B12 deficient in menopause feel awful!!!

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Hi ladies 

I am a regular here been in Peri ten years

A lot of you ladies know my story 

Peru ten years awful and every symptom 

Went 13 months no period

Had to have half my thyroid removed due to a nodule that needed removing

Day after surgery I got a period!!!!

Everything scanned all ok

That was August last year

No period as yet

Anyway I’ve had awful flu been ill for two weeks 

Went to my doctor he ran some more bloods

Turns out I have a folic acid deficiency which I believe is b12

I have been feeling so run down breathless exhausted and just thought it was due to flu

My question is have any of you ladies had this

My anxiety is sky high🙄

Thinking the worst again!!!!

Any replies would be welcome x

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10 Replies

  • Posted

    Actually I think I’ve made a mistake I think folic acid is b9 not 12?

    I’m confused 🤷🏻??? 

  • Posted

    Hi Michelle, yes I too was lacking in folic acid but the thing about B vits is to get best effect is with B complex vits so you boost all of them! Valerian is good for anxiety and insomnia. Heres hoping you feel better soon hun. XXX
    • Posted

      Did you feel tired and breathless when you were lacking folic acid

      Or is it the dreaded anxiety again!!!!

    • Posted

      Just to add valerian upsets my stomach I’ve had many digestive issues in peri 
    • Posted

      Yes I know what you mean with the digestive problems. Do you take anything for those? Anything with ginger root in it is good. Due to frequent bouts of diahorrea my dr has changed me from hrt pills to patches. I hope they work better. I must say I am surprised that valerian upsets you to that degree. Such a shame because it works very well at night crushed in the warm drink. And yes I do suffer with feeling very tired and breathless when not taking my folic supplement. I get mine from dr so they are very strong concentration. I am feeling a little better than I was but I do take high strength extra vitamin supplements to boost the hrt. Without those I would not be able to function at all. But I thank god every day for getting me through and for all my friends on here without whom I go totally crazy. XXX
  • Posted

    Hi Michelle,

    So sorry you are struggling!  You're a real trooper to manage all you have done so far.

    Are you taking any Vit D? I get real flu-like symptoms when my D is low, body aches, slow thinking, fatigue. Vit D is called the 'sunshine vitamin'  not just because we get it from the sun but also because it can help with mood. 

  • Posted

    I take feroglobin to keep my levels up, I get breathless and lethargic when they are low. B6 B12 and folic acid. And I take Vit D too. Feel better soon x
    • Posted


      Thank you for advice

      According to my bloods I’m only low in folic acid my thyroid is still functioning ok despite recent surgery 

      I’m not the best eater I could probably eat more but I’ve had numerous digestive issues in Peri as well so it’s a vicious circle

      I’ve written another thread as the dreaded obsession with my breathing is back

      Doctor listened to chest even had a chest X-ray few weeks ago all clear

      Anxiety is in overdrive 

      Praying for an end to all of these symptoms 

      I mean this is my 11th year now!!!

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