Back on Sertraline

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Hi everyone,

I’m really disappointed to be writing this as I have previously written two posts, one about my journey with Sertraline and how I eventually got back to my happy self and the second about how I successfully came off Sertraline 9 months ago. Unfortunately I have had to come back onto Sertraline after the anxiety returned and I found myself feeling tearful through the day. 

I have been through the hell of the first few weeks before so have not been in constant panic this time as I know what is going on in terms of side effects etc. However I am on day 17 (8 days on 25mg and 9 days on 50mg) and the past two days I just can’t stop crying. 

I don’t know if this is a side effect to the tablets messing with my emotions or if it’s just how devastated I am to be in this position again. I am off work now for 3 weeks and I am absolutely gutted. 

I suppose I am just looking for some support today. Did anyone else feel like crying constantly? 

Thank you

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16 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Kate, I'm in a similar position to yourself, I came off Sertraline about a year ago, but like you, my anxiety has crept into my life and I started again on 50mg, I'm now on day five so early days, but like yourself understand from the first time about the startup side effects, I'm lucky that I don't have the tearful emotions that you're going through, but I would guess that it is the med that's causing this, I would think it will pass and you will begin to feel better and hopefully not as tearful, and understand where you're coming from regarding being devastated about having to take Sertraline again, but, like me, if it helped the first time. it should help this time, don't beat yourself up about it, just concentrate on getting better.

    • Posted

      Thanks so much for your response. I am trying to stay as positive as possible but I thought I had overcome my demons and so am struggling to come to terms with being back on the med, but I suppose it’s something that can’t be helped and if it makes you live your life to the fullest then you have to go for it. I haven’t done any therapy before so I am going to go for that this time in the hope that next time I decide to come off the medication I will have the skills to be able to cope with the anxiety instead of letting it rule my life. I hope you start to feel better soon. 
  • Posted

    Oh, I am so sorry you are needing Sert again, but from what you say, it would appear to be the right decision. 

    When I first started on Sert 50mg, I did feel tearful, and emotional, amongst other side effects (nausea especially bad). 

    Hopefully you will start to have some better days soon x 


    • Posted

      Thank you. Hoping that the emotions sort themselves out soon. It’s so hard when taking something makes you worse before it makes you better.  I keep questioning if I have done the right thing going back on but I know deep down I had to. xx
    • Posted

      How long did those side effects last ? And then you had success and felt better I hope? smile
  • Posted

    Bless you Kate. Yes I went through the crying jags as well. I was especially bad just before my periods not that I know when i'm going to have one because they're really irregular. Keep an eye on your cycle because it maybe that. If you're lucky enough to be past that it still could be hormone fluctuations so go chat to your doctor and see what s/he says.

  • Posted

    Hi Kate.

    I totally understand what your going through i had previously been on sertraline for 12months or so and came off them Jan this year, I went back on them around May time after feeling "close to the edge"

    I personally think it's a mixture of both side effects and your own self. I felt like I had let people down and myself and maybe physiology I felt more aware of my emotions because I knew I was back on the tablets.

    I'm on about week 12 now and definitely feel less emotional if this is the tablets or the fact it doesn't feel like a big deal anymore I don't know but I'm sure you will come out the other side


    • Posted

      Hi kelly,

      Thanks for your message. I read somewhere that around 40% of people end up going back on antidepressants. Maybe next time we will stay off for good. Glad to hear you’re feeling better. 


  • Posted


    Sorry to hear you feel like this I’m sure it’s just the side effects,I recently stopped sertraline as I thought I was better but 3 weeks later had a massive doctor prescribed Prozac but I’m not feeling any better I’m wondering if I should go back to sertraline I’m so confused and so low I can’t live like this for much longer xxx

    • Posted

      Hi Katy,

      Try and stay strong. You have been on Sertraline before and this worked for you, so you know you can get better again.  Prozac may work for you too. I know it’s hard, we are all in the same boat, but with time things do get better. You just have to stick it out. Xx

    • Posted

      Thank you Kate,I’m just so unsure whether to stop

      Prozac and try sertraline again thanks for replying to me xxxx

    • Posted

      I can so relate ... but opposite .... Prozac was not working so now I'm trying the Zoloft as I've heard lots of positive about it. I was on Prozac about 10 weeks 

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