Bad dreams
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Hi everyone Although I'm trying to cut down etc and make my life better which I am , I'm suffering the most terrible nitemares !!
Since I moved to my new house last August I've had the most terrible dreams ! Has anybody experienced sleep paraylsis ?? I've researched this as have experienced this before but recently in this house I have periods where its terrible ! Last night was awful but I coped better because I knew what was happening , although awful ! . I dont want to explain exaclty what happens because I dont want people thinking of this before they sleep . Just wondered if this was linked to drinking ?? I think this is perhaps linked to psychosis ?? I'm worried . I drink a bottle of wine a night , sometimes more but not normally and have done for 15 years . There is a family history of alcohol addiction plus mental health in my family ! Any advice would be great thanks xx
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BK522 rainbow2014
I also dream about people criticising my drinking, my boyfriend breaking up with me over it, or work saying it's not acceptable. Also the obligatory dreams were I embarrass myself via drinking - being brutally honest here, dreaming I've p*ssed the bed is often, always relived to wake up and know it's just a dream - although I've been there in reality admittedly, mortifying.
I do get bad cramps in my legs though and terrible sweats. But never sleep paralysis, I have watched a documentary, sounds utterly terrifying, I have trouble sleeping anyway so being a victim to that would be absolutely detrimental to my sleep.
Have you spoke to your GP? I know when I asked for sleeping tablets it was an absolute no because of my drinking history - also because I once tried an overdose of tablets in 2012 (but that's another story altogether)
Maybe anxiety could be playing a part in your sleep paralysis due to your move? Your GP would be best to consult as they know your history.
Hope this helps, much luck to you.
shelley04506 rainbow2014
I suffer with really vivid dreams wether I was drinking or not, also nightmares. I did notice my nightmares were worse if I hadn't drank and put it down to withdrawals of some sort. I have never suffered with the paralysis though thankfully. My husband has woke me in the past due to me screaming and crying in my sleep. May be worth while seeing your GP?!
BK522 rainbow2014
Bad dreams for me would be, dreaming people are criticising my drinking, including work, or boyfriend splitting up with me during my heavy drinking.
I dream I've drank more than I actually have, often. Such as I think I've drank two bottles of wine and can't drive to work even though I've only drank one.
I also have the obligatory dream were I embarrass myself through drinking... Being completely honest here I often have a dream of wetting the bed and I'm relived to wake up and find this isn't the case - although in the past this has been reality, mortifying.
(This is where I think my post got moderated, I used a word beginning with P in relation to wetting the bed)
I too drink a bottle of wine a night, often more. Sleep paralysis I have no experience of - but I have read about it and watched a good few documentaries and it sounds terrifying.
I'm a terrible sleeper myself, I've been the doctors for sleeping tablets but due to my drinking history and mental health issues it's an absolute no, due to risk of overdose.
Perhaps your increased sleep problems could be due to anxiety due to your move? I think it's best speaking to your GP who knows your history and would be better equipped to advise you for some relief of such a terrible syndrome.
Good luck and much love.
I have had it direct from the moderators that p*ss is acceptable.
Sober_As BK522
Did you use the word ...starting with P...then ending with "ish"?
Funny how these things matter in my Insomniac World.
Alonangel 🎇
P.S. I hope you are doing well, BK522. 😀
ADEfree rainbow2014
It would be a good thing to talk to your doc about, especially if you're currently using any medications (or just started a new one). It might be helpful to aim for getting past REM sleep, down into "slow wave" sleep too, so you can get the quality of sleep you need along with the length.
Misssy2 rainbow2014
I know this is going to sound like I am a WHACK job....BUT...who cares..LOL.
Do they have insence in the UK? They are sticks that you burn that smell like different scents....If you can find one that is "sage"...burn the house (prefrebaly in the area you sleep).....and it rids bad "forces".
shelley04506 Misssy2
Misssy2 shelley04506
shelley04506 Misssy2
I will reply to you all individually soon
Many thanks again xx
Misssy2 rainbow2014
For used to be a good distraction and an opportunity to see people that have lost much more than myself...etc..their health, homes, jobs...etc....