Ativan 0.5mg - Have You Had Side Effects?

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Hey everyone!

I've been prescribed Ativan to treat my anxiety, the 0.5mg oral/sublingual to be exact, and I'm wondering if anyone has experienced any side effects from taking it?

If you have, could you please just drop me a message with what things happened to you?

I'm trying to ease some anxiety I have about my anxiety prescription. cheesygrin

Thank you in advance!

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi there! 

    I’ve been prescribed Ativan 1mg (I usually break them into two so I take 0.5 each time) for anxiety as well. I took them about a year ago and I recently got another prescription for it just in case. 

    I haven’t gone to a doctor specifically about any of my side effects so I can’t say for sure whether they were from the Ativan. But probably the only thing I noticed was that if I took them at night near bedtime I would get drowsy and fall asleep VERY quickly. I’m a pretty light sleeper but I find it just knocks you out and nothing will wake you up until the morning. I’ve also felt a little bit groggy in the morning but nothing terrible. 

    I’ve also taken it during the day while at work and I found that it didn’t make me sleepy, just relaxed. That’s just me though!

    It’s not a long term solution but on a particularly bad day or during a panic attack I find that it usually works tremendously! 

    I hope this helps a little bit!


    • Posted

      Hey Cass! Thanks for the reply.

      I get the drowsy/sleepiness too. But I'm also having some other symptoms. Just trying to pinpoint whether it could be the ativan, my nasal spray (which has some side effects apparently) or whether my virus/illness is still lingering. biggrin

      I'm not sure which strength of Ativan I was first given when I ended up in the ER, but I felt drunk after they gave it to me. 

      The 0.5mg seems to cause the tiredness and dizziness too, but not anywhere near as much. 

  • Posted

    I take .50 in emergencies only (panic) and no side effects except I fall asleep. 
    • Posted

      Drowsiness certainly seems to be a common one!

      Anyone had anything other than that? Like any weird symptoms after taking a dose? Would love to know because there a myriad of website where some say that drowsiness/sleepiness etc is the only side affect, and others say there are a whole bunch more.

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