Bad Dreams in Peri
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Hellooo Friends
Anyone of u having bad dreams in Peri....scary dreams about family health or friends health..these days i am having very strange dreams whenever i sleep.. i get up with strange thoughts in mind and full day i think about them and feel sad and worried.
when i get up from bed in morning i donot feel fresh .
Is it also because of Harmones or something else.
Plzz Help
I am too much worried from these strange scary dreams.
Any tip to have peaceful sleep ?
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juanita93228 sunaina1983
I too have strange dreams. Mine may be due to a medication I'm on. My mother used to tell me to turn your dreams around and make them positive. In other words if you dream about the death of someone turn it around to that person living and the death may be that person trying to rid themselves of a bad habit. Dying to the habit and becoming alive to the new habit.
I don't know your beliefs, but I have a Bible meditation app on my phone that I listen to right before bed. Be blessed and try not to worry. π€π
sunaina1983 juanita93228
Sooo nice advice try to turn ur dream around good things..thanks dear will try .
Dear i believe in God and now start doing prayers before going to bed
Thanks for reply
shylee sunaina1983
hi sunaina
i too have very realistic dreams and nightmares... im not sure though if its from peri or the medication im on for peri symptoms. even last night i woke up freaking out and checking there was no one else in my bed then i woke up freaking i was pregnant with 5 babies. I have large mirror doors opposite bed and really freaked when i saw a large round lump under the covers. it looked like i was massivly pregnant, then realised my knees were were bent up under the covers...... phewwww
sunaina1983 shylee
me too having very strange dreams and full day i keep analzing them and feel sad and depressed .
sometimes in dreams i scare by some things..
I think its too because of harmones fluctuations ..
hoping for better days
shylee sunaina1983
Yes I think you are right, It really only started to this extent since going through peri.
Hope you find something soothing that might help ease the types of dreams you have at least. Perhaps a soothing tea before bed or relaxing scent in the room, lavender if you can tolerate it
Good Luck
sunaina1983 shylee
Thanks dear
Tought phase of life it is..
hope it will over soon
ampat1 sunaina1983
hi Sunaina
yes I believe this is peri related. I also have some nights when I wake up from scary bizarre dreams. My mind is occupied with peri anxiety which definitely disturbs my sleep, then these scary dreams on top of that. I have been trying to keep my mind occupied with positive thoughts during day time and keep feeding positive thoughts, it's slowly but surely helping my sleep. I agree with what others said, try to relax your mind before going to bed, meditate, listen to calm music, or read a book. we'll get through this, just have to be extra nice and kind to ourselves during this delicate phase of ourselves.
sunaina1983 ampat1
ur right dear
Thanks for tipsπ
pinkcatfairy sunaina1983
When i went into surgical menopause i remember having really scary dreams for a while! I put it down to the hormones at the time and they did stop in the end!
sunaina1983 pinkcatfairy
Nice to know they stopped dear
Hoping for better days
Thanks for reply
Have a nice weekend