Back on Mirtazapine

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So I visited my GP on Monday and discussed how Mirtazapine wasn't working well for me as it did a few weeks ago.

I was on Mirtazapine for two years, then an anxiety relapse in November 2017 caused the antidepressant to stop working for me. So I looked for an alternative.

I've tried a number of different antidepressants over the past few months: Sertraline, Fluoxetine, Escitalopram. Along with anti nausea medication to help with my anxiety nausea and poor appetite.

None of them worked well for me, I had horrible nausea and vomiting along with increased anxiety. So I asked to be put back on Mirtzapine at the end of January. 

And it worked so well! I didn't have nausea, I could eat tons of food. But then I had a personal incident that caused me to become depressed and anxious. I went back to my GP and they upped my dosage from 15mg to 30mg. Which only made my anxiety worse and caused more nausea and vomiting.

Eventually I was reduced to 15mg again, but I still had nausea and vomiting. I was prescribed Metoclopromide, but that only made me restless and agitated. So I went back to my GP on Monday. She offered me two options: Either I try a new antidepressant, or I try a different anti nausea medication.

I chose a different antidepressant, I was given 37.5mg of Venlafaxine. Which only reduced my appetite and made me more nauseated and anxious.

After three days I went back to the Doctors, my GP told me they were running out of options on what to prescribe me, and wondered it it was more to do with my anxiety. Which worried me a lot, my GP suggested going back on Mirtazapine due to it's effectiveness a few weeks ago. I agreed and started taking it last night.

So far I haven't noticed much improvement, I felt slightly drowsy last night. But my appetite hasn't returned.

I just hope this works soon.

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Robert,

    I had the same problem Mirt stopped working and my Gp switched it to valdoxan, I can tell in 4 days I’m feeling really nice like I was before with more energy  enjoying life; I know valdoxan is a bit expensive but really nice antidepressant so far.

    I hope it helps you, sending a lot of love and encouragement.


    • Posted

      Hi Maritza,

      I'm hoping that the Mirt works for me again, my GP says they're running out of antidepressants to prescribe. I've never even heard of Valdoxan.


  • Posted

    What made you come to the conclusion Mirt had stopped working?

    I read and re-read your post but did not see you mention it. Are you aware that the nausea, poor appetite, vomiting etc are the most common withdrawal symptoms of Mirtazapine withdrawal?

    • Posted

      My conclusion was due to my increase in anxiety symptoms. When I first had the anxiety relapse I began to feel more nauseated and ill, I was losing my appetite and kept panicking.
    • Posted

      Ok, I guess it can be difficult to differentiate the two because nausea and reduced appetite are common symptoms of anxiety and trauma but if Mirtazapine 'fixed' those issues so quickly then you need to be aware of the possibility your body was in need of Mirtazapine. Changing doses and getting on and off so many drugs will leave your body in a vulnerable position.

      You need to stop thinking of these drugs as something that should be working within a few days or weeks. They can take months and months to work if you keep messing with them, on/off, different doses, switching meds. You'd be better of picking one and giving it time to work. Accept things may not be great for a month or so but they will gradually improve. You have to give certain medications weeks to just get over the start up side effects.

      Good luck

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