Atrial Fibrillation - is this ECG confirmed?
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Hi guys, I'm 17 y/o girl, been having symptoms of palpitations at least 5 times daily, breathless, dizziness etc. I went to my doctor, they gave me bloods, ECG and event monitor. My bloods and ECG were normal, my event showed paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation (said something about the P waves). I was put on beta blockers for high heart rate (avg 110, normally 78). Got referred to cardiologist, he laughed it off never saw event monitor, then told me I was right it's Afib. I had a 48-hr ecg and echocardiogram, which I havent got the results back. I am still getting palpitations and symptoms daily so not sure if the beta blockers are working. I also get chest pain when laughing - is this normal? I just also wanted to ask if this looked normal, it was part of my scan and it looks like Afib, the practioner said nothing was wrong however. I'm just fed up of the daily symptoms, is there anything I can do to relieve it?
Thank you.
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Also forgot to mention, it's been noted that my heart rate can go from bradycardic (under 60) to tachycardic in a few minutes, which is very weird. I've had episodes of palpitations which I had 20 in 1 minute.
Okapis XoMonkey
How unpleasant for you! Young people can have AF. In some people its inherited from parents and so on but not always. My nephew aged 11yrs ahd some suspicious episodes and was diagnosed with AF but he seems to have been clear for a while. now aged 19 yrs. Try not to worry to much, it will make things worse - stress is a trigger along with some foods and drink. Try and identify what you've eaten before episodes. AF wont kill you and yes beta blockers dont work for everyone. How long have you been on them and what dose? There are other drugs you can use.
The "lurching" fast - slow fast fast etc is common and uncomfortable and is the result of electrical misfiring within the heart which causes it to beat irregularily.
When it happens slow down or stop what youre doing - try and have a nap if possible. Sleep can sort the heart out and dont freak yourself out by listening to your heartbeat on your pillow.
Lost track of who was saying what above. Cardiologist saying the above?
If your heart lurches a lot, your chest will get sore and it may hurt to laugh. You may feel very tired the next day or two. You could buy yourself a wrist monitor (or your parents) to check whats going on. I did and it was useful. If your HB goes up to 170/180 and stays there you do need to get yourself to A&E but in the early stages of AF it does not. Its important to get the right treatment before its gets worse. If the beta blocker is not working after 6 weeks go back and either ask about the dosage or an alternative drug.
Fear not this is not the end of the word!
XoMonkey Okapis
Thank you for the reply! My grandma died suddenly of a heart attack and heart related problems. It's weird, sometimes I don't feel the AFib happening, sometimes I do and at the minute I haven't seen any remarkable triggers. I've been on Bisoprolol for 5 months, on 0.25mg. And yes, cardiologist was the one I saw who laughed it all off. Hehe, thank you very much. Sleep always helps, however sometimes I can't sleep when I'm out doing some non-intentional strenuous exercise.
Okapis XoMonkey
XoMonkey Okapis
Okapis XoMonkey
Unfortunately you wont be able to refer yourself to an EP as John suggests below in the UK. You will need to go through the generic cardiology consultant route unless you are near a large hospital. I was lucky to be living in London at the time so my GP referred me to a AF specialist in a London Teaching Hospital. He in turn when the GP referred me again saying the medication no longer worked and I was having difficulty maintaining a normal life referred me to a the apropriate clinic dealing in catheter ablations for those with AF. I've had one (well 3) and am now AF free but I'm also 67. AF first made its presence felt when I was around 32 but it was only the last 2/3 years which were difficult
John5006 XoMonkey
Hiya XoMonkey,
?Sorry that you have this rotten thing so young. BUT it ain't the end of the world. do try and read up as much as you can about AF. The more you understand the less threatened you will feel.
?Ditch the cardiologist and find yourself an EP - that is an electrophysiologist - this is a cardiologist who specialises in the electrical activity of the heart. If you are in UK go to the Atrial Fibrillation Association website and find the bit about EP's and see if there is one close to where you live. There is also plenty of info on this website about AF.
?AF is pure mongrel - it is all things to all people - it can manifest itself in different ways in different people, it is both a tricky and treacherous condition. most of us at some point in the beginning look for reasons why - like - "why me". For me I'd had 2 and half years of daily palpitations, then lurched into AF - BUT - some 4 months after diagnosis I found the trigger for an AF event was food, long story short I consulted a Nutritionist who prescribed me Probiotics and put me on a diet, basically, gluten free, wheat free, oats free, and later - sugar free. My last AF event now was April 2015.
?But hey, that was me. others are so different. So don't be surprised at how this mongrel behaves.
?Also, if either side of your family has a genetic tendency to heart issues and/or strokes then there is a possibilty you could have a genetic predisposition to AF. In my family my grandfather died following a series of strokes but that was way back in the day (1964) - my second cousin on the same side of the family has had AF. My daughter (around 30 at the time) developed AF during 2 pregnancies. After each child birth it went away. Now she has stopped breeding no more AF - yet! In her spare time she tries to punish her AF by doing Thai Kick Boxing :-)
?I would doubt that the beta blockers will do anything with your palpitations, they are more for controlling your heart rate. Prior to AF mine was around 88 - 90 bpm, when AF hit it was clocked at 160 bpm and nowadays after 7 years on bisoprolol it is around 63 bpm sometimes dropping to 46 ( which is always a bit scary).
?hope this helps, good luck monkey - may the force be with you.
XoMonkey John5006