At work. Cannot handle any form of stress. I am shaking, heart racing. legs feel funny. HELP
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Hello ladies I am at work and a altercation happened between 2 coworkers too much to get into, but anyways i intervened and tried to smooth down things but my body then turned on me. I am shaking uncontrollably , legs feel weak, heart racing. feel like i am going to pass out. I noticed since i entered peri that i cannot handle any type of stress. Does this happen to any of you.
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pamela2016 sally15609
yes on a daily basis i can't show any kind of emotions at all like you i get all if the symptoms you listed and more. my blood pressure goes up and the dizziness gets worse and my face feels like it will explode from the heat. takes hours for it all to calm down i been dealing with this for quite a few years. its horrible and doesn't seem normal at all.
sally15609 pamela2016
Thank you Pamela. I am still a mess and this happened hrs ago. I get off work at 5 but all i can do is sit at my desk and tell myself it is just hormones. I feel like a living wreck. Who the hell am i ? This never happened before. Too bad they never had an island for peri and meno women and all we did was sit and look out at the beautiful sunrises and sunsets. How do we function like this. My life had totally changed since this peri and i hate it.
pamela2016 sally15609
your welcome it does change us and it's so hard to live and function in a body that itsnt functioning normal i just want it all yo end already its been a very very hard road for me and no end in sight.
kelly55079 sally15609
YES .. I cannot handle stress it takes everything out of me and I usually need a day or two to recover. Like yesterday, I was really upset and stressed-- BP was up as well. Well today I couldn't get out of bed--I got up to get kids off to school then I went back to sleep and slept hard till 10:30. Not sure I could handle a full time job at this point.
sakura26 sally15609
Yes Sally, you are not alone! My PTSD was the first thing to return with a vengeance when I hit peri. I'm now 47 and it started around 44. And I also had a horrible job at the time with mean girl workplace bullies. I feel like no one warned me about peri, I thought there was just menopause and that's it. I don't know how I can even make to or through menopause if it's worse. My sister and mom claim they had no issues, and none of my friends my age have any issues. Yet I'm getting extreme anxiety plus other health issues, giant fibroid, hair loss, weight gain, etc and doctors still say it may be years until actual menopause. I had a really bad weekend and my PTSD is terrible and I honestly would just lay in bed all day today if not for work. I'm also afraid to even drive. Tho my current job is better than the last it still has the ahole passive agressive bully (no one likes him but the CEO doesn't stop him and I feel like I need to watch out for him as I've been a bully magnet throughout my life) add to that my company is a startup that may be running out of money and I hear you, I have no more tolerance for any stress. Esp being alone without support other than this board. Therapists are crazy expensive where I live in CA and no doctor has ever helped my PTSD when it was flaring up. And OBGYNs are useless. A snotty PA the other day was like well clearly your stress isn't well managed (like it was my fault), go see a psychatrist, ignoring that my hormones and related health issues are what is pushing me over the edge. In the UK they actually have menopause leave! Of course here we have nothing. But I have read about women on these boards who've had to quit their jobs due to menopause and peri issues. Hang in there. I'm with you.
trude_18321 sakura26
No, unfortunately in the UK we DON'T have menopause leave! Working in a hospital...the clinics and wards get very hot, the uniforms are heavy fabric and the stress is stellar! I feel I am losing my mind some days while trying to appear supportive and caring to patients and colleagues alike.
sunaina1983 sally15609
Helloo mam
your not alone
Me too suffering alot in Peri
i was working as Assistant Proff ..i left my job because of home bound mostly..donot feel like going anywhere .
donot able to stand long in class because of weak legs .
not able to do Chemistry practicals to students because of Head pressure , dizziness and headaches...i take 1 month leave thinking it will be over and i will be back to work..but my symptoms become worst and finally i left my job 😠.soo i have no choice i left my job..
Peri most difficult phase of life.
hang is there
anxiousface sally15609
hi sally, i know how your feeling as s very similar situation happened to me when i started peri about 6 yrs ago i was at work. i am an office manager and have responsibilities and should be able to speak to staff but since i had to speak to a very awkward man in work who didn't take it well i went to pieces, i was shaking and my legs turned to jelly, thought i would pass out like you did, i could of cried but held it in. this upset me for weeks and i couldn't understand what was happening to me. i now dread having to confront anyone or anything as iv lost my confidence. im not good with anything stressful anymore.
Your not on your own with this sally its the grips of menopause that turns us into a shadow of ourselves and robs us of normal life.
Hope you recover quicker than i did as at least you know what it is as i didn't at the time. stay away from stressful situations and take some nice deep breaths.
sending you a comforting hug x