Atypical fissure symptoms?

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About half a year ago I found blood on my stool, but didn't have many other symptoms back then. GP thought it was probably hemorrhoids (which I do have), so no treatment. Around May, I had blood on my stool again; GP referred to proctologist, who said I have an anal fissure. Got the standard diltiazem cream. Ironically, since then things have become way worse; initially it was mostly a very annoying burning feeling, that could last for hours. I would even have it in the evening, maybe 12 hours after last BM. Mornings it's usually gone. The pain has become even worse since then; sometimes dull, sometimes sharp, and even radiating to the tailbone. My bowel patterns have changed, although it could be because of the stool softeners I got. I had blood for a 3rd time after diarrhea. I've been back to the proctologist who scheduled me for a botox treatment in September, also to "take a better look at the fissure".

I guess my question is whether worsening pain is a symptom of a fissure, and having pain all day? Most things I've read talk about pain during and after BM, but most often passing stool is painless for me, and the pain only starts hours later, and lasts really long. I'm worried it's something like anal cancer instead - especially after some stories which had anal cancer misdiagnosed as a fissure.

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12 Replies

  • Posted


    my fissure did the same.

    initially all good then burning sensation started 1 hour after bm.

    Occasional blood on stool.

    Burning could last for 8 hours

    I would sit in hot water for 20 minutes which helped manage the pain.

    The nifedipine or diatezem didn't seem to do much.

  • Posted


    my fissure did the same.

    initially all good then burning sensation started 1 hour after bm.

    Occasional blood on stool.

    Burning could last for 8 hours

    I would sit in hot water for 20 minutes which helped manage the pain.

    The nifedipine or diatezem didn't seem to do much.

    • Posted

      Thanks for your reply! I'll try the water. How did you get rid of the fissure eventually?

    • Posted

      the lis surgery help get things started.

      but healing is still long process

  • Posted

    Please get a colonoscopy to rule out anything else. I was the one who was told I had an anal fissure over a year ago... only to find out now that I have rectal cancer. Now have to go through chemo and radiation, due to a doctors mis-diagnose... a colonoscopy is not painful, you are asleep and it will ease your mind, so you don't wind up like me. Just trying to help someone else.

    • Posted

      I'm sorry to hear that, hope it's still in early enough stages and treatment goes well for you! I pushed for a colonoscopy a bit, but the doctors assured me this is typical, and due to my age (38) cancer is unlikely anyway. If the pain keeps getting worse I think I'll push more, though they will probably see during botox whether there's really a fissure or not. What were your worst symptoms?

    • Posted

      did the prep for colonoscopy hurt the fissure?

  • Posted

    hi M11,

    its an anal fissure for sure Your symptoms are identical to what I had before I had surgery. Botox is a complete waste of time you will need LIS surgery. Always sit on a hot wheat bag after your bowel movement it’s the best relief I found. good luck!

    • Posted

      i had botox and pain persisted.

      went back to surgeon and requested LIS surgery.

      i hear good things about Kenelog surgery also but not available in Canada.

  • Posted

    hi all,

    I am yet to hear one person say them had a successful result with Botox injections. Has anybody been cured with botox? It’s my strong opinion from what I’ve read from hundreds of people it’s a complete waste of time it’s my strong opinion from what I’ve read from hundreds of people it’s a complete waste of time you may as well get Ella surgery and get it started! you may as well get LIS surgery and get the healing process started.

    • Posted

      I’m not sure what happened with my last text but forget Botox and get LIS surgery in my opinion.

    • Posted

      i have spoken to heaps of people who healed from botox. you need 100 units each time though .

      also spoken to people where lis has failed and then they got botox .

      people needing lis done twice

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