Atrial Fibrillation

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I had my first encounter with AF in September of 2013. I was put on Biosoporol and Warfarin unti I had a cardioversion in february the following year.

All has been well, until a few nights ago when I woke the morning after and found that I had gone back into AF.

I have been on a low dose of Biosoporol (1.25mg) since the procedure. I also cut my alcohol intake to 2-3 drinks per week and kept exercising as I have always done.

I took myself to the local A&E department and was wired up which confirmed what I already knew. They didn't seem overally concerned that I was in AF and holding a heart rate of 80/90 bpm and told I was in controlled AF. I was then discharged and booked into my local GP later that morning.

The appointment didn't yield much movement apart from a referal to a specialist which would take approx 4 weeks.

He left me on my dose of Biosoporol and toldme to get back intouch if I felt any changes in the symptoms.

I have a feeling of been left in the dark, and as well as been quite worried that it all comes across a bit relaxed by the system when I myself am really worried!!!! Is it just me?

Has anybody felt similar?

Call me a silly worrying fool but its just the way I feel.

I have considered paying for a private consultation, which will happen a lot quicker, just to try get myself a piece of mind.

Has anybody any thoughts?

Thanks for reading.



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39 Replies

  • Posted

    I remember the feeling Adrian, trying to get on with your life with no light at the end of the tunnel.  I'm very sorry to hear you are back in AF again and you are not alone in being worried.  I felt like that for months..... it's the thing we all dread, these awful symptoms coming back.

    Good luck and hope you get some help soon


    • Posted

      Hi Jess

      thanks for the reply

      It will sort I know but the feeling of waiting just overwhelms you.


  • Posted

    It seems the way of a lot of AF I have been told by two consultants, AF is not life threatening (apart from stroke, which you have covered) it is a very big nuisance. It is a horrible chronic problem that we feel in dread of. I have had it since 2012 and have gone through various stages and seriousness of it. Read all you can,read the AF association website and know the parameters of heart rate, mine at the moment is regularly 110' and the maximum dose of the drugs. I have been, pretty much, medicating myself through 'pill in the pocket'. Good luck!
    • Posted

      Hi Judith

      Thanks for replying.

      There seems to be a picture building and a pattern developing.

      it is a horrible condition that seems to worry everybody ive had contact with but its good to know and talk to people in the same boat.

      All the best


  • Posted

    Hi Adrian,

    It must be very worrying for you having been well on meds for so long, I don't think the clinicans realise what waiting does to people. I was diagnosed this year in April and am on Bisoporol1.25mg  I was supposed to go to see nurses to be put on Warfarin then my doctor changed his mind and referred me to cardiologist I do not go until the end of August thankfully my episodes are few at the moment but last up to 8 hours when they do start. I think all AF patients can understand your concern, I hope you get sorted soon.

    Take care.


    • Posted

      Hi Linda,

      Doctor has referred me to the specialist as I believe they want to try control it with medication, rather than putting me back on warfarin and going for another cardio version.

      Happy days


  • Posted

    Hi Adrian, thanks for sharing your situation and I hope you're feeeling more relaxed! Did the hospital give you anything to get you back in sinus rhythm? or did they just say to stay on the medication you are already on? Going by what you've said if I'm correct, your last episode was some time ago!  How many episodes have you had in the last year? I ask because it doesn't seem like you've had many and if you haven't that seems like a very good thing! Really hope you get back to sinus rhythm asap! Jay
    • Posted

      Hi Jay,

      Thanks for your reply.

      I was in permanant AF until I was cardioverted.

      I used to get odd flutters after the procedure but nothing too bad and not lasting more than a few seconds.

      It was only last week that it went back into permanant AF.

      To say I was gutted is an under statement.


  • Posted

    hi Adrian,[

    sorry to hear of your situation. Have the Cardiac dept. not looked at the possible causes of your AF? They would normally have a good look at how the heart is performing with various tests and proceedures. If there is an underlying problem then I am told you will struggle to stay in sinus until that is put right.

    In my case, an angiogram was eventually advised and two restricted arteries were found. I had cardioversion before this and it lasted 2 weeks max. Although I could not say so acurately, like some seem to, when I reverted to AF.

    So I am due to have 2 stents fitted to get the blood flow to the heart sorted and hope to get some energy back. Fortunately I have had no pain and nothad an attack or stroke but do rattle with quite q few pills though.

