Backache now.

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Hello ladies yes it's me again moaning. Does anyone else get low back pain that goes into your bottom ? Am trying so hard to cope with all these symptoms and have managed to cut out the terrible headaches in the mornings  - when I say back pain it's more like a deep horrible ache that's much worse at the end of the day like now. Thanks x

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11 Replies

  • Posted

    Yes I get this sometimes. I get it right in the bottom of my butt cheek. Incidentally today I pulled a muscle in my back helping my 2 year old pull up her pants! So I had a little back pain today too.
    • Posted

      Hi - oh it's horrible isn't it, I'm gonna try my heat pad after a bath. It's one thing then another then another..........take care.
  • Posted

    Hi lou

    That sounds like sciatica, you will have a prob with your back somewhere, just from worn joints, and it will trap the sciatic nerve, so, if you rest on it a lot, that will trigger the pain, then you wont get comfy during sleep as it will wake you, so your supposed to move around then,  then when its gone, and you turn all of a sudden, or over do things you will get it again, it may also travel the whole length of your leg and into your foot, ibuprofen when its bad, move when it happens during rest, and rest when it happens during too much exertion, like the garden lou, thats when mine starts.

    • Posted

      Hi ELaine , that's exactly it - I have been feeling shooting nervy pains in the front of my thighs and feet aswell this evening, maybe overdoing things this week as I Havnt had any headaches, and because I havnt had headaches ive been doing some gardening, lots of potting up and stuff - I carried a 60 litre bag of compost up the garden the other day getting too excited with the nicer weather and clearer head so now I'm scared ive done some real damage. For goodnEss sake there's always something to worry about. Just taken ibubrofen and hope it might ease off. Been trying to be healthier with cutting out all the rubbish from diet , been eating nothing but fish, fruit and veg also no caffine - headaches gone but now this. Your right it's worse when resting. X
    • Posted

      dont worry you probs havent done damage, yo may have a worn disc somewhere, or worn pelvic joint, its all down to wear, then when we get the higher temps inside, it inflames the joints and causes a flare up, so then when we exercise it becomes painful, it will go dont worry, your diet seems great, it will help things lou, its worse when resting because you tend to lie on the sciatic nerve, or your worn joints, so we have t shift our position whilst sleeping, or, exercise, but dont over do it. 
    • Posted

      Thanks. Ery much for your kind reassuring words - I do have deep achy feelings in my hips more so on the right when I move my leg out to the side, if ive overdone things do you think it will get better in a while ? Also you're right it's definatly much worse when I sit down, horrible xx
  • Posted

    Yes I do and it is worse on the left side. More of a dull ache and usually worse when I'm sitting down for any time.confused
    • Posted

      Poor you it's horrible like a nagging burning ache, now I have shooting pains in my thighs and feet so have probably done something now carrying too much, Uugghh always something to stress about 😥
  • Posted

    Hi hun. Long time no speak. Yes I have been suffering quite badly with back ache for two months now. It started at ovulation, it was agony, I couldn't sit properly coz it hurt in my bottom too (lovely!!) pain and numbness down my leg and an ache around where (I think) my ovaries are. This disappeared as soon as my period began, only to come back the following ovulation, it hasn't been anywhere near as bad this month and my period isn't due for another 7 or 8 days and its gone completely. I have endometriosis but I'm convinced I've got fibroids and they're/it's pressing on my sciatic nerve x
  • Posted

    Yes. I get this too. (I feel like I get everything every else has). I get during my PMS cycle. Although my cycle has been crazy lately. It is in my left deeper bum muscle and it goes down my leg. I think it is sciatica. 

    I do yoga stretches. Simply ones, and it helps. Like laying down on my tummy, lifting my chest up on my elbows and lifting my face up. (if that makes sense). Then I lay down and pull my knees to my chest, or alternate knees and lay in that stretch for a bit. There are a few videos for lower back pain or sciatica on the net. 

    Or, I will take a painkiller, put heat on my bottom, left buttock. Hope that helps. xx

    • Posted

      Oh poor you it's so awful isn't it, I have shooting pains down my legs I to feet which feels nasty and sickening, I think I've damaged something through carrying a heavy bag of compost up the garden stupidly. .......I can get on the floor but can't get up again because of my damm creaky dodgy knees ! Also when I swing my legs out to the side my hips hurt like hell with deep pain so something's happened - I'll see how it goes xx

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