Atrial Fibrulation 2nd Ablation

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Just wondering if anyone has had a second Ablation and how they are getting on ,

I had my first in 2009 and straight away I was able to come off the pills and had just minor runs of ectopic beats and tachycardia for a short time but was generally clear for over 4 years . this year in february however it all came back with avengence, I have just had another Ablation 15th sept  only this time I was kept on the tablets and after 3 weeks I had an episode that made me feel quite unwell and dizzy it seemed to be just tachycardia with no AF,  I was told to leave the tablets off at 4 weeks post opp I tried this and again tachycardia, so I had to continue with the tablets , I had been fine until yesterday when the ectopic beats were  coming in more and more and then the run of tachycardia.  I know they say that you need to give it 3 months but I am coming closer to thinking the opp has not worked as I am getting all the AF symptoms I was getting before and feeling quite uncomfortable , Its been 7 weeks sinc ethe opp now and I was fine for the first 3 weeks but it seems to have got worse over the last week , has anyone else had anything simlar and still had a positive outcome

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    Anna I've just now recovered from my 2nd ablation and I have to tell you if I drink alcohol I will still get a irregular heart beat but goes away after a few hours. I'm only taking a 81 mg of asprin for now. I had my first ablation 3 years ago but after 20 months was back on pills again to help with the heart beat and then it got worse and end up with afib and aflutter. I strongly suggest that you have the second ablation, the tools my doctor used this time were newer and hopefully better. I have my fingers cross this resloves my heart issue. I can however tell you that you need to take your meds on time each and everyday, I didn't and ended up having a TIA or a mini stroke. I loss my ability to speak for over 16 hours, I was one of the luckly ones to survive. Hope this helps you, take carecheesygrin
    • Posted

      Hi mike ,  Thank you for the rely , I have had a 2nd ablation on the 15th Sept 2014 was fine for 3 weeks and then got bad tachycrdia and af this had been goig on for 3 months sine the opp ,   have been waiting for the apt to go back to see the surgen and I have apt on the 14th of hs month , and just typical the heart has settled in the last week and not been too bad.  am meant tobe going to the apt to discuss if they do a 3rd ablation or pt in a pace maker , I dont dink so I dont have the problem , but t goes pottyf I eat any chocolate
    • Posted

      My dad has a pacemaker but it only works if his heart beat goes too low and it defibs him when the rythem is way out of wack. Also they say it takes the heart 90 days to heal properly. Isn't it crazy that our heart react to differnet food groups or what we may drink from time to time. I wish you the best, you sound like you have a very stubborn heart. Stay positive, it helps.


    • Posted

      I have a very stubborn pulmonary vein that is jumping all over the place lol ,  I am wondering though if the antibiotics that I had to have for a stomach complaint has settled the heart .  I contacted Helibactor whilst I was in hospital and its caused me ulcers that are bleeding but since taking the meds for this my heart has calmed down , or maybe its just taken longer to heal I have no idea , I really want to stop taking these tables as they were the start of my stomach problems .

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