Awake 2 am
Posted , 7 users are following.
wake out of a sleep cant breathe short breathe hesrt palpitations. wtf??? am i dying or what. why is this happening?? some days better than now. anyone else?? how do u get through??
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Posted , 7 users are following.
wake out of a sleep cant breathe short breathe hesrt palpitations. wtf??? am i dying or what. why is this happening?? some days better than now. anyone else?? how do u get through??
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Guest Jaynie12
Been there done that.,
Two years ago.
It does pass.
Now I'm dealing with frozen shoulder so losing sleep again.
Sometimes I think it will never end, but I do think it will.
Pra_Adoni Jaynie12
The many "gifts" of perimenopause unfortunately. Its very normal, and as far as I know, nothing much one can do about it. Just, don't get stressed about it, and remember, it is part of the transition to the next phase of our lives.
Hang in there!
cindy17746 Jaynie12
This happens to me a lot lately. It's really scary. It has come and gone. Sometimes it lasts a few weeks, then disappears for a while. It will pass, I am sure. Hang in there!
thank u ladies. i am so exhausted trying to stay busy during the day so i can sleep at night. its a battle no matter. thank u for ur support.
debi62095 Jaynie12
last few weeks had this like you say awful, like im going to die, horrid racing throughts of gloom is that familiar. cant explain whats going on but its the worse thing indeed i dont have any coping stragegy if anyone finds it please share.hugs to you dear fellow
Beverlys1 Jaynie12
hi jay,, been going through this off and on for 4 years,, at the beginning of peri i woke every morning a 3 to 4 am, Have you tried taking magnesium before bed, that helped me and no caffeine late in the day I also take melatonin to try to keep myself asleep when a hot flash strikes... Don't know where you are in the process Im pretty sure Im getting close to meno I'm now getting drenching hot flashes,, and I mean drenching my whole neck my back,chest,tummy and sometimes even between my thighs..Oh also my whole scalp will be drenched. Ive heard from some women on the forum that this is common towards the transition.. whatever the situation it is all completely stressful and upseting and scary, I try to go back to sleep, I prey over and over,, tell myself you are ok over and over,,deep breath until I guess i wear out and go back to sleep for just alittle while until a wake again... that is the story of my nights, you are not alone hun!!! xxxx that is why we are all here to try to give support,,,