B12 defficient or something else?

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Hi, 52yr old post menopausal ex nurse. 30 yr history of depression, but never referred to Psych. IBS 20 years, but never had investigations. Joint pains/stiffness years (more than 30 for wrists/hands/hips).Worse in morning.

Recently (last 12 months) feeling more depressed/anxious and mania and OCD traits. Brain fog, short term memory probs, trouble concentrating and doing routine things. Trouble following conversations and instructions.

Pins and needles hands, feeling like things stuck on bottom of feet, , feet feeling like they're on fire at night,worsening vision over last year (need glasses on to do almost everything now and lights on if darker, problems driving in dark, feeling like middle vison is bad but round the edges OK.

Walking into things (has been a problem for years,but worse now), losing track of time, can't stand on one leg or do heel /toe walking. Lose balance if I look up at sky or turn head to look over shoulder when walking. If we go out walking I have to look at the ground to see where my feet are all the time, otherwise I fele like I'm going to fall over.

Developed ?psoriasis of scalp about a year ago. Just on crown.

Ridges in nails (not sre how long)

I have a wonderful, supportive and loving husband, but my libido for last 10 years (we've been married nearly 14) is zero ( and I mean absolutely zero)

GP changed antidepressants about 6 weeks ago to Sertraline from Venlafaxine and after 5 weeks I thought I was going mad. Threatening suicide, yelling ,thrwoing things. Never been like that before. Stopped them. Felt better. Now on nothing to try and get to the bottom of this. Feel less depressed since taking B12.

BP low always (90/60) and was having irregular heart rate.ECG normal.Head sweating horrendous over last 4 weeks.

Weight loss about 10lbs and not trying.

Brain fog and fatigue, but not sleepy. In the past if I didn't sleep well could sleep well for 2 hours in the afternoon and feel better, but now can't sleep in the afternoon. Only sleep for 4 -5 hrs now

  GP wont do bloods or look at my head. "Make another appointment"

Have just paid for private bloods which show heamaglobin and Red cell count at low end of normal. Looks like I have too many cells of different sizes (RDW high) but they didn't do a reticulocyte (baby red cells) count Iron, Ferritn OK. b12 just OK, but have been taking B12 for 4 weeks. Vit D just OK but have been taking supps for 6 months.

White cells just OK (lower end)

Neutrophils and Monocytes just OK.(lower end)

My triglcerides and LDL are below normal range. Total chol and HDL good. Hb A1C good.

Thyroid function good.

LFTs and Kidney good.

Family history- Mother ( lives on wheat and refined carbs!) has diverticular disease and borderline anaemia - need to check her last bloods to be more specific.

Also ataxic, but she's 80 and hasn't done any exercise for eyars unless you count walking round shops

Uncle had an ileostomy 15 years ago for UC and pre cancerous polyps

Grandfather died from bowel cancer

Great Uncle died from  anaemia in 1920's.

Sorry for such a long post and so much detail but thought better to get it all out there, plus I'm probably a little manic too! Any thoughts appreciated.

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4 Replies

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    In view of your family history, you need to urgently without delay have  an colonoscopy and endoscopy. To rule out malignant polps

    It may well be B12!!!! ? but if you have a slow bleed in the transverse colon it will not show as blood in stool, espically white cell count at low end thats your immume system. And you will feel very very ill for no obvious reason. Fatique, tired no interest?

    • Posted

      Hi Maria, you're obviously not in England. As you saw, I can't even get the GP to look at my head! I paid for bloods privately. We've just moved so have appointment with new GP, fingers crossed. I'm a retired nurse practitioner, but acute care so these chronic things are a bit of an unknown to me compared to other stuff. I've noticed, just in the last 2 weeks whilst working in parents garden( we haven't had a garden sicne coming back from the US 2 years ago) that I seem to have developed sensitivities to plants! Started with working on a low growing yew bush and I got a rash with some raised welts all the way up forearms and even my back was itchy. Then yesterday I was pruning and trimming plants I've never had a problem with in the past (we were keen gardeners in US and before we moved there). Again a rash up my forearms and some big raised areas where there were some small scratches (skin broken minimally). Also, yesterday I put a new top on and my upper back was going crazy with a red rash for about 4 hours. This isn't like me at all. I think however I would rather go for a test (FOB) to see if there's blood in my stool before having invasive procedures! I have no problems with indigestion or upper abdo discomfort, so don't think I need an endoscopy. Hb, iron and ferrtin are  within normal ranges, although Hb is lower than I used to be when still menstruating) Would like someone to check my Gamma globulin levels though. Joints ( mostly wrists, shoulders and thumbs) were really sore this morning when I woke up.

      Thanks for your help.

    • Posted

      The FOB is not conclusive. so i would have the colonendoscopy and endoscopy to rulle out. I got a rash too.

      I did not have any signs at all of ingestions problems and no blood loss.

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