Awake in a panic
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awake in a panic again. will this ever stop?? when im able to fall asleep. this is what i have to look forward to.anyone one else?? whart do u do to fall back asleep. i was given buspar and prozac. does it help? im afraid to take thinking will make it worse.
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claire38123 Jaynie12
this has been goin on for me since jan the panic is that bad iv had the paramedics out twice and both time its just been my bp thats through the roof i can fall sleep ok then i awake about 3am sweating pounding heart feeling like iam going to pass out shaking and a feeling of doom and all i keep getting told is its hormones and panic attack due to being perimenopausal so dont worry my love iv not dropped yet from it lol even though its terrifying at the time it does pass my GP has told me its peri anxiety and offered antidepressants which i said no to but i have had to go on bp meds so keep calm and try to do something to take your mind of it i tend to keep my tv on in my bedroom at night so i just watch tv and try to calm myself down if that doesnt work i wake my hubby up and he helps me knowing iam not the only one awake in the house . big hugs and lets hope this crap doesnt last long xx
Jaynie12 claire38123
they want to put me on buspar ,prozac and geodon ..the worse for me is the anxiety but i got myself believing in not breathing. it feels like it or starts around 4 pm. sometimes all night sometimes i can sleep but im up in a panic every time. its so scary and exhausting. my hot flashes have subsided but like i said its all the other weird feelings. been to dr.. he said my oxyegen is 98 ..bp was fine. heart rate 63. i just feel like im dying. idk ..i was never told about this i was lead to believe menapause was just some hot flashes. so it scares me when i feelthis bad all day...i pray we all get through this. i much rather have my period again. better yet be giving birth. at least sonething good comes from that. 😊. good luck. hope u get some sleep.
Guest Jaynie12
I was telling my sister and she said what helped her in the end were sleeping pills and lexapro. She said it gave her body a chance to rest and for things to calm down. I don't know if I want to go that route but getting awfully down due to the frozen shoulder.
Jaynie12 Guest
lexapro was mentioned before the geodon. what is it?? does it works???
Guest Jaynie12
It's an antidepressant.
My friend was taking it and abruptly stopped and ended up getting brain zaps. I've avoided all that stuff, maybe I shouldve tried it. Hate drugs though
Jaynie12 Guest
who wants brain zaps?? we got enough symptoms. im gonna do the buspar though its for anxiety small dose hopefully takes the edge off. have a great day. .
lisa95354 Jaynie12
morning Jaynie... I’m gonna repeat what my pharmacist said, all these doctors wanting to put us on anti-depressants, we’re not short of an anti-depressant in our body, we’re short of hormones. have you tried melatonin, also 5-HTP, L- THEANINE help with sleep. I know we discussed this before about cutting caffeine, sugar and alcohol is crucial and not eating after 6 PM. I honestly had a terrible time with sleep. I thought it was due to the very stressful circumstances with my family, but it turned out it was PERI all along. I forgot, do you still get your periods? also try to journal on your calendar when the symptoms are worse because I find that they are at ovulation and menstruation. even when we are post menopause we are still affected. this time of our life is like that song… Long and winding road... 😉 you’re not alone girlfriend 😃