bad Insomnia/wird sleep patterns what to do?
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Hi ladies. It looks like I need advice for yet another one of these horrible perimenopause symptoms.
A month ago I started having very bad anxiety/health anxiety, worry about my heart and terrible insomnia. I always had the anxiety on and off but last month they escalated to unbearable hights. I went to a naturopathic doctor and she gave me a very expensive practitioner's only brand of pills that have many good vitamins and plants, black cohosh, St John's wort, Kudzu, calcium, B vitamins,folic acid. For sixty dollars a continer (a month's supply), I felt really good with my anxiety. They calmed me down, my health anxiety was dormant and I felt energised and stronger.I still do actually, given the circumstances. Alas, they did nothing at all for my insomnia. Nothing, nada, nix. I can fall asleep easily but wake up after 3 hours every night, without fail and just can 't get back to sleep. I twist and turn for a couple of hours, I sleep again for another hour or two, a sleep full of weird, vivid dreams, sometimes nightmares, sometimes plain weird and that's it. What makes it harder is that I have to wake up at 5 every morning to go to work. I am asleep by 10, wake up at 1 stay awake till 3,sleep again until 4-5 and then it s time to wake up. Sometimes I get so frustrated that I have panic/anxiety attacks when I wake up. Most of the times I just try to relax. I have tried listening to meditations, do deep breathing, nothing really works. Surprisingly enough I do not feel as exshausted as one would expect, I think it's the very expensive pills at work but hey, I can't go on like this for ever. I need to regain my six hours of undisturbed sleep back.
Any experiences, advice, suggestions much appreciated. I will buy magnesium citrate and triptophane, I am already taking L theanine and rhodiola. I don't drink coffee, my diet is generally clean and I exercise 3-4 times a week. I will NOT go down the sleeping pills road and I don' t want to take hormones be it bioidentical or not. Have any of you been there? What did you do to battle your insomnia? Did it work? Does anything work after all?
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Lotti1966 synaesthAsia
Nothing has worked for me. I'm so tired. Same pattern as you.
synaesthAsia Lotti1966
I am really sorry to hear that Lotti. How long have you had the insomnia? Have you also tried sleeping pills and pharmaceuticals or like me only natural remedies? Lets hope and pray that somehow our hormones will stabilise so we can get some sleep every now and then. It's horrible when I feel so tired and yet I can t fall asleep
jackie33067 synaesthAsia
I've tried every natural solution and nothing worked, so I eventually accepted that I needed medication. Getting a good night's sleep is worth it to me.
natallia04776 synaesthAsia
Hi Asia! I'm the same and here in England you will not get sleeping tablets .I have been like that for a year now. Very tired most of the time. I am 43. Health anxiety is very bad. Thinking of Cancer all the time. Nothing can be simple straight away Cancer. 😕feel awful.
synaesthAsia natallia04776
I know how you are feeling Natalia. I suffer from very bad health anxiety too. Sometimes it's heart, sometimes cancer... Insomnia doesn t make it better. Our brain keeps creating thoughts and scenarios and sleep deprived as we are our thought patterns are completeley out of wack.
Fortunately, I live in Bangkok and there's different health options around (for a price of cource). I am booked to see a wholistic integrative medicine doctor, who will perform a full body scan. I am interested in the function of my thyroid. The more I read about it, the more I think that there might be issues there (my health anxious mind keeps saying thyroid cancer) my rational self tries to quiet this voice.
Have you done any tests? I wish you the best. If i find the elixir of peaceful mind and peaceful sleep I will share the knowledge. it feels like the quest for the holly grail sometimes...
natallia04776 synaesthAsia
Yes. Checked all ladies staff - clear, blood test -good, checked level of all Vitamins British, D, Zinc - all up to standard. Thyroid is fine 😕 .
Even my smear test came back and it's normal. I don't think I need to check anything else 😂 may be my head 😢.
I feel stressed but if I am busy I don't think about bad back and my body.
Need to be busy and try to enjoy life.