At what age were you finally post Menopause?

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How old were you ladies when you were finally post menopause (12 months no periods)? Did you have any post bleeding? How do you feel now?

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22 Replies

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    Hi lyn

    Funny you should ask this now as I thought I was menopausal till yesterday!

    I'm 58 and my last period was April 15...nothing till yesterday!

    So, I'm still peri it seems...don't mind !

    Had forgotten about mild period pains on first day though!


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      Wow, you went 11 month without a period and then had one? Is it a regular period? So, you have to start that 12 months in a row with no period all over again? My gosh I can't imagine! Had you been feeling okay up to your last period?
    • Posted

      My thought exactly!

      I now have to go another year, period free, after this one!

      Didn't feel it coming, no breast pains etc, just take painkillers on first day.

      Yes, is a regular period!

      I'm fortunate not to experience many of the peri symptoms...yet...hope not speaking too soon! Jx

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      Wow....I was always soooo afraid to be post menopausal because I've heard so many horror stories about the increased risk of so many illnesses and diseases but then I read on here just how miserable being Peri can be and now I just don't know what to think.
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      Janeben...........when my friend was on the menopause, her dr told her she had to be 2 years wihtout a period before she could say she was post, thats how it was back then...........she went 18 months had a proper period, dr told her she had to go another 2 years...........what!! i said, forget it, some drs say its not a real period its just the womb cleaning itself out, take it your post after 1 year, she didnt have another period after that one, and now were told your considered post after 1 year from your last period, she went mad, change the goal posts all the time, whether it was a real period 18 months down the line i dont know, she seemed to think it was.
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    Lyn............ive not had a period for just over a year, and im considered post, some drs say 2 years after your last period again down to opinions, symptoms can last for up to 5 years after post, mine have died down im glad to say, lot milder, feel more balanced in myself, and have more days like my old self coming back, my 2 sisters have been post longer, they both have no symptoms now, and so does a close friend who, has been post for over 4 years, none needed HRT, not the same for everyone, if symptoms become severe once post you made need to consider HRT, its up to you.
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      So glad to hear a story like that! It gives me hope! Thank you.
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      Really? Do some doctors say 24 months with no period is considered post menopausal? I have not heard that before.
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      lyn..............well my friend who has been post for over 4 years was told she had to go 2 years without period before post,  its now down to 1 year, so next year it probably will be 3 years before post...............ha my friend whose 65, keeps saying, no your not post you havent gone 2 years yet.............. shes so jealous...............ha  Its the same with diabetics, in the UK they change the goal post with diagnosing it, your not considered diabetic in England unless your test was over 10, we use the european readings, as a result of that, more people were having heart attacks due to getting no treatment, so then they dropped it to 8.5, so everyones meds kept changing, so one min they were taking less, then they were taking more.........ha and if that doesnt mess your balances up, i dont know what does...................crazy drs. everhyone thinks the nhs is great and the best, because its free, it is great and it can be the best, but its getting the treament and getting the care, thats the problem, its all gone people are dying as a result, its so scary.  
  • Posted

    Hi lynx I am 54 and been postmeno since I was 46 just stopped end of. Still got symptoms but nowhere near as the hell I've been through. I'm left with the imbalance/anxiety but can deal with it because I have too like so many others xx
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       Obviously everyone is different.  I was 1 year past periods at age 54.  While I didn't deal with night sweats or hot flashes, everything else was bad.  I developed chronic muscle and ligament pain, and eventually horrible vaginal dryness and atrophy.  All of these things corrected with some estrogen in my system.


  • Posted

    Hi Lyn,

    2 years post and felt worse than in peri no libido hot all the time instead of hot then cold.

    Bad painful dry vaginal problems, even my underwear hurt and no riding a bike.

    The bottoms of my feet hurt every time I got up from sitting and being in bed.

    No sleep or day sleeping.

    It is all a lot better with HRT.

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    Lyn, I had a hysterectomy at 40 so I have NO Idea as to how to know when I am post menopausal.
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      Yes, I understand. I have heard that response from my friends who have also gone through that.
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      Lyn. I am assuming that when I no longer have symptoms that is when its over. LOL, My mom also had a hysterectomy for fibroids like me and she said hers lasted about 12 years
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      lennie.............thats gonna be incredibly difficult for you lennie.
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      Specialists recently told me its around 10/15 years total, dont want to upset the apple cart saying this, but another friend told me her dr said, some women can be on it for life, sorry but couldnt do that!! but then again to turn it around, my friend was only on it for 6 years, so swings and roundabouts.
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      Elaine, the prospect of dealing with this for a decade is really, really upsetting. I know there are natural things we can use and take, but with all honesty these things do not totally end it.  
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      If nothing else, hopefully some of the natural stuff will at least take some inflammation down within
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      lennie i know your right, it doesnt end it, or, take all the symptoms away, lifestyle changes can be trial and error, and some of the supplements i took didnt do anything for me, including the herbal ones, i think the only thing that may do that for some at least is HRT, its worked brilliantly for Zingangie, you may not go ten years lennie! just stay positive if you can, hard when your having a down time i know. personally i didnt think the menopause was going to be as bad as it was, its been a total shock, but what did women do when there was no HRT, and some of them went through it without committing suicide, killing their husbands, or, going completely mad...............ha, my mother never took HRT, and i know lots of my friends that did also, and come out the other side, so theres hope, whats the alternative!! tell you what did totally relax me, going to a spa and having a massage, cant afford to do that everyday though, homeopathy worked extremely well for me for my other health probs including my sugar level, but not the menopause not for me anyway, its just time lennie really and getting through it as best you can, with all the alternatives available to us.
    • Posted

      I agree Elaine, we will get through, today other than the usual shoulder issue has not been too bad. I am using the flax and the omega oil twice a day and it seems to be helping, I use canibis oil too and that helps. Hot baths are nice too. I know too much hot water dries the skin. Even the brest itchiness has gotten better, I think its because of the flax oil. I am going ot start buying 3 bottles so I dont run out. I cant afford a massage now, because I am so in debt, but when my financial situation improves I am going ot get a massage. My anxiety is still a major issue however, I am supposed to get a mammogram next month and honestly I am nervous, I think about the breast pain and itchiness and get scared. I am working on this with the therapist and I am driving myself to work so its baby steps.  Tomorrow I am going to join the YMCA too. 

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