Back pain and abdomen pain on left side under rib cage...scared!

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I'm not sure where to start. A lot has been going on in the past month. It all started when I started to feel like I had a couple of drinks when I had not. I was able to calm myself down because I thought I might be having some sort of anxiety attack. Long story short the symptoms did not go away. So I saw my doctor last week. With my vague answers to his questions he mentioned he wanted to do some further testing. Part of the testing was blood work and a 24 hour urine. That was last Wednesday. I had the blood draw on Thursday and turn my 24 hour urine and on Friday morning. It just so happened that I started my period on Friday. Its normal for me to feel a lot of lower back pain during my periods. this time is a little different. I started to feel the lower back pain then the pain moved to my upper abdomen on the left side. Then the pain moved to my lower right side of my back. now the pain is back on the left side of my upper abdomen. Of course everything that I have been reading leads to one thing... Pancreas. after calling my doctor my blood work has come back normal. However my urine test has not come back yet. They told me it could take up to a week. In the past this pain may have been here and it has gone away. But because of how much reading I have been doing on whyI have been feeling funny I've noticed the back pain and the abdomen pain a little more.

I have an appointment tomorrow afternoon. However I'm really scared.

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    i've got the same feeling I got it when i was 16 years old. Now im 20 i am diagnosed with hepatitis b and im getting treated. But the problem with my upper left abdomen is still there. When you tap the area you will hear a tumble sound. My doctor requested for an ultrasound. Has any of you had their results? Please update me!
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    A month ago my 5 year old pushed me down our wood stairs. She did it a year ago too. So I've fallen twice. So my back always hurt. The last fall I cracked my rib and bruised my left internally. But 4 days ago I could barely get out of bed I had an extreme pain under left rib. I have to take half breaths. A few days before that I got sick for two days and was light headed. How can I tell if its my rib or my pancreas?
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    I have had pain like this for 6 years had every test and all clear. I'm so sure it's my pancreas as worse after alcohol but docs rule it out completely telling me it's ibs. Will type my actual symptoms and story below. Might not make sense as it was written for a pancreas site asking people's advice and I'm copy and pasting it but you will get the jist!

    I've always had ibs from a child and had lower stomach cramps and nausea when stressed from an early age. 6 years ago (aged 26) I had a usual ibs pain attack but this one was a little different I had pain in upper left quadrant, no vomiting just nausea and it lasted a few days. Bearable though I didn't go to hospital with it. That pain in that certain spot (see pic below) has haunted me on and off ever since that day! It comes in waves and lasts a couple of days, then seems to spread to rest of tummy and then slowly go away. I can't pinpoint foods that set it off, some days I can eat crap and be fine some days it can play up, same with alcohol sometimes I'm ok other times it aggravates it. I am mainly constipated but do have upset tummy occasionally. My stools are never pale, always dark brown and flush easily, sometimes mucus on outside if very constipated. I never vomit with the pain or run a fever I just feel sick and go off my food, haven't lost lots of weight I'm quite slim and stayed same weight. The pain isn't constant either it comes in a stabbing pain sometimes or a dull pain that only lasts few seconds and eases, it's mainly in pictured spot but also get it on left side and upper left back opposite where it is on tummy! I feel if I rub the spot I can almost wind myself which helps a bit and I feel it slushing about like a hot water bottle in area that hurts.

    When all this started I had CT, ultrasound, endoscopy, bloods all clear. Symptoms went for a year after leaving a bad relationship and during that time I was drinking and eating rubbish more than ever and completely symptom free! When I got in another rocky relationship and had my daughter via c-section it came back! Now I'm back under a specialist at the hospital after seeing about 12 different gp's that all say ibs! I had colonoscopy, more bloods, stool sample tests, ultrasound and a detailed MRI of pancreas just before Xmas and nothing shown again!

    Could this just be ibs and stress causing flare up as I don't have any symptoms of chronic pancreatitis except for location of pain! Google freaks me out and always comes up with it!

