I have read that women going through peri and meno experience tooth pain and tooth breakage but never thought it could happen to me. Thank God it is a back tooth not noticeable. I can literally put my tongue in the hole. Its not that i don't visit the dentist twice a yr, i went last month for a checkup and cleaning. Everything was just fine. I will have to do a booking tomorrow. Have any of you experienced this ? So done with all of this madness.
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NothinforNothin hopeforever
No, haven't experienced that but, I feel for you Hopeforever especially with the fact your typing in the bathroom about this at the movies. Friggin popcorn! Glad your out at the movies though. I suppose it took your mind off things for a while. It never seems to end but, one day it will. Hang in there girl!
Sassyr12a hopeforever
Yes hope!
I've had loads of issues with my teeth, same thing... Eating then broken tooth! I thought it may have been to do with having osteopenia but the dentist said it effects jaw not teeth. I'm super careful now when I eat and I miss popcorn! Xx
sakura26 hopeforever
Yes! You are not alone! I actually lost a bottom back molar and now have tooth pain on the OTHER side no one can explain yet my gums etc are all healthy. If you just cracked the tooth they can prob save it as long as not to the root like mine. Good luck!!
Keljo48 hopeforever
Yes, I had that happen twice. Once while eating soft cereal about six years ago. . I freaked out and had an emergency dentist appt. He removed the tooth. Luckily it was a wisdom tooth. I got mine in my late 20's and never had them removed. Had all four removed and now have a crown in a molar that broke a few years ago. I have only had four cavities in my whole life. All of a sudden I end up with delicate teeth and gums. I hate it.
sunaina1983 hopeforever
Yes my dear
You r not alone.
Few month back my tooth broke down while eating soft Bread..It was soo awkward feeling while sitting with guest having lunch and tooth suddenly broke
At that time i didnot know peri has effect on our tooth too
sunaina1983 hopeforever
Yes my dear
You r not alone.
Few month back my tooth broke down while eating soft Bread..It was soo awkward feeling while sitting with guest having lunch and tooth suddenly broke
At that time i didnot know peri has effect on our tooth too
katyD211 hopeforever
yes! its like my teeth suddenly lost all their calcium!!
Sensitivity off the charts but intermittently. Went for a root canal but couldn't because the tooth was cracked! So I had to get it pulled.
Doc says tooth issues are common during perimenopause n early menopause
Thank all you lovely ladies for your reply. I spoke to a friend today that is going through meno and she told me that during her 8 yrs of going through, she lost 2 teeth. She currently has 2 dental implants. Its one thing to have body pain but now my teeth. I cannot believe all of this. So glad to hear i am not alone. I have a appointment on Thursday, hoping he can save the tooth. I thank you all once again and praying for you all. Hugs
sakura26 hopeforever
I don't know what I would do without you ladies!! I wish I had doctors that would confirm I'm not crazy lol and this is more stupid meno stuff. Thanks all! I am still debating trying to get my fibroid removed to I can take the wiley protocol hormones and feel normal again.