azo cranberry

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can azo cranberry be effective in treating uti?  does it help get rid of bacteria or does it just ease the symptoms? also how long will it take to kick in? i’ve taken bactrim & cefuroxime and never have gotten rid of it. really tired of going to the doctor.

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7 Replies

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    I’m sorry to say azo irritated my bladder.  After eliminating it, my bladder stopped aching.  Bactrim stopped working for me years ago.  Ask your doctor questions and if you don’t get answers or good explanation, try another doctor.  I have been through hundreds of uti’s over the years and finally found a good doctor.  URI is hard to get rid of.  Most general doctors don’t really know too much about chronic  uti.  They are practicing medicine after all. Fighting uti can become a daily chore. Try different things to find what works for YOUsmile. Good lucksmile
    • Posted

      Home remedies wouldn’t work for chronic bladder infections.  At least for my situation!  I can’t say I didn’t try things like garlic and lemon water, but still had to eventually get a round of antibiotics.

      A bladder infection is terribly painful so I give up and go to the doctor!

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    I regularly take D Manose but I would not have thought that would have had any effect on the severe UTI I had.

    My doctor offered Nitrofurantoin to tide me over but that is contraindicated for male patients as it does not penetrate the prostate.  A specialist Urologist said=== Nitro is OK for the ladies but not men.

    I had to have a month on Septrin & then a fortnight later due to horrendous symptoms that returned I had 33 days on Ciprofloxacin which seemed to have eradicated the problem.

    What I cannot accept is the hit and miss treatment of an infection. Surely there is a way of confirming what the infection is but has the NHS the funds to do what is necessary to find what an infection is?

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      how was it on cipro☹️? justin got prescribed that and so far i see nothing but negativity towards it and it’s fresking me out.
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    I did not have any adverse symptoms until day 30 & then I had dihorea and generally bad guts with pains all over my guts. In 2001 I was sent home from hospital with Ciprofloxacin and a box of Metronidazole. The hospital must have been experts in prescribing because I see in MIMMS that metronidazole is precribed for C Diff.  It seems that C Diff is a yeast infection that can destroy the gut & the Cipro kills good bacteria as well as bad & makes way for bad yeast bacteria to take hold.

    After three days on the Metronidazole my guts returned to normal & have been that way with no prostatitis

    or UTI for 10 months.

    Because I had UTI problems since 2010 I took to writing a diary & every mortal thing goes into it so I have records about all consultations, GP  visits and all medications prescribed and taken.

    At one time I had very much trust in those looking after me but since they got nowhere with a diagnosis I started to question were 'they' getting it right and the answer was no they were not.........

    There has been very much a learning curve for more than 4 years and it has been of great benefit to me. 

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