    Good luck with your treatment.

    • Posted

      Hi Mick,

      They had a good look at me when I first went into af two years ago.I had no underlying problems. (ultrasound)

      I will be asking a lot more questions on my next consultation.

      Good luck withyour op.

      All the best



  • Posted

    Hi Adrian, I have just had an e-mail from Jessie, she included your post as you have a similar situation to mine, I think I have spoken to you before? You must be gutted, I was in May when after being sinus rhythm for 7 months after a cardioversion, (in October) I felt those tell tale palpitaiton when I woke up and as you say, went to A and E where they confirmed I was back in AF. You are correct about the very relaxed approac to this, I was 'having kitten's and they just wired be up to ECG and took BP and Heart Rate and sort of left me in a cubicle for ages. I had rung my GP before going to A and E and he said that there was a good chance they might cardiovert me again that very day, no such luck, No-ne even mentioned it, I had to stay in overnight and when again I mentioned a cardioversion in the morning they said it wasn't possible, hence the long wait to see the cardiologist, the echocardiagram and then another cardioversion, my second, set for 20th August. I am hoping it is successful but I haven't yet heard of anyone who has been lucky with this procedure past a couple of years. Perhaps they are out there but not reading our postings!! Anyone out there with a successful cardioversion......anyone at all??? Are you down for an ablation? I must admit for every success story there are equally those who have had problems and I am a bit of a scaredy pants where that is concerned. Hope that you feel better Adrian and be assured that there are a lot of us in that same boat!! Cheers. 
    • Posted


      thanks for your reply.

      It sounds like you had the same experience as I did. They just didn't keep me in and sent me home after I had sat in a and e wired up like you and not told a great deal. They even gave me asprin which the doctor told me later that mornng this wasnt done anymore????????

      im not down for ablation or cardio version until I have had my consultation with the specialist.

      can I ask how old you are?

      Im 48.


    • Posted

      Hi, I was 64 when I started with AF last June, but a fairly fit 64, two weeks before the diagnosis I had been cycling in Spain isn 33 degrees heat, going about 25km every other day, walking too. It came out of the blue as I was cooking tea. One of those unlucky episodes I guess. I went into A and E with a HR of about 190 and irregular pulse, they kept me in for a couple of days and then gave me 5mg bisoprolol and warfarin, I felt terrible, horrible knockings in my chest, went back to  cardiologist who prescribed another 5mg of bis plus 2.5 digoxin, knocking improved but felt as though 'I was a car with the handbrake on!!". It was a very long 4 months with visits to doc, ECG, echocardiagram, one further visit to cardio until I had my first cardioversion. Added to all that I have 'major' white coat syndrome!! Even when I visit anyone in hospital I come out in goosebumps. So when I see the doc/cardiologist and they take my BP it is through the roof, always has been.   I take a low dose of (benzo..... can't remember the full name) for my BP and it seems to be a bit better. So, back on the treadmill, just had my warfarin done today, 2.6, seeing the arhythmia nurse at Fairfield Hospital this Friday, he is fantastic and performed the first CV, then cardioversion next Thursday. I must say I am a little worried, God knows what I will be like if I have to have an ablation!! I have been following some posts on here about people with problems after ablation, got one this morning. So, onwards and upwards eh?  Cheers and keep healthy!!
  • Posted

    Hi Adrian

    If I were in your shoes I'd be monitoring my BP morning and evening and if it's varying widely ring your GP or ask for a phone consultation - keep a note of it. I wouldn't go for a private consultation, but instead find out who you've been referred to, make yourself known to their secretary or Outpatient Booking system, say you'd be willing to take a cancellation etc. etc. I don't believe in queue jumping but by doing this you would save them wasting an appointment which would otherwise be left empty.

    I think everyone with AF has shared your experience and feels that they're put out to dry. I do wish there could be some acknowledgement of what a debilitating condition this is and that there was more research into how it can be better cured or resolved instead of being told you've just got to live with it. It's quite hard to live a normal life when you're not sure how you're going to feel the next day, week or month.

    Take care and good luck.

    • Posted


      I don't really suffer any symptoms and my blood pressure is usually good when checked.

      I will take your advice and find out who I have been referred to.

      I get pretty up and down how I feel and try to keep positive but its hard overall. Its difficult to explain to someone just how it feels physically and mentally.

      thanks for your response

      its helped me already talking to people in the same position as me.


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