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      Hi, I've been having the same symptoms as you and have been on anxiety meds, underwent every test and treated for leaky gut. Just wondering if you ever figured out what is was. It's very stressful. I hope you are feeling better.
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      Hi no still don't know what it is! Still being given meds for ibs! So frustrating! I will keep pushing them though! I will read up on leaky gut. Are you better since diagnosis? I presume they have treated you?
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    Did you ever find out if it was pancreatitis? I have been battling similar symptoms for over a year. I even underwent treatment for leaky gut and I gained all of my weight back after and felt ok for awhile. But lately the pain is coming back and I am having a lot of anxiety over it again,
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      Sorry just read that your still no better. I have terrible anxiety over it and it's ruining my life!
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      The leaky gut treatment did help some. I have also eliminated gluten almost completely and eat very healthy now. I had lost almost twenty pounds in two months and I was turning yellow. Since the gut treatment I gained my weight back and color is good, but the pain is always there and latey my stools are alarming. I had every test done I could last summer but they did not do a stool test so I'm going to make an appointment and discuss that.  They said I did not have a hiatal hernia and that it wasn't pancreatitis even though I've been a heavy drinker for years.  They tell me it's ibs and anxiety. I do thing anxiety plays a role as I have two young kids and it's worse in the summer when they are home.  But anxiety meds don't remove the pains and the pains seem to be getting longer and more constant. I have had to sit back and get a handle on the anxiety it causes because the anxiety wreaks further havoc on your body. I will let you know if I find anything else out. 
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      Have you had MRI of pancreas too? It's so worrying that it doesn't always show on scans if you have chronic pancreatitis! Even though my scans clear I can't stop thinking that's what it is! What are your stools like?
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      I too had side pain, Grey stools and side pain under right rib and back pain and eyes turned yellow.. i was diagnosed with auto immune hepatisis. AIH stage 2 liver disease. I have severe fatigue nausea migraines and now due to the medication( prednisone and azasan) I have intense joint pain. I also thought it was pancreatitis but tests show otherwise. I now visit the liver specialist at the transplant center every 4 months. Continue to feel crappy but nothing I can do. Because no transplant until stage 4 and if they find a match at that time. Find a good gastro doc that is key. I was actually getting my gallbladder removed and they ran one last test that showed liver disease. Its been 2 years and still on the roller coaster.
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      I am so so sorry to hear all of that. I hope and pray that you can have a transplant. 
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      Yes I had a full ultrasound and mri but they said my pancreas was fine and the only thing was two spots on my liver that weren't cancerous. My sister in law had acute pancreatitis and had some similar symptoms before hand but I agree, it's chronic pancreatitis that seems to be undiagnosable until way too late. But everything seems to point to that except it doesn't always hurt after I eat or drink.  My stools lately have been diarrhea and also I've started having floating stools but the color is generally ok.  I feel like the pain is also getting larger and starting to go straight above my belly button too, very like my sister in law who eventually got a case of acute pancreatitis. My GI says I would likely have liver problems first and my liver tests fine other than the two cysts
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      I just thought that the comment about my sister in law might give you further anxiety. It shouldn't because hers isn't chronic and she was drinking heavily under high stress, and she had off and on vomiting for a year before her acute pancreatitis. Part of the reason I am concerned is because I used to drink heavily and that is supposedly one of the main causes.  I've been debating stopping entirely for fear o am further damaging my pancreas if that is what it is but I don't drink heavily anymore and my dr didn't really seem concerned when I mentioned it. 
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      I used to drink lots in my early twenties at least a bottle of wine a night and more on weekend, spirits usually. I didn't used to eat much either always on a diet so alcohol was going straight on an empty stomach most days. The pain didn't used to come after alcohol so I continued to drink not as much but still more than recommended up until about a year ago when I noticed the pain was worse the day after. My anxiety is so bad about this that the only time I feel relaxed is when I have a drink! But then I panic the next morning and the pain comes back! I just want to know for sure it's not my pancreas so that I can stop worrying! Gastritis has similar symptoms and that makes sense as I drank on empty stomach for years but my endoscope 6 yrs ago when this pain first came was clear. Maybe if I had another it might show?
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      Hey I've had these same problems! I'm not on any meds for it. I have suffered from this for 6 months now. It all started when I had a knot come up under my left side and the Dr always said it was a fatty tumor will the pain has moved around but normally stays in one area! I've wanted to go to the er about this but I always talk my self out of it. My Dr things ts a blockage in my intestons. I only feel gas bubbles on my left side. I have lots of gas and I have bowel movements everyday some moist and some runny somewith mucus some not. Your intestons go around your pancreas and it will hurt there. I live in alabama and have no income a stomach specialist turned my firm bc I didn't have 170 dollars just to walk into his office! The hospitals here won't do anything about it!
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      So sorry your going through the same. Guess I'm lucky with our national healthcare system! Still nothing found though it's very frustrating. Guess it's a good sign as anything really bad would of been found! But can't get the worry of chronic pancreatitis out of my head!
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      I'm so sorry you are also dealing with this. Thanks for the info on a potential blockage. I also have awful gas pains and they are always on the left side only. My pain has usually been mainly in front but lately it's been in the back too, and it used to not be set off by food but now I am thinking it seems to be worse after eating sweets. I'm in Texas and have healthcare but I spent a ton last year on tests and found out nothing.
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      I have the same symptoms as you magen, horrid!! All happened after burst appendix followed by urostomy surgery 6 years ago!! Nightmare!!
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      Hi guys im from south africa been through all you mentioned and more probably done 20 test from blood urin stool colonoscopy back front ct scans... pills you name it..are you aware of the term hypochondria health anxiety look it up ..every day i feel like dying or something bads gona happen the smallest pain cramp sting make me flare up in to a state of panic took time for me to believe that it was a mind thing but dont get me wrong the physicle symptoms are real
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      I agree with this lots. Obviously not all of us should shrug it off with this mental condition as they may miss something terrible but if ALL scans tests are clear like mine after 6 years of pain I think most of mine is worse with stress and worry. It's crazy what your mind can do to your insides. Since I've stopped worried I have cancer or chronic pancreatitis and put my thoughts into it hopefully being gastritis and not researching it every 2 secs my symptoms are 70% better! I just hope this continues!

