Autoimmune hepatitis disease
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Has anybody else got this condition that is willing to discuss their treatment and how they are coping with this disease?
I have been living with AIH for 14 years, first diagnosed when i was 14 years old. Luckily I am fairly stable with the odd flare up now and again. I am being looked after by the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Bham and they are brilliant. Currently im on 50mg of Azathioprine a day and its brilliant with no side effects. I have been on Prednisalone in the past and ive not got on well with it. My doc keeps mentioning the possibility of me having to go back on it in the future but I dont like the side effects.
I am a busy professional who has no time to be poorly, so fingers crossed my Azathioprine continues to do its job!!
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barbara02082 cathy67411
janet06428 cathy67411
cathy67411 janet06428
amy_57955 cathy67411
I have AIH too and was diagnosed at 43, now 57. They told me given the extent of the damage to my liver I may had this since I was 15 yrs old . I suffered from anxiety asa child and into adulthood. I'm wondering how much panicattacks and anxiety played a part in triggering AIH. Anyone else have the same struggles with anxiety?
joanne32096 amy_57955
janet06428 cathy67411
cathy67411 janet06428
keifer13826 cathy67411
helen96579 cathy67411
cathy67411 helen96579
helen96579 cathy67411
Whilst on that subject, the pahrmacist told me AZA makes one sensitive to sunlight. Guess this would be ok in the UK, but here it could be a problem as I see a side effect of AZA is skin cancer. I'm still a bit nervous about it all, but good too know you have not had any trouble getting out teeth. Maybe I'm being overcautious.
BeckyRee helen96579
I'm from Australia as well and have only been diagnosed this past week after a scary 3 months (1-2 months of which were in hospital) I would love to chat to you about all of this.. I'm so in the dark and extremely scared about it, I'm 30 years old and its been a crazy bumpy road to get here.. How are you going now after 12 months? You might not get this as it's been so long.. I hope you're going well :-)
Bec :-)
(From Sydney)
margie321 BeckyRee
barbara02082 margie321
chris2012 BeckyRee
i hope things have settled down for you. It is scary when you are first diagnosed. I have had AIH for 2 years now and am doing well on imuran. Didn't have prednisone but had budnesonide instead which had less side effects. The research shows that treated AIH has a great prognosis no different from the rest of the population.
I'm from Australia too.
nancy7777 BeckyRee
Newly diagnosed 47 y. o female with AIH too. Wold love to share stories and expereinces if you are interested.
noreen_65192 margie321
Hi margie321,
Not sure if you still check this but was wondering how you are getting on, your diagnosis sounds very similar to mine, I've just been diagnosed, they are still not 100%, it's mainly based on my blood results also.
noreen_65192 BeckyRee
Hi Becky,
I'm recently diagnosed and just seen your posts and wondered how things were going for you? I'm in my early 30's and have also like you had a few scary months leading up to this diagnosis also they are still not 100% but have out me on medication to try and regulate the liver levels.
margie321 noreen_65192
Hi Noreen , I seem to be doing fine .. my blood has been normal .. 75mg of Imuran which does upset my stomach. I get my blood drawn once a month now .. how about you ? Is your levels on a steady decline ? It does go down slowly .. it takes a few months to get them to normal .. for me, anyways. I believe that this could be connected to the food we eat .. GMO's and all the other things they do to food.. I've never met so many people with some sort of auto immune .. everyone I talk to knows someone or has it themselves .. why isn't anyone talking about that ? They say this is rare , but is it ? As I research, Our food in the USA isn't regulated like you would think , they don't need to say if the food has GMO's .. and most have it .. I've been trying to do as much organic as I can .. but somehow I feel the damage is done ...
noreen_65192 margie321
Hi margie,
Thanks for your response. Pleased to hear you are doing fine. Mine are on the decrease but still a little high (200) at the moment but I'm only going into my third week on prednisolne (40g) which they are reducing to 30g in the next two weeks. I have no symptons and feel fine so it's so hard to get my head around it all.
I've been on a health kick over the last 4 weeks of clean living, no processed food in the hope this will also help but no idea if it will. It's giving me a focus and helping me not put on weight with the medication so far anyway. Do you find the organic food is helping?
Presently Im not drinking but wonder in the future when hopefully the levels are under control I'd love to be able to meet friends and enjoy a glass of wine and not feel like I can't but don't know if this will ever be possible or a cocktail on holiday.....
margie321 noreen_65192
I have a couple glasses of wine occasionally , a few more this past Saturday then I should have
my doctor doesn't want me to have any.. but I can assure you , this disease has had nothing to do with drinking entire life I have rarely drank , contrary to what people think , when you tell them about our disease .. I'm sure their first thought is that were fall down drunks .. obviously not the case .. I had a Bachlarette party a month ago in Miami .. I indulged a bit
and had my blood work done when I got home and it was normal .. I'm not going to say drink up, but be reasonable and when you get to normal again , and you will..
an occasional glass of wine will not hurt you , in my opinion .. everyone is different.
March 2016, I had my 2nd flare up .. I changed my eating , eating as clean as I can .. I have been fine , I don't know if that had anything to do with it , but it doesn't hurt .. I'm sure
noreen_65192 margie321
That's good to know. It's just so hard as I don't know how much will change and also it's so early on I feel like I have a long way to go until I'm able to relax a bit. My friends were trying to oranise a weekend away in January to help with the winter blues just feel like I have to exclude myself because I just don't know what's instore.
Thank you for sharing, it's really helped.
dcgriffon nancy7777
nidia53744 dcgriffon
christine06248 dcgriffon
I just found this message board and saw your post. I'm also a 53 yo female, recently diagnosed with aih. They want me to start taking meds. I'm very worried about doing so. I'm wondering if you have taken meds and how are you doing?
I hope you are well.
wendy16928 dcgriffon
I’m 53 yrs female and sooo scared right now. I think I’ve cried so much over this that there’s probably no more tears left in me. Any information would be appreciated. Thanks Wendy