Back to feeling like I'm dying..
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I just can't believe I'm still feeling so awful after all these months. I either have bad days or worse days. Never a good day since August. I just had more bloodwork drawn, thinking maybe something will finally show up. I started bio creams and oral compounded progesterone, and had my thyroid meds changed to a natural version. A week after starting the bios my left foot started burning so bad. Five weeks later my thyroid TSH levels went up to a 23! So back on synthroid and trying to get my levels down. Still have the burning foot and painful left leg, some days worse than others. Constant pain in my upper back and shoulders, adrenaline rushes, shakes, and never ending feeling like I've got an awful flu, which is the worse symptom by far. Lots of other things but those are at the top of the list right now. I had such high hope for the bios, and now I'm thinking that it's not hormones and I've got some bad disease again. Last week I couldn't stop shaking, then awful flu feelings for a few days, and then bam, get my period, or kind of a period, just light, brown stuff. I only ever get about 3 days a month where I'm not completely debilitated. I mean, can perimeno really, really, be this bad? Or do I keep going to different doctors to find out what's wrong with me? (I've already seen every doctor I can think of and have had every tests imaginable).
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gema57497 Guest
Dear Susanne
I know exactly what you mean . I started horrible burning all over my body about 7 month ago . Different locations but mostly in my right leg and foot . After numerous doctors visits and ER admission I was finally diagnosed with Graves' disease . It I is an autoimmune disease that causes hyper thyroid . I am on medications and my thyroid levels are normal now but my burnings are there . Now I have them in my hands and arms and neck and face . Going through numerous tests again everything is normal so far . My mom told me that her mom , my grandma had very similar symptoms to mine when she was going through menopause. I know for sure that menopause could cause many things . Just hang in there it gets better .
lisa72030 Guest
Hi Suzanne, sorry you are feeling so awful, I can totally relate. Maybe your adrenals are also exhausted as they can make us feel terrible with similar symptoms. Lots of protein, ( chicken, eggs ) no sugar and regular small meals. I know exactly how you feel everything you've describe I have felt. Lots of rest too, 🙏🏾
sophie76397 Guest
I hear you Suzzanne - and I understand too having had most of those symptoms. Personally my peri hell has been going on for about 4yrs (I'm 49) and it's been HELL. However my last period was in January having had periods every 3 weeks for about 5 yrs - all I can say is that I have a better understanding of my symptoms - doctors think I'm a nut bag - having not had a period for a while now, the anxiety has gone. Once that has gone you can think rationally. I feel a lot better although have some niggles here and there which can be awful but I simply can't have anymore tests - everything is negative and I've just had a full monty medical. I don't take anything apart from turmeric - no HRT as in my view taking meds can cause more problems thus confusing you even more. I hope you are not feeling too rotten - stay on this site for sanity sake - it really helps reassure. You will feel better - YOU WILL - but when is the dastardly question - when periods start to go I think that's when you start to feel different and have improved mood etc - this is my experience. Hope you feel better soon
Indifferent Guest
I hear you! It seems to be one thing after another with me. The only one I've learned to control is the anxiety. The rest of it comes and goes day to day and I never know what is coming next. These days it seems to be some kind of everylasting fatigue with dizziness and balnce issues...that's for the past month. Along with that are headaches that come and go...neck and shoulder pain...and really really moody! I am becoming a real crank lately.
I have not yet gone to see a doctor about any of it because tests with just add to the issues and heighten my anxiety I'm sure. It all coincieds with getting diagnosed with fibromialgia amoung other things is not really going to change anything anyway except maybe put a lable on it. lol! I'll live, and apparently I will be much wiser when it is over. I hope so because this brain fog is about killing me! Roll with the punches, rest when you can....and on your good days throw a party
Could it be a hot flash without having the sweating? So yesterday I started noticing a pattern. First my foot and bottom of my left leg start burning, then I feel the adrenaline rush up my body, then my arms and shoulder and neck tense and ache, and then I get the awful flu feeling in my head. This will come in waves. Sometimes I start shaking. So could this possibly be my version of a hot flash?
I'm still waiting for a miracle to happen since I'm taking BHRT, but so far it doesn't seem to be helping at all aside from helping me sleep at night. My period came a few days early and is just pretty light, (brown not really red). I wish it would just go away and I could get back to feeling normal again. Feeling sick every day of my life is getting very old.
lisa72030 Guest
Hey Suzanne, I get this as well. It's like a wave it starts for me in my legs are rises and rises like a wave of intense warmth and it feels so weird. The first time I thought I was going to explode of something I was in the supermarket and turned to my son who is 18 to hold his hand and I said to him " I think I am going to explode" but I was serious.
gema57497 Guest
I have the same thing burnings first in my leg. Then goes to my hands then stiff neck and stiff face . OMG I went trough multiple blood and other tests for burnings and so far all looks good . I know exactly how you feel . But people say that it gets better
Guest gema57497
Do you also feel like you have the flu?
I sure hope I can survive this. It's been pure hell. I can't believe how much I've been through since August.
Guest lisa72030
At first I thought it was from the testosterone in my bio cream, but now I'm only on progesterone and estrogen only and still getting the feeling. Like everything is being squeezed and intense. Your description of feeling like you will explode is a good one.
gema57497 Guest
Guest gema57497
My periods are about 24 days apart, but not normal, usually more brownish and spotting. Had horrible time leading up to my period this time. Usually it's worse during and week after. I'm down to about three 'just ok' days a month. Truly unbelievable,
jude84900 Guest
Just reading through your postings how you been feeling on your BHRT and oral progesterone. I have been on BHRT for a year and half, have had no problems EXCEPT when I took ORAL progesterone, 200mg. I felt awful and stayed in bed for the day. That was taking one pill. The only oral progesterone I ever took and will be my last. I have never had a issue with progesterone cream 20mg twice a day rubbed on high capillary areas of the body ( back of knees, bottom of feet, chest, inside arms, palms of hands) I am also on testosterone and have never had issue with that. I am more apt to think your issues of not feeling well are coming from your oral progesterone not testosterone. My thoughts.
Guest jude84900
I was very estrogen dominant. My hormone doc thinks I should be on even more progesterone. I have 100mg in my cream and take 200mg oral at night. Did you try compounded oral prog? The oral prog def helps me sleep and it's calmed down the painful huge cysts in my breasts.
jude84900 Guest
Guest jude84900
I've had the flu symptoms long before I started BHRT. It's not stomach flu, it's just an unwell feeling. So I know the progesterone isn't causing it. My doc wants me to take 300mg before bed. I just haven't done it yet. I was having constant spotting before the BHRT, now I'm back to a regular interval although it's about 24 days now and it's not heavy at all. Hardly even red, more brown.
jude84900 Guest
Okay, well just thought I would share my high dose oral progesterone story. Thought it might be what was going on with you. Good luck with your bio hormone journey. For me, I don't regret it for a minute that I got on them. I'm planning to be on them for the rest of my life.
Guest jude84900
I had high hopes that it'd be my miracle cure. It's just not happening yet.
It's two different kinds of estrogen in my cream. Think 5mg. Even though I'm estrogen dominant the doctor said my estrogen isn't what it should be. I was just too low on progesterone. I might rotate the cream with the testosterone soon. I bought a three months supply and don't want all that money to go to waste.
I wonder why the oral progesterone gave you problems?