Back pain

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Have any of you experienced sudden back pain which was somewhat relieved after a bowel movement? I am due for my period in two days don't know if this is a new symptom or what? 

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11 Replies

  • Posted

    Do you have IBS? That used to happen to me, but I have IBS, never considered it to be part of peri, but guess it could be. 

    Hope you feel better.

    Annie xx


  • Posted

    I get what I call a congested feeling for a couple of days before mine.  It feels like my womb is full and pressing on my bowel, also find I am more towards constipated on these days.  Pain tends to be very low down at either the front of back.
  • Posted

    I have, how about when your left side hurts and hemrrhoids act up because of stool problems does anyone deal with this problem 
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    No I've never been diagnosed with ibs but the only time I really get constipation is right before I get a period.
  • Posted

    I've had that 'backache' for years, but ironically yesterday in particular at the end of a 19 DAY bled!!

    My bowels are very much linked to my emotions. If I'm stressed, they

    clam up for days. Think I've always got a supply of laxatives for this,

    Which ain't good I know.

    Assuming that our changing bowel movements are just another thing we have to grin 'n bear at this time. I just wish I'd had the Martini approach when I were younger - Anytime, Any Place, Anywhere' - just another 'skill'

    gifted to mensmile!!

    Seriously, have you got fibroids? When I experienced pain in back/abdo,

    just before stuggling to pass a stool, Nurse had a feel and said I had a

    'lumpy uterus'. Oh well.Just something else to put on my CV I suppose!)

    • Posted

      Thats the same with me my bowels act up if stressed out and calm when I am calm this is called IBS and women get it more than men because of their hormones. 
  • Posted

    Hi Sharcerv - Yes I do think if you get constipated it can give you back pain. I have sciatica & if I get constipated it makes it worse!

    I started taking magnesium 300mg(took this for the muscle pain I had) wow I have never been consipated since!

    As always do see your doctor if you are worried!

    • Posted

      Yes I do have an appointment with my GYN tomorrow which I am hoping desparately I will be able to keep. I am due to see my period tomorrow. rolleyes
    • Posted

      Hi Sharecerv

      I get constipated and diarrhea sometimes its my thyroid and what I eat. Like this weekend I heard that hummus and red peppers and yellow peppers and salsa is not good to eat I had stomach problems all weekend and my hemrroids were acting up all weekend eat bland stuff and eat more fiber too

    • Posted

      It definitely had a lot to do with my reflux because the night before I had Lasagna and it had crushed red peppers in it. I think it was the tomato paste plus the peppers that did it. Also, today my period came on so that could have caused the discomfort. It only happened that once.
    • Posted

      Hi Sharcerv 

      I know that on Saturday and Sunday into Monday morning my left side was hurting my stool were acting up and so were my hemrroids On Friday I ate a hummus plate that had red peppers and tomatos and on Saturday I made taco with salsa I think it was the humus red peppers and salsa that made my bowls act up badly never going to eat that again Need to eat bland and more fruit for fiber 

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