Back & abdomen pain
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For about a week now ive had a dull pain in the front left of my abdomen , I now have a sore back ar the base of my spine . Ive googled a few symptoms & its coming up ovarian cancer ! My heads all over the place & 'my palpitatioms have started up again . Has anyone had any experience with this ?
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Kadija1966 therese72856
I have had this problem for two years and it comes goes. I am in perimenopause and have had so many symptoms. Including abdominal pain back ache, numb legs.
supemack39 therese72856
I was at an emergency appoint mentioned for exactly this today. The doctor thinks it is a chronic flare up of IBS. But yes, the worry and discomfort ramp up the anxiety. Get it checked for peace of mind.
tracy43395 therese72856
could be diverticulitis. I've had same symptoms and don't have any ovaries. diagnosed with diverticulitis and given antibiotics.
Thanks for replies. Ive got appointment on friday , my sister has diverticulitis , symptoms very similar , but didnt read back pain with that . Cant stop thinking the worst .
HopefulTrina therese72856
Please don't google. I know we want answers but trying to self diagnose makes the anxiety worse.
I've had back,abdominal, leg, hip and so much other pain. I had so many tests and everything comes back good. It HAS to be hormones. I'm 45 years old and this peri stuff is a monster.. Hang in there , try to think positive thoughts, and just know you're going to be fine..
robin86 therese72856
Yep! ibs and peri. Gotta love it!!!
sarah45050 therese72856
I have same and doc said it is gastritis.