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Anyone during these hormonal changes being diagnosed with athsma of new allergies? Cought myself wheezing a lot this summer. It has been an unusually humid where I live. Just wondering if anyone else has these issues.

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9 Replies

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    Hi michelle yes i was diagnosed with asthma 2 years ago just after i started menapause. Im on blue and brown inhalers now and keep getting flare ups. I also have to have steroids. Its been a living nightmare xx
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    I also developed allergy asthma while in my 40’s. This was before any changes with my periods. A few years ago I started taking probiotics which honestly kept me healthier.  I also started putting a teaspoon of honey in my morning tea. Started regularly taking an allergy pill and vitamins a few years ago. These have all helped and I haven’t had to use my inhaler for a couple years. I’m going on 56 next month and finally haven’t had a period in 8 months so I’m seeing a light at the end of the tunnel. It has gotten better each year!

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    I've had asthma symptoms/breathlessness for a year and a half now, since perimenopause symptoms started showing.

    Humidity definitely sets it off for me and cold weather.

    This summer in the UK we have definitely had it hot and humid!

    Never had it before, so very weird I got it. Happened around same time as period irregularities.

    I use a ventolin reliever inhaler.

    I've noticed that Anxiety and stress also set it off.

    Hope this helps x

  • Posted

    Thanks for your replies ladies. Never had these issues before. I was wondering if stress and anxiety would bring this on. Also noticed after I posted my meno brain miss spelled caught. There is another issue. The brain fog!
  • Posted

    Hi Michelle - Yep! I was diagnosed with allergy induced asthma after a an incredibly wet rainy season that flooded most of our city.  I obviously have sensitivity to mold & mildew; but that was 1995, and once that cleared up, I haven’t had an episode since.  Currently, where I live is experiencing extreme drought & out of the blue, a year ago I was just gasping for breath, anxious beyond words & had a few episodes of that & went to the allergy dr.  Turns out, I have asthma again, haven’t needed an inhalator in 23 years!  I specifically asked the allergy dr if this was menopause related and although she didn’t give me a definitive “yes” she did say she sees an increase number of woman in her practice after the age of 45 - I think there is def a correlation with allergies/asthma & menopause - yet another lovely symptom! 

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    yep...never before last spring did I suffer from hayfever or any other allergy...including foods I've always eaten, like milk and dairy products.

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    Dear Michelle

    Yes I developed really bad watery eyes (I think a mixture of allergies and dry eyes) since taking eye drops for dry eyes they have improved greatly. I have had the breathlessness too in peri/meno, I also take multi vit for over 50's which seems to have helped with alot of symptoms

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    I had allergy shots as a kid and have always but as I'm nearing menopause they have gotten a lot worse and I have had to get shots again. Because I now breakout in hives from pollen.

  • Posted

    Yes, I have been diagnosed and have been using inhailer regularly THANKS to perimenapause! 😓

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