atypical GCA or not GCA at all???
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Yesterday a rheumatologist diagnosed me with GCA and, in an attempt to remove any threat to my sight, put me on 60 mg of prednisone immediately. He based this on the PMR symptoms and some visual symptoms. I posted about this yesterday.
He advised me to see my eye doctor. She did not see anything at all in my visual symptoms characteristic of GCA. She was surprised and disturbed that he made this significant diagnosis without more blood work and a biopsy.
Now that I have been on the prednisone, though only 2 days on 60 mg, the inflammation will be gone and there is no way, she says, we will ever know whether I really had/have GCA.
She will talk to him today to see if he had any other information she does not know about.
I'll trust my GP to sort out the best thing to do. I certainly am not staying on 60 mg of prednisone a day longer than I have to!
Good news but confusing!
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They are taking this very seriously and have set the biopsy up for 7:00 tomorrow morning.
Eileen- I forwarded your suggestion about the CT/PET to my GP and he will raise it with the others and we'll see what they say.
Thanks for all the company on my personal roller coaster ride!
EileenH snapperblue
Thinking of you - fingers crossed it all goes well and they get a sensible answer.
dianthusdoris snapperblue
Padada snapperblue
I am curious if anyone else has these two issues ( any other issues) with prednisone. I don't see a lot of people mentioning that subject.
Oh and Snapperblue, ten years ago I had GCA, was put on 80 mg prednisone by opthamologist, and had a biopsy about 2 weeks later. It came back 'inconclusive' from the local hospital lab - but opthamologist told me to stay on the 80 mg. Then it was sent to the University of Arizona lab, and it came back negative. But that was weeks later, and by then I had to start the normal reduction from 80 mg. and that took about 2 years. I just remembered that I did have to take some propanalol during that time, but not since.
So that is my experience, best of luck with biopsy. It was not too bad, but they shaved some of my hair off and I wasn't expecting that.
So if anyone has elevated BP or anxiety from prednisone, please share what you did about it if anything.
Thank you ladies. Mary Jane
snapperblue Padada
This is only my second day on 60 mg prednisone and I have not had blood pressure checked, but on 20 mg my bp was somewhat elevated (133 systolic versus usual 100 to 115). Maybe that is within the normal range if you are a bit on edge at the doctor's office. I had a high heart rate some mornings when I took 20 mg, but am not having that now, oddly enough.
The main problem I am having is insomnia. I have long (4-6 hr) intervals of poor sleep- it seems that I am not sleeping but I probably do sleep some. I'll remember that the clock said 12:35... then 12:55... then 1:15, etc. It is very unpleasant. My eyes are dry and sore and I'm not awake enough to read or listen to podcasts. I have started getting up and going on the computer or having some chamomile tea to warm up. I usually sleep a few hours in the early morning but feel really dazed the next day. All I have taken is melatonin, which some days seemed to help, other days no effect.
I am not sure whether I have anxiety. I am having some trouble concentrating and feel restless, but I am also in the middle of this crazy process.
This is turning out to be not my favorite disorder, though there are certainly much worse things running around!
janet08828 Padada
I have had, amogst other things, high BP, high blood sugar, high colesterol, put on weight, brain fog, poor sleeping, peeing more than normal (for me).
What I did - apart from learning to live with it - was talk to the nurse at the clinic - my rheumy was keeping track of the "more serious?" things like liver, kidneys and control bloods but he wasn't looking into the other things. I had a routine check with the nurse and she asked if anyone was keeping an eye on my BP etc. as everything was very elevated - on the edge of needing treatment - after that I have been to see her once a month. Fortunately I seem to have got away with it - no extra meds. and as I am now HOPEFULLY on the way to getting my pred down to a maintenance dose I am hoping that the worst of it is over with.
I had some success getting my weight down with a low carb/high fat diet, strangely enough my colesterol fell also, I had been wondering whether that would have gone through the roof with all the full fat food but it didn't.
Don't know if this was any help Mary Jane.
Hope so.
Padada snapperblue
Beside the elevated BP, I started to have some psychological issues that were very unpleasant - almost like constant chatter in my head hearing voices and starting to have visual hallucinations. It was dreadful. Luckily I was only on that much for about 2 weeks then the taper began.
And on only 15, I have the same BP issue but NO psychological effects. And , now that you mentioned it, also dry eyes, eyestrain from the computer screen, trouble concentrating, short term memory loss and yes trouble sleeping. How could I forget those? I guess they take a back seat to the high BP and the feeling of anxiety.
I take 5 mg ambien to get some sleep and also I also prepare a glass of magnesium citrate powder and water with ice cubes to sip on after dinner . It contains about 615 mg of Magnesium and I do believe it helps me sleep longer than the ambien alone. Does cause some cleansing of the bowel.
I am very frustrated to have this PMR appear in my life. You are right that there are much worse things running around, but to me, this is a nightmare disease that has me in a worry mode that I am trying to shake. Not having much success. You seem to be taking in stride and I admire your ability to do that.
snapperblue Padada
EileenH snapperblue
"Steroids and immunosuppressant medications -- People should not take melatonin with corticosteroids or other medications used to suppress the immune system because the supplement may cause them to be ineffective."
Source: Possible Interactions with: Melatonin | University of Maryland Medical Center
EileenH Padada
Pred has 82 listed side effects, they are more obvious at the higher doses - yes, some may be associated with the illness the pred is being used for but it is obvious to us on the forum that people with GCA on higher doses have more problems at first but most of the effects do reduce as the dose reduces.
If you have raised BP - and it should be monitored by your doctor or yourself, often pharmacists will be able to check it without you buying a sphygmomanometer - then it needs some medication to control it. High BP is high BP, it doesn't matter what is causing it.
If you suffer from any of the psychological side effects then either the pred dose should be reduced if that is possible (i.e no visual problems) or medication can be considered until they calm down.
I know it is easy for me to say - don't panic! You have a chronic illness, it is a pain in the rear, but it doesn't kill and can be managed well if you are sensible. The more you panic, the worse your BP and other side effects will appear to you.
If you are so anxious - it could be the pred and you should be discussing it with your PCP and considering medication for a short time.
If you can't sleep, then for the moment you need to learn to rest at any time of the day or night when you feel tired. GCA and PMR have a considerable systemic effect - like flu. If you had real flu you wouldn't expect to carry on as usual and you also need to remember you are ill - even if you don't look it.
It will improve, you aren't going to be like this forever, but at present it is a new and difficult experience. Be patient - if you don't learn anything else in GCA/PMR you learn patience eventually!
Padada janet08828
It seems you are being monitored pretty effectively. So far, I am not being monitored by anyone. I might have to make an appointment with my PCP and ask him if I need some of the tests you are getting.
Thank you for your input. I am glad we can share all these things on this site. It really helps me to cope.
barbara75814 snapperblue
teenyjeeny snapperblue
snapperblue teenyjeeny
I assume your flare up was in the PMR- do you have widespread stiffness or pain, or does just one area flare up?
What symptoms alerted you that you had GCA? Loss of vision? Sensitivity in the temples or scalp or chewing?
When you say "now my eye is hurting.." what do you mean? Can you describe the pain?
Thanks for your help!
teenyjeeny snapperblue
Know I am not in pain all the time the steroids are good they soon have it under control.