      I have always been a worrier and had health anxiety since childhood but last 6 years with my pain and worry of Cancer and CP it's been ruining my life! I'm determined not to let it anymore!

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      Hey Nat, I've had this pain for about a year of and on, I'm a 29yo male, and have had a lot of test done. I'm type 1 diabetic and take meds for it also ambien for sleep, just started taking blood pressure pills in small doses for kidney functions. Ideas off all these pills for a few months a bc my liver function was high, and it went down... the pain also went away. I started taking the meds again and the pain is back!!! Wth??? So i am getting back off the meds again and i think this might help. I also don't drink or smoke. Also, your very cute. Single? Hope all is well

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      Haha I am single yes. It's so frustrating when tests are clear but your in pain! I know mine is made worse by alcohol so I limit it now. I thinking if it was my pancreas I would of had an acute attack by now as I continued to drink a fair bit until recently. I think mine is gastritis.

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      It is frustrating!! growing pains? Idk, i was in perfect helath until the last year. Then i was the sickest ive ever been all this and idk whats going on. You say gastirtis? Could be... you also were taking sleep meds too correct? But after the pain. LoL I asked my doc yesterday, what that was and he said "I've got that too, what is that?" I was like "your the doc, doc".

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      Not sleeping meds no but amitryptiline I've been taking which is a relaxant I think!

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      Thanks for laughing and sharing. and you really are pretty, a guy could get lost in those eyes. I don't mean to be a creap. Billy Ice on fb, so we can talk more about this and how gorgeous ur ?? have a great day

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      have you sorted out your problem yet im just beginning this journey pain wise 2 months it has being going on for now. Have been treated for kidney infection 3 separate antibiotics have had ct scan, ultrasound scan, blood tests now waiting for colonoscopy. I also was heavy drinker and have been taking high doses of gabapentin for osteoarthiritus im thinking ulcers or gastritus but terrified could be pancreatitus was trusting the test results but after reading here not confident at all so worried tired and my life is none existant as in i never go out or have energy to do anything. i have stopped medication as i fear taking any so pain medication i am stopping just so i can see if it improves do let me know Natalie what your situation is now please 
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      Severe acute and or chronic pancreatitis reveal in Amalaise and Lipase labwork, only true way to DX pancreatitis
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      How are you bre I have autoimmune hepititis had it for ten years I'm having lots of pressure pain under n around left rib area pain into my back left shoulder n right shoulder it's affecting my breathing had fibroscan last Monday waiting results I have feeling I got pancreatis simply cos the lady who did the scan said the word pancreas to the other lady who was sitting down looking at scan as it was being done I'm so scared

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