Bad Day today
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having a terrible day today...went out for the first time in ages to a pub on Friday night for pizza and made the mistake of having 1 glass of wine this then started my reflux up and by today even though taking meds it hurts...then I am walking around Costco with hubby and he says oh look they have turkeys on sale do you want to get one for thanksgiving which I replied no why it's only us and walked away (all our kids live in Ontario while we are in BC) so we continue on and I feel myself getting very down by the time we get to the check out poor hubby says " what's wrong you don't look very happy" well I keep it together until we are through checking out and on our way out of the store I can't look at anyone because I am so close to tears it's incredible ...we get to the car and I lost it crying for I don't know what reason poor hubby is trying to be so understanding and says "what can do " which sets me off again I told him you can't do anything It's Menopause I hate it and I don't know why I'm crying I just am. This sucks being this way again after all this time 9 years post hope this ride is over soon.
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elizabeth38734 paisleygirl
Bless your heart. I totally feel for you. I am so emotional at times throughout this whole peri/menopause experience. I think it helps to think of yourself just kind of riding up and over waves of sadness, irritation, agitation, helplessness, whatever emotion may be coming at you. Know in the moment that it is a temporary feeling and only a feeling and then just let yourself experience it and wait for the seas to calm until you feel more even keel again. I think a lot of the overwhelming emotions we're dealing with right now are similar to that teenage angst we all dealt with decades ago. But now we're adults so we should take advantage of the wisdom we've gained in life and the wisdom of other women and just relax and be gentle with ourselves. This too shall pass. Take care.
paisleygirl elizabeth38734
thanks Elizabeth you are so right I keep trying to tell myself that but in weak moments I just cry that helps too. I'm so tired of having all these horrible things going on I thought I'd be passed this at 60 but have found out that's not the case I still have a while to go I will try to focus on one day at a time for now.
colleen90305 paisleygirl
paisleygirl colleen90305
thanks yes it's so hard sometimes I never knew it would be like this at this age I guess I though once the periods were gone everything else went too that's not the case so I have to just look ahead and know better days are coming ...sorry for all women having to deal with all of this at least coming to this forum does help a bit by letting us know we are not alone in our struggles
michelle_79406 paisleygirl
paisleygirl michelle_79406
michelle_79406 paisleygirl
At least someone can smile ,when all else are in tears 😀😀😀
Did I see a comment that you were 60.
I'm with my hubby since I'm 17 too, I'm in my 40 s . But by far any thing hormonal he runs a mile,, 😩😩😩😩😩 looks at me like I have 10 heads , when I'm up and down.mbut strangely enough my 21 Year old son spots things a mile off,and has for a few years and would pass a joke about things but lately his jokes would be menopause jokes , and a big hug from him, he will do some woman proud he is such a charmer, I used to think it was the older way my hubby was brought up that had him not talking about anything like that but then I thought , hold on here he wouldn't be shy about looking for his little bit😜😜, so he picks and chooses what he wishes to know about , so again I really could borrow yours for that ,😜😀
paisleygirl michelle_79406
Hi Michelle yes turned 60 in July hubby is 59 he is a very caring guy I'm lucky for sure he'll be the first to admit he doesn't understand but he believes that menopause should be taken more seriously by doctors because he knows me so well and sees what I have gone through all these years ..I can only hope my sons will be like him when their wives need it ...I'm keeping a menopause journal of my journey for my daughter so that she can know what I dealt with maybe it will help her a little when its her turn she just turned 38
michelle_79406 paisleygirl
Excellent idea . Keepin the journal. But I keep thinking from 40 to 60 odd. Omg. You would only be waiting for the stage in your life to be period free.
Little did we know the ride from hell we would have to take to get there 😩😩😩😩😩🍟