Bad abdominal pain for two months, all tests have come back normal, I don’t know where to start
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I’m a 24 year old female, about two months ago I very suddenly got severe abdominal pain. I went to the ER and they said my X-rays said I was constipated. I got on laxatives and a few days later I started to feel better, or at least it wasn’t excruciating anymore. I haven’t had any improvement since then, I’ve been taking colace every other day or so, and I honestly don’t seem constipated, I’ve been pretty regular since I used the laxatives that first couple of days.
I went to see a GI doctor and they did a CT scan and an endoscopy, both were normal. I’ve been keeping a detailed food diary and I haven’t found any correlation between what I eat and how bad the pain is. The wait time between appointments is really long, where I live is pretty understaffed. They mentioned IBS-C before the tests, but now when I talked to them they said they weren’t sure if my problem is even Gastro related. They tried me on Bentyl, which I had an immediate adverse reaction to, then when I finally got ahold of them a few weeks later they put me on Levsin, but I haven’t noticed any change. The doctor told me I should go to an OB GYN, but getting an appointment with anyone here in less than at least two weeks is practically unheard of.
The pain isn’t very focused at all, I can’t even really pin point it, it just hurts everywhere in my abdomen. There’s some tenderness, and sometimes I can’t even touch my belly without pain. This is the worst timing, I’m graduating from University in five weeks and I’m trying to do my thesis, but I’m fatigued and haven’t been able to focus on much of anything besides this.
Should I try and work out an OB GYN appointment, is that likely to be connected to my problem? Earlier this year I had an ultrasound to check in ruling out polycyclic ovarian syndrome, because my periods are very irregular, but it’s always been like that, it came back normal too. Or should I try talking to the GI doctor again? Or someone else? My PCP is kind of terrible, I won’t be able to get an appointment with them within the next month or two, assuming I can get them on the phone at all. There’s a health clinic at the school, I think they have a nurse there, I could probably at least get a referral from them. Please help, I’m having a really hard time, I don’t want to have to doctor myself, but I’m having a hard time getting time of day from anyone. I hate living here, I’d drive the six hours back home (a city that’s very well known for its phenomenal medical care,) but my thesis is keeping me at the desk all the time, and now I’m behind.
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frazzled amanda91094
I'd say see OB/GYN. Do you have other symptoms besides pain such as gas, bloating, etc. that may be a sign of a digestive problem other than IBS which is merely an umbrella word that doesn't tell you anything. What type of pain -- stabbing, burning, throbbing, etc? What more can you tell us so we can try to help you.
I am sorry you're suffering. Concerned.
amanda91094 frazzled
I've had a little bit of gas and some really minor bloating. I mentioned it to the doctors but I didn't know if it was because of the colace or not. Before I started on that I was burping a little more often, it felt like I had this weird air pressure/lump in my throat. The endoscopy showed a bit of reflux irritation, that's gotten a lot better recently, they seem to think it's unconnected to the stomach pain. It's really hard to discribe the pain, it just kind of aches a lot I guess. Just a general bad feeling. Moving a lot makes it worse, and any sort of activity that puts strain on my abdominal muscles takes all of my energy very fast. I bake often and using the rolling pin has become next to impossible, and I struggle to stand up that long too. I guess I get a sharp lower pain when I need to use the bathroom. Every so often there will be a sharp pain on either the lower left side, right side, or just above my belly button, but it goes away within an hour or less. When I touch my stomach it's pretty immediately like 'don't do that.' And pressing down to try and locate it better just makes it ache more too.
Thanks for responding, I'll call the OB GYN when they open. I hope this helps clear it up a little. I'm trying to stay positive.
EdEire amanda91094
Get yourself checked for parasites as well. .
Take care.
amanda91094 EdEire
That's so sad. They haven't really said much at all to me. They just briefly said something about IBS or Crohn's, when I was going for the CT scan, but they thought it would come up normal, and it did. The whole process was so fast, I felt pretty left in the dust. At my visit to the ER, I was in NYC for break, they did some really extensive bloodwork that all came back normal as well. I just can't understand healthcare, it really gives off a 'we don't care, alright bye' kind of vibe.
Guest amanda91094
For 5 years I was left housebound with diarrhea, bloating, dizziness, couldn't eat all they could say was they found an infection in my blood tests ( which I still have now, they still don't know the cause )
And my gp said I was mental and sectioned me.
Only, turns out the hospital diagnosed me 4 years ago and many people were in contact with my gp to tell her I have real issues she ignored it and is now being sued by me. They don't care. Apparently like 2 or 3 people had phoned her to check I was on medication and she said yes everytime the only reason I've been diagnosed was I complained and turns out I was diagnosed with allsorts and never treated.
Rant over- ibs buy some buscopan, I have adhesions and the Dr's are unsure if my ovaries are OK or not but basically my periods I can't get out of bed I just lay there being sick. Apparently I have adhesions joining all that together so every time it contracts it knocks me sick. And the other side of it is where it's joined my bowel together anytime it holds poop and then I go toilet it drags alllll that scar tissue down and is HELL. They aren't sure about my periods but try buscopan I don't have ibs and it's godsend really
pippa58442 amanda91094